



SPIRIT GUIDE SPREAD - For those moments when you feel a presence that is new to you


  • Tigers eye
  • Jasper
  • Lapis lazuli 
  • Obsidian 
  • Clear Quartz 

Bird Symbolism

So I was looking out my window and saw two birds and the idea of making a list of symbolism associated with types of birds came to mind. My mom always taught me if you see an animal -especially if they are doing something out of the ordinary- you should take it as an omen. So here’s a list of some basic birds, some of the associations are personal but I hope you like it!

Blue Jay-the truth will be revealed, high energy, playfulness, clarity and communication.

Cardinal-hope, joy, good health, some associate them with angels or deceased love ones, passion and warmth.

Crow-often associated with magic and witches, transformation, power, intelligence and mystery. 

Duck-friendships, new friends, happiness, good fortune and protect against negative energies “water off a ducks back” :)

Dove-peace, harmony, joy, love, might be telling you to break away from a toxic situation, think positive, often associated with Aphrodite or Jesus or Angels

Eagle-power, leadership, freedom, adventure, breaking free.

Hawk- common as spirit guides, courage, protection, and awareness. 

Hummingbird- I adore hummingbirds and often associate them with faeries. Creativity, joy, love and beauty. Can be a sign that you are moving too fast in life and need to take a break.

Magpie-Magpies represent duality because seeing them can be really good or really bad, I know it’s confusing :/ Seeing a magpie can be a good luck omen and new oppurtunities will appear. They also represent illusion and trickery, maybe someone is being a two-faced friend to you. 

Owl- wisdom, associated with the goddess Athena, intuition, spiritual exploration, change, observation and intelligence.

Raven- associated with the nordic god Odin, mystery, magic, fae magic, knowledge, mischieve, and can be seen as a death omen (but can also mean change) 

Robin- luck, prosperity, good things will happen, joy and your hard work will soon be rewarded. 

Sparrow- associated with Aphrodite, new love and relationships, fertility, team work, time of productivity and stop procrastinating.

Stork-long life, prosperity, fertility, new life, wisdom, take time to relax, motherhood and luck.

Swan- also associated with Aphrodite and Apollo, gracefulness, beauty, music, poetry, creativity, loyalty, and long lasting relationships.

Vulture-death, cleaning up other people’s messes, renewal, patient, use your resources and be perceptive.

Woodpecker- hard work, take advantage of new oppurtunities, attention, progress and determination.

Tip! If you are repeatedly seeing a certain animal or have a strong liking to an animal it could be a way a spirit guide is trying to get your attention (or that animal is just really common in your area lol )


Spirit work: How To Find Your Spirit Guides

Your spirit guides are very powerful entities that have been watching over you, and are ever present in your life even, if you do not have a relationship with them yet. These beings are specifically connected to you, because you chose each other before you were even born into this incarnation. Everyone has a spirit guide, and a guardian angel. Finding them, and learning how to interact, and communicate with them can greatly improve every single facet of your life through the simple act of their presence. Some people may find it hard to find their spirit guides, others will find it very easy, it all depends on if you are ready to know them, or not. There are many ways to go about finding your spirit guides, if you are ready to go searching for them. Any of these methods am about to share with you can help you find them, but it is also important to use your insight, and introspection to verify your experiences.

Things that can help you find your spirit guides:

Just knowing that they exist:

Just to the act of simply acknowledging that they exist will allow you to start building a connection with them. You will start to see their influences in the world, and all of the things that they do for you, that you might not have been previously aware of. Allowing for you to meet them, and to get to know them not through a direct meeting, but through there actions in your life.

Asking them to appear, and to be ever-present:

This will show them that you are ready to have them in your life. Just like the previous method, it will open you up to experience what they do in your life already. After you ask them to be more present in your life, you should look out for signs of them acting in your life.


Through the act of meditation one can find their spirit guides by using their spiritual senses to perceive them. To do this all you will really need to do it enter a meditative state, open your third eye, and call to them. They should come to you, and show you their presence, and once they do you guys can begin your communication, and learning of each other. This meeting is most likely going to happen in your sacred space, or astral temple, and is going to rely heavily on your sixth sense’s ability to pick up spiritual constructs.


