
@whatevenismylifebruh / whatevenismylifebruh.tumblr.com

"What didn’t kill me, it never made me stronger at all."

In light of Felicite Tomlinson’s passing, I wanna spread this image around. Please be aware in regard to your health. Do not ignore symptoms. Please stay safe. 💜


Trans women who try and shame/pressure/coercive lesbians into having sex with male partners are reprehensible and horrible people and should be justly called out for what they are

And let’s also call out the trans men who do the same thing for gay guys as well, because I see them existing in greater and greater numbers and it really disgusts me

Like, I haven’t been able to stomach any Chase Ross videos since his “FTMs Topping Cis Gay Men” video, in which he spends ten minutes:

  • denying that anyone’s sexuality can be static and not fluid
  • being bitter about going on gay dating apps for men such as grindr and being rejected by gay men who don’t want to be with someone biologically female
  • saying that trans men “shouldn’t have to get used to” being rejected by gay guys (like, excuse me?)
  • lamenting that the gay community is so “dick centric” and that makes him feel “invalid”
  • explaining also how he feels “hurt” when gay guys express their desire for actual male genitalia instead of prosthetic or toys
  • saying “I’m here to tell you you are enough for a gay cis guy” as if he doesn’t sound like a fucking conversion therapist
  • a multitude of other types of homophobic bullshit

I mean, this is the kind of Riley J Dennis tier of homophobic conversion therapy rhetoric that Chase Ross gets so much approval and congratulations for, and I barely ever see people like him criticized anywhere. And we shouldn’t be giving these homophobes any inch or letting them slip by unnoticed because that’s how this kind of thing festers worse than it already has

He also has a history of being grossly pro cotton ceiling and lesbophobic, saying things like “if lesbians were as open minded as they claimed to be then they wouldn’t have a problem sleeping with a trans woman who has a penis” or when he said that lesbians only say we are unnatracted to penises because we associate those genitals with a gender, and that if we unlearned that association we wouldn’t have a problem with it anymore

Basically he’s bordering on being a full on sociopath with a vendetta against gay people and I’d really love to see people like this called out far more often then they are

Anonymous asked:

How can you defend stupid white boys? I wish everyone would throw their drink on them so they get a hint of what it’s like. They deserve it for supporting trump. You’re a racist who’re if you stand by them and defend them. White boys should die

How classy of you, or dare I say racist of you. I believe in basic respect for all people no matter what so of course I will not stand for people being targeted for having different political opinions. You don’t have to agree with them, just don’t be a fucking asshole. What irks me the most about asks like this, because you know this isn’t the first of its kind that you’ve left on my blog, is the blatant racism on it; if shit like this was being said about a minority group everyone would be outraged. Going out with your friend wearing a hat is not cause for having a drink thrown at your face and if you think it is you need to grow the fuck up.


Out of 21 World Cups, only 5 have consisted of the top 4 being only European teams in the semi-final. I know many of you love the whole “colonizers” and “fifa is racist” shit, but…

Some South American/African/Asian teams were unlucky like all of Brazil’s missed chances this QF or Senegal’s fair play elimination. Some were completely outplayed. European favorites have also been knocked out. That’s the reality.


unpopular opinion

I don’t see why the English nt are getting so much hate?

You can’t hate them for being them being Europeans because many of the team are the children of immigrants or are immigrants themselves from outside Europe.

You can’t hate on them for being white because many of the most popular/successful players are poc. And you are still supporting teams such as Sweden that are European and white so ????

Maybe it’s Brexit? Or dislike of UKIP? EDL? The government? Well the funny thing is that the majority of the country don’t agree with these things- and you can’t judge a people on their leader. And it’s just rude to take it out on the players who just play a game.

Also the hate on “its coming home”… it’s just a joke guys, chill out. We know the likelihood on us winning is very small, but just like let us have this one stupid thing that keeps us hopeful.

I’m not saying everyone has to support England (because that’s stupid) but don’t not-support them just because you’re trying to be woke or whatever. I don’t see y’all being rude about Russia winning games even though for the rest of the year you’re happy to post about how much you dislike their politics and country *sips tea*

Anyways, have a good World Cup and I wish all of your national teams the best x

Anonymous asked:

Stop rebblogging shit and post more gay stuff! It’s pride month, honey!!!! -Jamess

I’m sorry my posts don’t sit well with you. I suggest you take a step back and learn your LGBT history. If your definition of pride is simply modern parades and what the media feeds you while neglecting every woman and men that fought and died for you to experience the world in the way you do, you’re doing the community a disservice. Sometimes people ought to be recognized not only for kissing someone of the same gender, but also for every other accomplishment they obtained in trying times when the odds were against them.


First day of life up until 6th grade 

Jumped all the way to Freshman year of High School

Then I cut my hair Junior year, why did I do that

Slowly it started growing back and then….

I finally felt comfortable to express myself (the picture on the left was my debut)

At this point in my transition I am 6 months into HRT

A year on HRT

Over a year and a half on hormones. My transition hasn’t been the clearest path but I am so happy that I am on it.


2 years since my coming out 

2 years on hrt

2.3 years on hrt

2 and a half years on hormones 

Its been a while since I’ve done an update so here it goes

At this point I am 3 years into my Hormone Replacement Therapy. I’m thriving. 

These pictures were taken days apart and I am 3 and a half years into my medical transition (The picture on the right was also posted by Instagram on all their major social media handles attached with an interview I did with them for International Women’s Month)

During this time I was 4 years into HRT. Clearly living for it.

I am currently 4 and a half years into HRT, 5 years into socially transitioning, 6 years into when i first came out to my community around me and I’m loving life more than I ever thought I would. 

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