
Another MADD blog


17, enby, pan. Any pronouns. Feel free to PM me. I’ll end up liking/replying from my main.

Ok weird question but do any other madders have a para who doesn’t really exist in any paracosms but they can talk to or *be* in the real world? Is that what a verit is?

Yes!!! Those paras are some of my favs tbh


People dont talk about the negatives of madd enough

Everyone just think its QUirkY disorder, where you have fun all the time with your uwu paras

Like?? What about the trauma that causes it? Intrusive daydreams that traumatize and re-traumatize you? Feet bleeding, shit knees, tinnitus, no friends or connections, lost in life, social anxiety, depression, executive dysfunction that comes with it cause you cant get anything done you daydream so much, bpd that usually comes with it, dissociation symptoms, feeling like you don't have an identity or personality, feeling disconnected from the world around you and yourself, even your hands and face, feeling numb or apathetic, etc...

Like, its a dissociative DISORDER for a reason??

Thank you for coming to my ted talk.


Me: extremely stressed, way too many assessments next week, desperately trying to get into college

My MADD: right but :) what if :) instead of being productive :) we just daydreamed :) for hours on end :) and then felt extremely guilty afterwards :)?????

More than 5 assessments in this coming week and my dumb brain wants to daydream instead of actually be productive. I sat down to do work earlier today and ended up just staring at my wall for an hour. Sigh


Lately my paras have been randomly popping up whenever I’m about to do something that’s is ~bad~ and it’s super helpful bc then I’m 1.) distracted and 2.) it kinda snaps me back into reality and helps me to not do the thing. Ya know?

MADD is my mental support disorder and I am simply not ready to let rhat go

Like at some point I’d consider recovery but no


me trying to figure out how i’m going to explain a problem to my therapist without bringing up my madd

EXACTLY like I really have to do some deep thinking on how to bring things up without bringing up MADD

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