Divination can be a very useful tool when trying to communicate with anything so why not your Spirit guides. All you need to do is get some form of divination method of your choice, and ask your spirit guides to answer through it. Then simply begin asking questions to it as normal, and they will answer through the act of your divination tools. This will allow you to communicate with them, and get to know them better. This is a very good method, especially when you can not get into a meditative state, or when you do not have a complete grasp of using your sixth sense abilities.


If you know how to lucid dream, you can always call out for them in your dreams and they will appear to you there.  If you cannot lucid dream, you can always ask your spirit guides to appear to you in your dreams before you go to bed, and they may come to you and your dreams. That’s all there really is to it.

Astral projection:

Astral projection can be quite helpful, when trying to communicate with any entity this also includes your spirit guides. all you have to do is astral projecting and you will be able to find your Spirit guides on the astral plane and communicate with them.

Shadow Work
Origins, Meaning and Utility

The Structure of the Mind

Carl Jung theorized the existence of three levels/spheres in the human psyche: the Ego, representing the conscious mind, the Personal Unconscious where memories are contained and the Collective Unconscious, where all knowledge and experiences of the species are shared.

Each Sphere has in it a certain number of Archetypes, used to better describe the components of those structures, and the Shadow is one of them.

What is the Shadow

The shadow can be seen as a instinctual or primitive part of ourselves, it exists as part of the unconscious mind and is composed of repressed ideas, weaknesses, desires, instincts, and shortcomings.

It is this archetype that contains all of the things that are unacceptable not only to society, but also to one's own personal morals and values, normally going against social norms and rules as well as what we personally consider right.

The Shadow is often described as the darker side of the psyche, representing wildness, chaos, and the unknown, and it is common for people to deny this element of their own psyche and instead project it on to others.

The Shadow in Witchcraft and Benefits of Shadow Work

Art: Unknown

The Shadow, in witchcraft, can represent The Unknown, hidden depth of ourselves. Speaking in terms of energy, this is an area that can be a deep source of energetic issues, because it’s locked up in the dark and always striving to reach the light.

To not work with one’s Shadow is to make it greedy and aggressive, as well as denying a big part of oneself, making everything a half of a whole.

Through that brief explanation, we can already establish the importance and role of the Shadow in witchcraft, and with that in mind, comes the concept of Shadow Work.

Shadow Work can be seen in a number of practices, meditation, trances, inner journey’s, lucid dreaming, astral travels, spells and divination.

The method can change, but the principle is simple: Centering your intent to self discovery, self knowledge and self acceptance.

Working with one’s Shadow is not only beneficial to one’s craft, as it allows one to get in touch with their intuition as well as allows for easier connection with one’s guide/guides, but it also allows for healing and acceptance of one’s feelings and needs.

Think of all aspects of life as a wheel. If there is one part bent, the wheel can turn, but with more effort. If the owner spends time fixing that bent part, the wheel will turn in a much more smooth manner.

That is what happens when you take the time to do Shadow Work, you have to put in effort, and most of the time it’s not easy, but once done, all other components on the wheel of your life will be relieved to move on without that obstacle that makes their job harder.

The Shadow is not evil, as evil is just a moral compass invented by humans. It is a part of one’s nature, and to deny it is to supress a connection with yourself.

Take the time to know and accept your shadow, and you’ll see that life will be a little easier.


A Natureza da psique (Structure & Dynamics of the Psyche) by C.G. Jung
The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious by C.G. Jung


{Art by Julia Nikita}

The sabbats are holidays celebrated throughout the year on solstices, equinoxes, and the midpoints between them. These sabbats form the Wheel of the year.

There is a controversy surrounding the dates of these holidays, as people celebrate them all over the earth, not only in the northen hemisphere but in the southern too. 

One viewpoint is that the Sabbats should be celebrated as they were originally created to be… in other words, Samhain is October 31st, regardless of where you live. In the Southern Hemisphere, even though you are just gearing up to summer on October 31st, this perspective says that you celebrate the cleansing and releasing, the honouring of the dead just as you would if you lived in the Northern Hemisphere. The other viewpoint (the one I personally agree with) is that you should celebrate when you feel like the season corresponds with the holiday, in other words, your craft, your rules. So if you live in the southern hemisphere, you have the choice.

I’ll be writing the dates for each holiday starting with the northen hemisphere and then the dates that many people celebrate them in the southern hemisphere


{December 21st//June 21st}

Yule focuses on rebirth and renewal as the sun makes its way back to the earth. It’s all about new beginnings, reflection and embracing warmth. Much like Christmas, many celebrate with a feast, gift giving, being cosy and appreciating the good.

