
Jo's daydreaming again

@alifeoflifetimes / alifeoflifetimes.tumblr.com

This is the place where I dump all my favourite things :D


Stop what you’re doing right now and go write 3 sentences of your story.

Every time you see this, write 3 lines.

Reblog so other writers will do the same, let’s finish these damn stories.


Shortstaffing should be illegall

"But what if I can't afford to hire more employees?"

If you have more customers than your employees can handle and you're still not making enough, then you need to sort out your finances. Raise prices if necessary.

Your overhead isn't worth more than your workers' health.

“And if that’s not enough, then just buy more money!”

Listen. If you cannot afford to pay all your employees a living wage and employ a number of people equal to the workload, then you are bad at business management and should consider exploring other career paths. Such as being a cashier.

y’all might be thinking that small businesses would get the short end here. but the thing is, all the small businesses i’ve ever worked for or been involved with, when they didn’t have enough employees to cover the time, the owner worked it themselves, or they closed early/opened late.

the places that consistently shortstaff are big franchises, especially fast food chains. they prey on desperate workers who can’t afford to say no, and use them up like they’re disposable. it’s disgusting and it should be as illegal as hiring 9 year olds or holding paychecks hostage.


Why are Lesbians like this ? .Do they take pleasure in attacking everything sacred ? .Or just love sexualizing those that take vows of Chastity ? .

.... Nunneries, specially during the renaissance were a safe heaven for a lot of lesbians or women who didn't want to marry... So this is a historically based joke you dumb bitch


Seems a bit unfair to single out the funny ladies making a joke on tiktok for sexualizing nuns when porn and the spirit halloween store exist. 


Apartment hunting has shown me that so many kids my age and younger openly broadcast that they are running away from abusive homes and that they are LGBT. I sympathize completely, but you do not under any circumstances need to be on a roommate finder website telling strangers on the internet that you are part of a vulnerable minority with no one back home who cares what happens to you... just say you are moving out, end of. Once you get to trust someone you live with then you can share the backstory. Internet safety is something that still matters.

Not only don’t NEED to, but in fact need NOT to do this. “Internet safety” can be a vague and dismissable concept. Telling strangers that you are vulnerable and won’t be missed and then moving in with them is like writing “murder me” on your forehead and walking down a dark alley at night alone.


the moment in bohemian rhapsody where freddie sings “i don’t wanna die, sometimes i wish i’d never been born at all” really hits differently when you’re mentally ill

same with ‘this year’ by the mountain goats when john says “i am gonna make it through this year if it kills me”


german anti-masker/covidiot/qanon chats be like

Michael: Didn’t find a place to park, I’m driving back home

Karl-Heinz: you sleazy system loyalist just park anywhere you want the revolution starts today and you’re asking where you can park, unbelievable


Fuck blue lives let them meow

catgirl oppression is real

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