

@princeace18 / princeace18.tumblr.com

Multiple fandom blog. Mainly One Piece. Humor/misc. stuff

me: ugh i hate clichés

the plot: and then they find out that the character everyone thought had died holding off the enemy forces after helping the heroes escape was actually captured by the villain and has been alive this whole time

me, crying: omg they were alive the whole time

the plot: but it turns out they were tortured and brainwashed or mind controlled by the villain to forget their friends and see them as the enemy, so now their friends are forced to fight them in a tense and heartbreaking battle where both sides knows each other's fighting styles and weaknesses but are nonetheless unequally matched because only one of them is fighting to kill

me: *leaning forward excitedly* go on

the plot: unable to hold their brainwashed friend back indefinitely without having to hurt them, the hero chooses to throw their weapon aside in a last-ditch attempt to snap them out of it, saying something like "i know you're still in there somewhere. you can fight this" or "you would never hurt me" or repeating a joke or catchphrase they both shared through their tears and despite their injuries, tenderly cupping their friends' cheek with their free hand as they pin them to the ground and draw back in preparation to make the killing blow

me: *physically gripping the edge of my seat*

the plot: something in their expression changes, recognition and horror and self-loathing filling the blankness, but their face quickly hardens again and they bring their weapon down on the person they love as the villain laughs - only to change the direction of their attack at the last moment and deal the villain a mortal wound while they're exposed


...may I suggest an angsty version?? They only break free after they've stabbed their friend/can't stop themselves in time



The mindfuck moment when you can split a cube into thirds

okay but

op took a big sip of bad at geometry juice


wish my hair grew little flowers on its own how neat would that be

Good news! Plants can grow under your skin!


You're welcome ;)

Ok actually, my cousin was playing with some other kids and he fell in a blackberry bush. Had some scrapes, but nothing too bad.

Few months later and he got this dark bump on his arm that was starting to hurt, and he didn't know why. His mom, thinking it was a zit, tried to pop it, but nothing happened no matter how much she messed with it.

Finally they went to the doctor and he numbed the area and cut in to figure out what it was. Totally normal procedure, right?

Well, the dark bump was something that kinda looked like a black cyst at first, but it was weirdly long. And it got longer.

And longer.

And what the doctor pulled out was THREE INCHES OF BLACKBERRY VINE

From everything I know about Himalayan blackberries I am not remotely fricking surprised

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