↟Nature: cedar, frankincense, myrrh, mistletoe, pine, birch, ivy.

↟Foods//flavours: ginger, cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg, wintergreen, apple, dried fruit.

↟Stones: citrine, ruby, garnet, alexandrite, green tourmaline.

↟Activities: decorate your altar with incense associated with Yule, burn ash wood for prosperity, bake using Yule flavours like ginger or cinnamon, make wreathes to hang around the house, spend time with loved ones.


{February 1st//August 1st}

Imbolc focuses on celebrating the nature that is preparing to grow and renewal, also known as “candlemas” and the “Feast of Pan”.

↟Nature: basil, blackberry, heather, celandine, iris, wisteria, vanilla, bay, yellow and white flowers.

↟Foods//flavours: pumpkin and sunflower seeds, poppy seeds, peppers, onions, spices, and herbal teas.

↟Stones: amethyst, bloodstone, garnet, ruby, onyx.

↟Activities: decorate with candles and sun decorations, go hiking, have a bonfire, bake foods with poppy seeds, and burn any leftover winter herbs.


{March 21st//September 21st}

Ostara focuses on manifesting creativity and love. As the days become longer, energy becomes stronger.

↟Nature: ash, alder, daffodil, honeysuckle, narcissus, primrose, violet, jasmine.

↟Foods//flavours: olives, maple syrup, honey, edible flowers, chocolate, pine nuts, nettle or lavender tea, local fruits and vegetables.

↟Stones: amethyst, rose quartz, moonstone.

↟Activities: gardening and planting seeds, bake breads with olives or honey for example, start new projects, talk to plants, do some painting, decorate with wildflowers.


{May 1st//November 1st}

Beltane focuses on fertility, love and abundance. Also known as “may day”, on this sabbat many celebrate with dancing, bonfires and many high energy activities, including enjoying themselves sexually with a partner or even conceiving children.

↟Nature: frankincense, lilac, ivy, marigold, woods, rose, thyme, mint, yarrow.

↟Foods//flavours: oats, leafy greens, fruits, breads, honey.

↟Stones: malachite, amber, fire opal, red jasper.

↟Activities: dance, decorate with florals and symbols of the sea, go to the beach, go hiking, have a bonfire, feast on fruits, vegetables and grains, laugh and let your hair down. And if you’re trying to conceive or simply would like to have sex, Beltane is a wonderful time to do so.


{June 21st//December 21st}

Litha focuses on growth and celebrating the longest day of the year and the sun, before the shorter days begin.

↟Nature: fern, yarrow, sage, rose, oak, mugwort, lavender, chamomile, myrrh, pine.

↟Foods//flavours: herbed bread, honey, sunflower seeds, iced herbal tea, lemon, vanilla.

↟Stones: lapis lazuli, amethyst, malachite, tiger’s eye.

↟Activities: make or buy a sun catcher, surround yourself with warm tones, watch the sunrise and sunset, make sun water, spend time outdoors, make use of herbs.


{August 2nd//February 2nd}

Lammas, or lughnasadh focuses on celebrating the first of the three harvesting sabbats and taking time to really feel the positivity in different aspects of life.

↟Nature: cornstalks, heather, acacia flowers, hollyhock, oak leaves, wheat, myrtle, spices.

↟Food//flavours: grainy bread, corn, potatoes, nuts, blackberries, wine.

↟Stones: amber, agate, citrine, clear quartz, obsidian, tiger’s eye.

↟Activities: bake bread, make corn dolls, visit a sunflower field, spend time in nature, acknowledged what you are grateful for, journal.


{September 21st//March 21st}

Mabon focuses on honouring the change of the seasons, balance and peace.

↟Nature: sage, pine, marigold, thistle, acorns, milkweed, oak leaves, myrrh.

↟Food//flavours: cinnamon, nuts, beans, dark fruits, pies, soup, butterscotch.

↟Stones: citrine, carnelian, clear quartz, sapphire, yellow agate.

↟Activities: collect pine cones, donate food and old clothes, meditate, dry herbs, spend time with loved ones, speak to the nature around you.


{October 31st-November 1st//April 30th-May 1st}

Samhain focuses on celebrating life, and honouring those who are no longer with us.

