
Living on a Latte and a Prayer

@friskynotebook / friskynotebook.tumblr.com

Taylor, 28, she/her, multi-fandom, but the big things I love are Star Wars (Han/Leia and Obi-Wan Kenobi especially), Broadway, and books. "Go to sleep, sweetheart. Pray for brains."

Info post!


My commissions are currently OPEN!

If you're interested in my illustrated commissions, check out my commission form HERE.

If you’d like my faceless commissions, fill out my commission form HERE.

I have an Etsy shop for affordable merch featuring my art! More info on that here!

I also sell physical prints of my artwork on my Inprnt shops!



I really love Snips and Skyguy, but was just wondering what could have been if Ahsoka had been Obi-Wan’s daughter padawan? It’s just a dynamic I would have loved to have seen, if we hadn’t gotten the absolute gold that is Anakin and Ahsoka. 

Just wanna acknowledge Obi-Wan for being the galaxy’s best dad real quick. 

Bonus sketch: Cody knows what’s up. 


“I do worry about you.”

“Save yourself the effort, Kenobi. Don’t bother.”

“Sometimes, I wish it were that simple.”

These two have been on my mind as of late. I doubt I’ll ever finish AHS, but here’s some random art for the Team™.


"Master, if your master threw you into the trash because you broke your legs, I'd be sad. I'd try to fix you."

Presenting R0D-NT.

Happy birthday to me! Today I turn the same age Obi-Wan had when he had to take care of the most bonkers kid of the galaxy (aka 25)

I swear I started this as just a drawing of Obi-Wan looking for his cloak and then...oh welp!

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