
Ecstatic Sims

@ecstaticsims / ecstaticsims.tumblr.com

kim, twenty, montreal
Here’s a random gift from me because I realized I neglect my followers. Hopefully you guys like these females because I’ve loved them in my game and helping me carve my current style. Anyways, this is Jessica Aldrich and Chelsea Grim. Both young adult females.

Download either: Mega

Download includes their skin, contacts, and their .sim files. If you want to know where their piercings are just send me an ask. Enjoy!

TS4>TS3 conversions, lots of lovely stuff created by Viviansims 

The only CAST-able thing is the glass states in the last couple of objects, sorry!

*there is a black line that appears in the animal pillows when you zoom out to a good distance. I did my best to move the mapping around but it hasn’t gone away that much, just letting you know so if it bothers you you can delete it.

(P.S. a heartfelt thank you to all the TS4 creators that I have been asking about their TOU, all have been very kind & helpful :3)


100 Followers Gift Part 2

I hope everyone had an awesome mother’s day yesterday ^c^ I officially reached 100 followers and for the occasion I made a couple poses for the little ones :D Not much else to say but thank you sooooo much for following me and supporting me with my poses/hair c: Have a great day everyone and keep simming <3

Do not upload my creations to paid sites

Do not claim these poses as your own


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