↟Nature: heather, sage, pumpkins, straw, flax, patchouli, myrrh.

↟Foods//flavours: apples, cider, pumpkin, pies, soups, stews, potatoes, ginger.

↟Stones: amber, black obsidian, fossils, onyx, sandstone, bloodstones.

↟Activities: honour the deceased, spend time with family, make a hearty comforting meal, make or buy a scarecrow, spend time practicing divination.

𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐝𝐨 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐬𝐚𝐛𝐛𝐚𝐭

↟Do a tarot reading relevant to that sabbat.

↟Spend time in the moonlight, charging your crystals and tarot cards, as well as meditating.

↟Bake something using at least one traditional food of that sabbat to share with others.

↟Sage cleanse your living space and any of your magickal items.

↟Write down how you’re feeling and how you’d like to feel in the weeks to come.


Dream Work Correspondences Masterpost


  • Agate: induces dreams, prevent nightmares
  • Albite: dreams, lucid dreaming, astral projection
  • Amethyst: vivid dreams, prevents insomnia, prevents nightmares, dream divination
  • Ametrine: helps to understand dreams
  • Angel Phantom Quartz: general dream work, lucid dreaming, angel communication, prevents nightmares
  • Angelite: astral projection
  • Benitoite: astral travel
  • Black Tourmaline: induces sleep, prevents nightmares
  • Blue Apatite: dreams that will help solve problems creatively, induce happy dreams
  • Blue Calcite: astral travel, induces dreams
  • Bustamite: induces dreams
  • Calcite: induces dreams
  • Chrysoprase: peaceful sleep, prevents nightmares
  • Clear Quartz: induce dreams, astral travel, dream recall, vivid dreams
  • Danburite: induces sleep, lucid dreaming
  • Dioptase: vivid dreams
  • Dream Quartz: dream enhancement, dream divination, healing dreams, prevents nightmares, past life work via dreams, dream manifestation, astral travel
  • Emerald: general dreamwork, prevents nightmares
  • Fluorite: protection during sleep, prevents nightmares, promotes deep sleep
  • Garnet: induces dreams
  • Goshenite: induces dreams
  • Green Jade: general dream work, dream divination, dream recall
  • Hemimorphite: entering the dream state, dream divination and visions, angel and spirit communication in sleep and dreams
  • Herkimer Diamond: general dream work, astral travel, induces dreams, vivid dreams, lucid dreaming, dream recall
  • Holley Blue Agate: general dreamwork
  • Iolite: aids with sleep disorders, induces sleep, astral projection
  • Jet: astral projection, protection in sleep
  • Labrodite: astral travel, vivid dreams, aids in dream interpretation
  • Lazulite: general dream work, astral travel, dream recall, lucid dreaming
  • Lepidolite: aids with sleep disorders, prevents nightmares, prevents confusion in dreams
  • Malachite: prevent nightmares, halts repeating nightmares, dream recall, induce sleep
  • Moldavite: entering dream state, dream messages, vivid dreams, enhancing dream work and dream spells, guidance through dreams
  • Moonstone: brings dreams, lucid dreaming, peaceful sleep, prevents insomnia
  • Muscovite: aids with sleep disorders, sleep inducement
  • Opal: astral travel, brings happy dreams
  • Peacock Obsidian: astral travel
  • Picture Jasper: general dream work, brings dreams of memories
  • Purple Jade: induces dreams
  • Prehnite: dreams, dream recall
  • Rhodizite: astral travel
  • Rhodonite: general dream work, lucid dreaming, helps with interpreting messages of dreams
  • Rose Quartz: prevents insomnia, pleasant dreams
  • Sapphire: astral travel, dream recall
  • Scolecite: induce sleep, dream recall, lucid dreaming, messages from dreams
  • Smoky Quartz: induces dreams, prevents nightmares
  • Sphene: dream recall
  • Stilbite: induces dreams
  • Sugilite: induces dreams
  • Tabular: astral travel
  • Zircon: induces sleep


