
Hey Salem, hope you’re okay! Just wanted to pop in to say hi, also that I’m glad you’ve taken a break from tumblr. Both for your mental health and for ours. I think the discourse really drained a certain life in our side of tumblr, and it would be dishonest to say you didn’t have a hand in it. Granted some of the things you voiced were fair, but I perceived other things you spoke to be more than just about educating the other party. Frankly, I believe you enjoyed humiliating/distressing other users, and that couldn’t have been healthy! It’s been so long since I’ve logged onto this app, but I’ve been going around sending some of the older blogs well wishes. Thought I’d pop bye and send one to you. I hope you’re receiving clarity on the outside world!

Bye, take care. 💌


who even is this


you literally aren’t old in your twenties idk who decided that but it’s bullshit. youre not even an adult until youre 18, what, do you have a 4-5 year window to (legally) do shit you couldn’t even do before and then you’re old and running out of time? you’re supposed to get your the tattoos and be done going to clubs or using tinder by the age of 25? that’s insane. you like just started

“You’re old by 25”

No you’re a fresh adult by then. Your frontal lobe doesn’t mature til around 26. If you’re in your early 20s you’re literally just a juvenile human adult and the thing you think is “getting old” is actually maturing in the first memorable life shift you have after puberty.

The reason society pushes you to think that your prime is in your early 20s is because you are a ripe mix of “able to buy things” and “highly susceptible to manipulation” because you are both legally deemed an adult at 18 but also quite close to childhood (reminder: teens are children).

Capitalism loves how easy it is to whip you into a fervor over your identity and aim that at consumerism. At no other time in your life will you be so irresponsible (this is not a dig, you shouldn’t be expected to be super responsible at this stage), unprotected, manipulable by peer pressure, impressionable and impulsive. It tells you that being alive is a out being young and youth dies at 25 so you’d better hurry up and do all that cool stuff right now! Quick! Incidentally it all costs money! But hurry up and exhaust yourself before you’re too old!

….too old to fall for their shit anymore. That’s what they mean by “old”. Older. Wiser.

God, willing, your lifespan goes way beyond 30. You’re just getting started and they’re trying to convince you it’s over before you’re experienced enough to see through the bullshit.

Don’t fall for it.


zeke jeager ✕ daddy

contains ; f!reader , age gap , daddy kink , spit , sweet degradation , size difference / kink , possessive!zeke , slight virgin / corruption kink .
word count ; 1059 .
note ; porn with no plot . for my favorite walking red flag <3

every time I see LGBTQ discourse I think about that post that said masc cis lesbians get kicked out of bathrooms as cruelly as trans people do so why the fuck are some lesbians transphobic , and I think about how homophobes won’t check for your sexuality before calling us slurs and I think about how my local dyke March considers anyone who identifies as a dyke a dyke because fuck rainbow capitalism we are here to fight for our lives and I think about how my best friends are bisexual and I think about how lesbians have been loving each other in ways that the gender binary has never been able to understand(and never will) and I think about that post that says the worst thing the right did was convince queer people other queer people were the enemy


“sex scenes have no narrative purpose” is such a funny take on so many levels. people will really believe that the whole human experience is valuable to portray artistically except sex, which of course has never held emotional weight or significance for anybody

“what’s the purpose of sex scenes in media??” well you see sometimes people have sex. sometimes it can be important even

yeah ok but i dont wanna watch straight sex scene number 1231234837582 in the middle of some movie thats clearly not fucking high art or anything, like please, tell me how the sex scene made jason X a deeper movie ill wait

you genuinely think that “the sex scene in Jason X, the movie about jason from Friday the 13th killing people in space, is bad” is a rebuttal to this point? like genuinely? genuinely? like you think that’s the kind of sex scene I was talking about in the original post? you think when I’m talking about the artistic merit of sex scenes in movies you think I’m talking about the bit with the dominatrix in Jason X (2001) dir. James Isaac, the movie where Jason from Friday the 13th gets put in cryosleep and wakes up in the future on a spaceship where he starts killing people in outer space? you genuinely think this is the kind of movie and scene I’m referring to when I’m arguing for the potential artistic value of a type of scene? Jason X? Jason X? the one with Jason on a spaceship? you think that “well Jason X, the movie about Jason on a spaceship killing people in space, is bad” is a rebuttal to my point? Jason X? Jason X? J


THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO LEFT SOMETHING NICE ON THAT LIL SNIPPET!! it's been deleted now coz i'm #insecure but 🥺🥺 it's so reassuring to know that so many of you liked it


Imagine if Tumblr had signatures like forums used to

that would b wild


💋XoXoXo Light Yagami is Life XoXoXo💋

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