
empress of big delusions

@empress-of-big-delusions / empress-of-big-delusions.tumblr.com

giulia | 21 | she/her | italy | multifandom | only reblogs | icon by @killingsjude | header by @wisesgirl

This is freaking AMAZING.

Honestly I’m surprised we didn’t get a nightmare like this in Kenobi.

Credit to mosquitoes_suk on Instagram


Listen here my friends and listen well.

If you’re not a fat girl I don’t wanna hear your opinions on the polin smut scenes. I REALLY don’t. When we get them if you’re not one of us your opinion means nothing. This is the first time we won’t be the butt of the joke. Instead we get to see one of our own be the sexy, desirable girl on the screen. Not to be superficial but I’m gonna anyway, never have we truly gotten to see ourselves on the screen being desired by the hot guy, and NEVER have we gotten scenes like the ones we’re about to be graced with. The internet is already gonna rake Nicola and any other fat woman who dares to find themselves sexy over smoldering goddamn coals, don’t y’all on here start doing it to, or I start swinging.

So when these smut scenes come out I don’t want to hear SHIT. Let us big girls enjoy the one time we aren’t the laughing stock when it comes to sex on TV. Just once.


Y’all don’t know how much I’ve waited for a moment like this!!! Let fat AFAB people have this!!! Nicola Coughlan is fine as fuck, and I’m READY!!!


If Will dies first, it is obvious Hannibal would cannibalize Will’s flesh. Hannibal mourned Mischa by eating her, and he would do the same for Will; to consume and eat and incorporate is part of grieving. But what would Hannibal do with Will’s bones? He’d eat the marrow, maybe make soup from them, but what of the calcified parts that remain, the parts that can’t be eaten?

I don’t really see him just keeping them around or displaying them, something stagnant and to be ogled. Burying them in the family plot in Lithuania makes sense because Will is family, but it also requires Hannibal to go back to a place he can’t go. Hannibal could cremate the bones, but then what? Spreading the ashes doesn’t seem like something he would do; he can’t know what happens to them. Keeping Will in an urn on his desk or a shelf also feels out of character, a memory collecting dust.

What if Hannibal had Will’s ashes pressed into pencil lead? There are ways to compress ashes into something that could be written with or drawn. What if Hannibal draws Will with his own ashes, commemorating him in a completed cycle. Sketching the man with his own remains. Remembering Will as he saw him, recreating moments they shared from Hannibal’s mind palace. Having Will live forever in depictions of himself. Hannibal would never be truly left behind. And Hannibal would sharpen the pencils as he always had; he isn’t unfamiliar with taking a blade to Will. Shaving off a layer but keeping him sharp.

Displaying and keeping art made from Will’s ashes would mean so much more than a reconstructed skeleton or an urn on a shelf or a plot that would become overgrown with weeds. He could draw Will in motion, alive, as he wished to remember him, and create moments and memories they didn’t get to experience together.

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