  • African Dream Bean: lucid dreaming, spirit communication through dreams
  • Anise: prevents nightmares
  • Ash: prevents nightmares, dream divination
  • Ashwagandha: induce sleep
  • Bay: general dream work and spells, dream divination
  • Blue Lotus: prevents insomnia, induces sleep, lucid dreaming
  • Bracken: bright dreams with answers to problems, protection in sleep, prevents nightmares
  • Buchu: dream divination
  • *California Poppy: induces sleep, prevent insomnia
  • Clary Sage: vivid dreams, strange dreams
  • Cayenne: induces sleep, prevents nightmares
  • Cedar: prevents nightmares, strengthens psychic powers in sleep, protection when sleeping
  • Chamomile: induces calming sleep, prevents nightmares
  • Cinquefoil: brings restful sleep, dream divination
  • **Datura: lucid dreaming
  • Flax: prevents nightmares
  • Garlic: prevents nightmares, protection during sleep, induces sleep
  • Ginkgo Biloba: induce dreams, vivid dreams
  • **Heliotrope: dream divination
  • **Holly: dream divination
  • Huckleberry: make dreams come true
  • *Hyacinth: nightmare prevention, helps one to recover after a nightmare
  • Jasmine: restful sleep, pleasant dreams, induces sleep, induces dreams, dream divination
  • *Kava Kava: induces sleep (do not use if you have liver issues or on prescriptions!)
  • *Kanna: prevents nightmares
  • Lady’s Slipper: induces sleep, prevents nightmares
  • Lavender: induces sleep, prevents insomnia
  • Lemon Balm: induces sleep, refreshing sleep, prevents nightmares
  • Lemon Verbena: dreamless sleep, dream suppression
  • Lemongrass: dream inducement
  • Magnolia Bark: induces sleep
  • **Mandrake: sleep inducement, protection during sleep, dream divination
  • Marigold: dream divination, protection from dream magick and spells
  • *Mexican Dream Herb: clearer dreams, dream memory, lucid dreaming
  • Mimosa: dream divination
  • **Mistletoe: prevent nightmares, prevent insomnia
  • *Morning Glory: prevent nightmares
  • Mugwort: dream divination, astral projection, lucid dreaming, psychic and spiritual dreams
  • Mullein: prevents nightmares, protection during sleep, keeps nocturnal demons at bay
  • Mustard Seed: prevents nightmares
  • Onion: dream divination, protection during sleep
  • Passionflower: sleep inducement, calm dreams
  • Peony: protects from nocturnal demons notably incubi
  • Peppermint: dream divination, induces sleep
  • *Poppy Seeds: vivid dreams, induces sleep
  • Purslane: prevent reoccurring nightmares, keep away nocturnal spirits
  • Rose: induces dreams of love, dream divination in terms of romance and love
  • Rosemary: prevent nightmares, protection during sleep, past life work in dreams
  • Sage: peaceful calm dreams, helaing in dreams, prevents nightmares
  • Siberian Ginseng: induces sleep, prevents nightmares
  • *Skullcap: prevents nightmares
  • St. John’s Wort: dream divination in terms of love
  • *Tobacco: prevents nightmares
  • Valerian Root: lucid dreaming, sleep inducement, dream recall
  • Vervain: prevents nightmares, dream divination
  • Wild Asparagus: dream inducement, lucid dreaming, flight in sleep, astral travel
  • Wood Betony: prevent nightmares, protection during sleep
  • Yarrow: dream divination
**poisonous, do not eat!
*potentially toxic or dangerous, use with caution!


  • Almonds: induces sleep[, induces dreams
  • Banana: induces sleep, promotes painless sleep, induces sleep
  • Blueberries: induces dreams
  • Cherry: induces dreams, induces sleep
  • Chicken: induces dreams, lucid dreams
  • Dairy Products: induces sleep
  • Eggs: induces dreams
  • Halibut: induces sleep
  • Kale: induces sleep
  • Kidney Beans: lucid dreaming
  • Lamb: lucid dreaming
  • Lettuce: induces sleep
  • Oats/Oatmeal: induces dreams
  • Passion Fruit: induces sleep, prevents insomnia
  • Pistachios: induces sleep
  • Pretzels: induces sleep
  • Pumpkin Seeds: lucid dreaming
  • Red Radish: vivid dreams
  • Shrimp: vivid dreams, induces dreams
  • Soy Sauce: induces dreams
  • Soybeans: lucid dreaming
  • Sunflower Seeds: vivid dreams
  • Tofu (cooked): lucid dreaming
  • Tomato: induces sleep
  • Tuna: induces sleep
  • Turkey: induces sleep, induces dreams, lucid dreaming
  • Rice: Induces sleep
  • Salmon: Induces sleep


