
Starker, Winterspider, And SpideyPool, Oh My!


Call me Parker | He/They | 22 | Multishipper | Fanfic Writer | Side blog | Requests: Open | RPs: Open | Submits: Open | Don’t be a stranger! Send me your ideas and prompts!

Heyo 😩👏 Finally an intro!

Names Parker, I know, very ironic considering the blog

🕷He/They | 22 | Multishipper | Mainly Peter centric blog🕸

I write fanfics, roleplay, fill prompts, and take requests!

I honestly really want some friends in this community so don’t be shy, I only bite a little.

I mainly ship Starker but I also love Spidershield, Spideypool, Winterspider, etc. Just any marvel man x Peter basically!

Things I will write/rp:

  • Smut
  • Bdsm
  • Noncon
  • Intersex
  • Little! Aus
  • ABO
  • Fluff
  • Gore/violence
  • Medical stuff
  • Honestly most anything, even the questionable stuff

Things I won’t write/rp:

  • Mpreg/small children
  • Major character death
  • Suicide
  • Cheating
  • Straight ships/sex
  • Female Peter
  • Top!Peter (But I will do Powerbottom or switch!)
  • Scat/Diapers
  • May add more as I go

Thanks for reading~ Can’t wait to interact with you all~😌💕


Pepper is the one overseeing everything at Tony and Peter’s wedding and it’s for the best that she’s the one because no one else would have thought to prepare extra suits for Peter and Tony, knowing they would sneak out of their rooms that kept them separated on their big day to meet up to make out before the big ceremony only to inevitably ruin their suits

Pepper knew it would happen so she’s prepared. But she still enjoys the pitiful look they sport when they come to her to confess


Peter who’s being blackmailed by some guy who forces him to do some sexual favors for him. One of them being to come to him, using the subway, only wearing shoes and a Trenchcoat and nothing else. Of course Peter has to but he’s near tears the entire time and he feels like everyone around him knows exactly what’s going on

Of course that day is also the day Tony Stark takes the subway for the very first time in his life and he can’t take his eyes from the crying and clearly uncomfortable boy. So he decides to go and help


Soulmate AU where your dreams show images from your soulmate’s future: Peter’s Dreams

Tony’s pov: here!

  • Peter Parker has always known who his soulmate was. Nothing about Tony Stark was exactly subtle, so when Peter started seeing robots and sports cars and an honestly concerning amount of coffee in his dreams, it didn’t take a genius to figure out who the man was. Peter liked knowing: it was like a secret he shared with himself, an inside joke that made him smile whenever his professors would ask how he’s been solving equations so quickly (he literally learned in his sleep) or when Aunt May decided to comment on just how handsome that Iron Man is. He’s in no hurry to run off to Stark Towers right now, he’s not going to force it or anything. Peter knows it’ll all work out eventually, he just has to be patient.
  • When he finally met Tony, Peter could practically see the shock rising in his soulmate’s eyes as the billionaire came to the slow realization, with each glance lasting just a little too long at Peter’s webshooters or science shirts. Peter could only imagine the images that the dreams decided to show—and hope that it was nothing too embarassing. Lab accidents and awkward moments aside, Peter thinks that he’s lived his life in a way that may even impress Mr. Stark, once he gets over the initial shock of having such a young? male? superpowered? surprising figure as his soulmate. Peter can be wait. It’s destiny after all.
  • After the snap, Peter could feel himself fade away as fear—fear for himself, fear for Tony, fear for loss of all the time they could’ve had together—took over his body. But the strangest thing happened after that: Peter kept dreaming and he saw images of space and whiskey and technology that doesn’t even exist yet
  • And that’s when Peter was sure: Tony’s going to bring him back. Peter just needs to be patient. Good thing he’s had lots of practice waiting for his soulmate. 


Okay but WHEN is someone writing this though


Pre relationship. Peter puts Tony’s EDITH glasses on as a joke and Tony pops a boner so fast it’s frankly embarrassing. Tony tries to hide it very hard and thinks he’s pretty successful with it, not counting on EDITH literally telling Peter what’s going on without peter even having to ask


Bucky: So why are you allowed to sleep on my side of the bed but if I lay on your side I gotta move doll?

Peter: cause my side is my side and your side is our side


Peter: 😇


For @peterparkerbingo fill: Hybrids


It’s that time of year again, and this time, Peter is old enough to go.

Not that he wants to, but his parents, of course, insist.

Every year, a group of heirs from the most elite families in the country — children of media moguls, CEOs, and the like — get forced together in a two month long program meant specifically to encourage making connections… particularly, the romantic kind.

Peter’s parents really want him to find a mate. As an omega and a prey hybrid, he isn’t well positioned to take over their family company on his own. Though he’s loathe to admit they’re right, he knows he needs to find a mate — and soon — if he wants to keep his inheritance.

Nobody expects the young bunny to be paired with the big bad wolf, though. He lands alpha predator Tony Stark as his roommate for the duration of the program, the heir to one of the Parkers’ main rival companies — and a notorious playboy.

Even less so does anyone expect him to fall in love with him, but maybe that’s just the way it goes.


Loosely inspired by an rp with @buckettbarnes (with their permission of course) 💙

All pictures from Pinterest. Card below the cut!


anyways starkercest where tony takes that line "i brought you into this world and i can take you out of it" but says "i made this ass and i can fuck it whenever i want" and then well they fuck


Shy. Baggy sweat shirts and nerdy pun shirt Peter. No fashion sense Peter.

Poses for Nude modeling at the local art college.

Hey its good money and he is flexible and can hold his position for long periods of time.

What happens when Steve signs up for a class???


Tony’s always manspreading a lot unconsciously and everyone is annoyed by it until Peter brings the solution by simply sitting down in Tony’s lap all the time (neither of them tell the others that tony only ever started the habit of spreading his legs wide because Peter loves sinking down between them and just sitting on the floor in between Tony’s legs with his head leaned to Tony’s tight)


okay but omega peter asking omega tony how to make sex feel good because his boyfriend is slacking and tony just fucks him instead

"kid you're telling me you're sixteen and not having sex regularly?"

"well it doesn't exactly feel great Mr. Stark"


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