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@39533953 /


what people think gift giving as a love language means: *spending an excessive amount of money on materialistic gifts for people during the holidays*

what gift giving as a love language actually means: “i picked up this cool rock that i found on the ground that reminded me of you” or “i bought you this necklace for 50 cents at a yard sale cause i thought you’d like it” or even “i’ve had this thing since childhood but i feel like it could be of some use to you or give you comfort so i want you to have it”

it can mean both hoe. stop undermining women with higher standards than a fucking rock. i get a rock for my other worldly labor of love? fuck outta here

no where did i say there’s anything wrong with giving/wanting expensive gifts or that having high standards is bad. nor does it say that rocks are the only acceptable forms of gifts or that any kind of gift is bad.

this post is about people who do not have gifts as a main love language and who think that it is all about money.

the point is that a lot people have a misconception about it, and assume that people who have this as a main love language are greedy/superficial/materialistic and are unappreciative of cheap or simple gifts.

gift giving is about showing someone you know them well or that you were thinking about them through gifts. whether those gifts are rocks you found on the ground or something you bought with a lot of money. both kinds should be appreciated.


top 10 normal behaviors to perform while feeling regular 


me: *touches mysterious sticky spot*

the voice of freddy’s mom from icarly echoing through my mind: wet and sticky is very icky. sticky and wet makes mommy upset


Fat acceptance means accepting unhealthy fat people. I don’t care if it doesn’t support your respectability politics. Unhealthy fat people (including those who’s illness is related to their weight) deserve respect.


no offense but “if i had shitty parents i would simply disown them and not put up with it uwu” is always an extremely shitty take. like. it’s usually Not That Easy(tm), especially for people who are underage and/or living at home

it’s especially frustrating bc i know people who have had to go 100% no contact w their own family on a permanent basis and it’s.... not easy. even if your family sucks garbage and treated you like shit nonstop, it can be extremely difficult to cut them out of your life like that. please don’t minimize that pain


skinny people will really be like yes you were bullied to the point where you hate running eating laughing and existing in public for fear of being made fun of or viewed as disgusting simply because you're fat and had to scrape out your own self worth because people constantly reminded you that they think being fat is the worst thing you could possibly be and yes you never saw yourself represented in media except as the butt of a joke and yes you still despise clothes shopping because you never get to wear anything cute made for people your age because trendy fashion is almost always made for skinny people and yes people on tik tok and instagram and twitter take all the clothes in your size to make their two piece sets making it even harder to find things you like that fit you and you've had diet culture pushed on you since you were a kid but people used to wrap their thumb and pointer around my wrist so im the victim here actually?


girls after saying something smart: So yeah

Girls after giving a concise and completely sensible thought on the matter, with well thought out arguments:

... If that makes sense?


men after making one of the worst points you have ever read: prove me wrong. I’m waiting.


Hold on I’m having a coherent thought

If you hear a piece of media or its creator is bigoted your first thought should not be “can I still enjoy this,” but instead “did I register said bigotry” and “how has enjoying this impacted my own thought process and internal biases.” Your first action should always be to maintain solidarity with the group being discriminated against and working to better yourself and not to look out for your own self interests.


me: hey uhh can we get some curly hair options besides one huge ass afro??

game devs: fuck no

also game devs: here’s 30 balding options for your characters


Verified accounts impersonating celebrities for a joke even though they’ll inevitably get suspended for it has yet to stop being funny for me


the idea of gaydar is honestly so funny to me. straight people truly think that gay people have absolutely no control over the way they present themselves, and no self awareness about how that presentation comes off.... trust me if a gay man is wearing nail polish and tight button downs and speaking in a higher pitch he knows that he’s doing that. he knows that you know he’s gay and he’s doing that on purpose. if a lesbian has a crew cut and wears basketball shorts and wifebeaters she knows that you know that she’s a lesbian and she’s doing that on purpose. you don’t have a special talent for decifering gay people you’re just able to pick up on messages that are actively being sent to you congrats i guess

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