  • Bat: dreaming
  • Beavers: subconscious thoughts, dreams
  • Groundhog: heightens dreams and states of mind
  • Leopard: communication in dreams, movement in dreams, sensitivity of the unconscious mind
  • Lizard: “Dream Walker”; dream messages, represents the dream realm
  • Lynx: insight of dreams, unconscious knowledge, dream interpretation
  • Mink: understanding your dreams while dreaming
  • Owl: messages through dreams, astral projection
  • Spiders: prevents nightmares, wards off evil and harm during sleep
  • Swan: dream interpretation, dream recall

Essential Oils:

  • Anise: induces sleep
  • Catnip: vivid dreams
  • Cedarwood: vivid dreams
  • Cinnamon: vivid dreams
  • Clove: induces sleep
  • Clary Sage: induces sleep
  • Eucalyptus: vivid dreams
  • Helichrysum: prevents insomnia, induces dreams
  • Jasmine: induces dreams
  • Junipher: vivid dreams
  • Lavender: induces dreams, lucid dreaming
  • Lemon Balm: vivid dreams
  • Mugwort: lucid dreaming, astral projection
  • Nutmeg: vivid dreams
  • Orange: vivid dreams
  • Palo Santo: induces sleep
  • Patchouli: lucid dreaming
  • Peppermint: vivid dreams
  • Rose: induces sleep, lucid dreaming, dreams related to love
  • Rosemary: vivid dreams
  • Sandalwood: induces sleep
  • Yarrow: vivid dreams
  • Ylang Ylang: vivid dreams


  • Ambergris: induces dreams
  • Bay: dream divination, brings visions
  • Cedar: prevents nightmares
  • Dittany of Crete: astral projection
  • Jasmine: dream divination, astral projection
  • Lavender: induces sleep
  • Opium: dream divination, lucid dreaming, induces dreams, induces sleep, dream spells of all kinds
  • Passionflower: induces sleep
  • Rose: dream divination
  • Rosemary: induces sleep, pleasant dreams, prevents nightmares
  • Sandalwood: astral projection
*Burn incense with caution please. Burn it before going to bed and make sure it is extinguished before you go to sleep for safety reasons.*


  • Silver: prevent nightmares, protection during sleep, induces dreams, psychic dreams, visions, dream divination


  • Blue: astral projection
  • Indigo: dream divination
  • Silver: dreams
  • Yellow: dream divination, creative vivid dreams
🖤 Spell Jar for Protection 🖤


  • Chilli Flakes (or Chilli Powder, whatever's around) - to ward off unwanted guests
  • Rosemary - purification, protection
  • Salt - absorbing negative energy, protection, purification
  • Black Pepper (both peppercorns and grounded) - banish negativity, protection from evil
  • 3 Bay Leaves - protection from harmful energies
  • Protection Sigil or a Banish Negativity Sigil
  • Preferably Black Candle to seal the jar (white may be used as a substitute as I have done)
  • A Jar
  • A Funnel (trust me, if you don't use one shit will go everywhere, make and use a homemade paper funnel if you need to)

Spell Method

  1. Cast a protective circle or do your own pre-spell rituals, whatever works for you and light the candle
  2. Cleanse your equipment and ingredients (I use specific ritual incense but again whatever works for you, sage burning, etc)
  3. Put the ingredients in the jar one at a time, repeating a chosen affirmation for protection with each one. The order doesn't nessicarily matter as the intent is what's most important. However, I recommend leaving the bay leaves until last
  4. Use a marker to draw a sigil that represents protection or banishing negativity on at least one of the bay leaves. If you need to break up the leaves to fit them in the jar that's okay; again, the intention is what's most important
  5. Close the jar and seal it with the wax from the candle
Hello and welcome back to Spell Jar Sunday!

This week’s featured spell jar is: Break Bad Habits 💪🏻

✨Helps provide the strength, calmness, mental focus and clarity you need to break a bad habit✨

Moon + traits (by personal experience)

|Moon in Aries: Eruptive. They can be impatient and take things pretty personally, and are terrifying when angered. They can throw tantrums like no one else, and will explode if you have wronged them. They are very up-front though, and will never leave you unsure about how they’re feeling. They seem very confident even if they’re actually insecure, and they have a lot of love. Independent, instinctive, quick to react. 

