

@ceechow / ceechow.tumblr.com

New York based illustrator & graduate from the School of Visual Arts celinechow.com
Anonymous asked:

Hello! Is there a specific name for the art style you used on the ‘anatomy of a house’? Just a fan of art trying to learn☺️

Hey there!

The technique itself is called silkscreen printing, and it's basically the process of pressing ink through a screen onto paper in multiple layers of color to produce a full color image

The drawing style, I'm not entirely sure, I was winging it at the time ahaha, but! I was taking some inspiration from antique medical illustration, and ink drawings of architecture

Medieval woodblock printing is pretty interesting too, in terms of linework! I suggest giving that a look!

Anonymous asked:

Would it be ok if I got a tattoo of one of your illustrations? 

Hey there! Which one were you thinking? 


Every time I come back to this I'm always just stunned by how amazing your art looks. It's just absolutely gorgeous


Thanks a lot! 

I appreciate the comment! 


Artwork made in excitement for the up and coming game Blasphemous

Blasphemous is an action-platformer that combines the fast-paced, skilled combat of a hack-n-slash game with a deep and evocative narrative core, delivered through exploration of a huge universe comprised of non-linear levels.

The game has already been funded, but there’s a few more days to reach some pretty neat stretch goals! Back the game here and be in on the know for this very cool looking game 


I'm going through your blog, and all of your art is absolutely gorgeous! The line art and the methods of coloring and shading give off this almost nostalgic/elegant aura to them. Do you have any tips for someone trying to improve with digital art?


Hey there! I’m glad that you like what you see! 

In terms of digital art, that’s a little tricky ahaha, I have an Intuos 4 tablet, for starters, and that’s basically what I tend to rely upon. Otherwise, it’s mostly experimentation, observation, learning how to draw things correctly and figuring out what your tastes are 

Personally, I’m more of a fan of photoshop brushes that feel more like pencil and have a little bit of grit in them, otherwise a pure digital look tends to feels a little too clean and slick if that make any sense ahaha 

And watch your values and don’t go too crazy with color, usually a limited palette is better than one that gets too involved 

Sorry, if that wasn’t too helpful or too broad ahaha, if there’s something specific you need help with, feel free to send another ask :D 


Shops are all updated!

If you were interested in buying prints, bags, phones cases and whatnot, links can be found here! 


When will you put up prints for your cats stealing fish piece? It couldn't find it on any of your shop pages!


Soon! Today, preferably ahahah

I just opened up an INPRNT store, which I heard is a little more quality, so hopefully I can get that running ASAP

I’ll let you know as soon as I can!

Anonymous asked:

Theres no way im not getting that illustration in my skin, at least part of it, i ve been looking 4 something to be my first tattoo for too long, and think i ve finally found it! THANK YOU PD: of cuorse, with your permission first

Oh wow, thank you! That’s very flattering!

Feel free, I don’t mind! :D Just as long as you credit me and send me a picture of the finished tattoo, cause I would love to see it ahaha

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