Moon in Taurus: Consistent. They have an intense need for security and hate unpredictable situations. They need a long time to decide on what to do, but once they have set their mind on something, they have a lot of will power and are steady. They can be very spoiled and materialistic, and overindulge in the things that comfort them. They protect their loved ones, are generous, and sentimental.

Moon in Gemini: Scattered. They often rationalise and intellectualise their feelings instead of actually tackling or simply feeling them. They always seem to have an explanation to why they feel a certain way, and they can seem kind of emotionless to others. Witty, charming, friendly, and they change their minds every two seconds. They don’t really know how to give emotional comfort to others, just like they don’t really know how to receive emotional comfort. 

Moon in Cancer: Sensitive. They take some things very personal and get hurt, which can frustrate people around them a lot. They have powerful emotions and can sometimes act solely on these, ignoring logic and be irrational. They love taking care of others and have enormous nurturing capacities. They like to stay at home, in their comfort zones. Sometimes their emotional needs get too big to cover, and some Moon in Cancers can become very manipulative in order to get their needs fulfilled. 

Moon in Leo: Controlling. They can be quite dramatic about their emotions, causing scenes and retreat to sulking. They require a lot of validation and recognition from others in order to feel good about themselves. They are creative, passionate, and very supportive. Kids at heart and enjoy having fun beyond anything else in life. They need to have their things organised and can be slightly demanding and self-centered. 

Moon in Virgo: Picky. It can almost seem as if they like to complain and nag at others, but this comes from a place of an intense need to stick to plans and have security. They are kind, trustworthy, and reliable, but a little too dependent on routine and predictableness. Though analytical, they can be neurotic and easily become obsessed. They love to help and excell at making other people feel at ease, but may enjoy criticising a little too much.

Moon in Libra: Incomplete. They see something that can be fixed everywhere they go, and might believe or feel as though they are unfullfilled without a significant other. They have a strong need for justice, harmony, and peace, and have a gift for solving conflicts. They can be extreme people-pleasers and have a fear of being disliked, which often leads them to ignoring their own personal needs. Very sociable, intelligent, and charming. 

Moon in Scorpio: Intense. Their emotions can be too much for them sometimes, often being overwhelmed by the powerful nature of their emotions. They can see right through people, facades, and lies. Though they require a lot of emotional bonding with others, they let very few people see their vulnerable and sensitive sides. They have a strong sense of privacy, loyalty, and trust. Embodiments of emotional rollercoasters.

Moon in Sagittarius: Flighty. They are optimists at heart, and have a very positive outlook on the world. They need a lot of emotional freedom. Usually they’re in a good mood, and though they can have a big temperament, they can’t stay mad for long. Their optimism can get to a point where they don’t even plan things out, since they think that everything will turn out just fine no matter what. Easygoing, upbeat, can be irresponsible. 

Moon in Capricorn: Secluded. They seem stable and cool-headed, as if they have everything figured out (though this is rarely the case). Because of this, friends often come to them for advice or help. When it comes to them, however, they hate seeking for other people’s support and don’t like talking about personal issues, making them appear cold and unemotional. They have a hard time putting their emotions into words, as their emotions often are hidden very deep inside of them. They want to be useful to their friends and loved ones.  

Moon in Aquarius: (Slightly) Egotistical. They are very observant and notice many details, and like to discuss and analyse their observations. They can be emotionally detached and feel very lonely, as if no one understands their emotions or what they’re going through. Sometimes they can lack compassion and seem cynical because of this. They enjoy playing the devil’s advocate, but often take part in charity work and are good at heart. They are trustworthy, loyal, and extremely independent. 

Moon in Pisces: Emotional. Their feelings often stem from somewhere else than themselves, since they’re exceptionally sensitive to other people’s emotions. They have vivid imaginations and are often out of touch with reality. Their feelings are depedent on their environments and can change quickly, creating sensitive and sometimes moody beings. Intuitive, vulnerable, and prone to toxic tendencies, they are kindhearted but can be manipulative at times.


This is what hozier meant when he says he falls a little bit in love everyday with someone new

I once watched a girl in the produce aisle pick up a bushel of bananas that were precariously perched on the edge and move them farther back and under her breath she said “there you go sweeties - that will be more comfortable” before shuffling off and… I think about her often.

« Silent lovers » is such a sweet way to put it.

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