

@sketch-artist-4ever / sketch-artist-4ever.tumblr.com

part-time velociraptor

the most jarring thing my dad has ever told me is that we’re the new 60’s

when i asked him what he meant he said that he remembered being a kid in the 60’s, he remembered the long hair and the sex and the push against an older, less tolerant generation for freedom. he was born in 1955 so he wasn’t intimately involved in the progressiveness of it but he said he remembered always understanding the younger generation because they spoke to children like him, children that were being raised in restrictive households that were more prone to rebellion. flash forward to our generation and he’s floored, he’s shocked and a little bit scared because he sees the same passion in us, the same struggle and desire for change but this time he’s the older generation. we’re the new 60’s and he’s the establishment we’re trying to change. and it just strikes me how circular this world is, and how every once in a while a certain generation comes around with their radical, progressive agenda. and one day we’re going to wake up in the future and find ourselves face-to-face with a younger, more progressive generation and we’re going to have to decide if we’re still with them or if we’re the new establishment they’re fighting against


Or we’re going to turn around and they’ll be the new 1980s


Show some respect, people.

The story of Balto is interesting. He led a team of sled dogs across the Alaskan wilderness in the dead of winter with diphtheria antitoxins to stop an outbreak in Nenana Alaska. Diphtheria is a deadly infectious disease that could wipe out a third of a town’s population. It is mostly unknown to the public today because of vaccines. Balto’s body is preserved in the Cleveland Museum of Natural History.

He’s a big hero of mine!

Let’s not forget Togo! Who, at 12 years old during the serum run, lead his team 200 miles through much more dangerous conditions during the first leg of the journey before Balto ran the last 55-mile stretch.


Togo and Balto didn’t bust their asses for dying children for you to turn around and not vaccinate your damn kids


El Paso, Texas ❤️

Reasons why this might be true:

1. the United States is much bigger than most of the countries on this list in both population and landmass.

2. We are almost certainly the only country on this list that leaves our borders open for anyone to walk through (liberal idea).

3. Our country does a horrible job of anticipating shootings and maintaining the FBI Watchlist. States must be required to send information regarding dangers to our citizens. 

4. We do little to nothing to fight gang violence and clean up inner cities (Once again, liberal idea). 

The list could go on, but this pretty much sums it up. Thoughts and prayers go down to all in El Paso, know that we are fighting for your future safety and justice through border security and 2nd Amendment rights.

Lmao, the American delusion.

1. So what? The USA has ~300M people, but Mexico has ~100M and Brazil ~200M. Do you see Mexico and Brazil having 1/3 (83 shootings) or 2/3 (166 shootings) of your shootings? No, right? So this point is moot.

Oh, but you're not satisfied with population? Sure, let's look at surface. The USA has ~9.8M km², but Brazil has ~8.5M km² and Mexico has ~1.9M km²1. Do you see Mexico and Brazil having 1/5 (50 shootings) or 4/5 (200 shootings) of your shootings? No, right? So this point is moot.

2. Sorry... What? Are you actually delusional? How can you even attempt to say that? The laxest border you have is the USA-Canadian border, and there officers pester you about what you're doing there, what are your intentions, for how long you're planning on staying etc. Don't get me started with the USA-Mexico border, you literally got ICE, walls and the camps. Do you not watch the TV????? How can you say anyone can cross the border?????

And, on top of that, freely crossing the border has shown to NOT matter, actually. You know in Europe you can cross almost ANY border without being asked a SINGLE question, right? Try to cross from Spain to France, from the Netherlands to Germany, from Ireland to the UK and you'll barely notice you just got in another country (you only notice because there's normally a sign saying "Welcome to X"). So, yeah, this point is also moot.

3. Sure, your policemen suck at their job. But, the thing is, many of those 249 shootings (sorry, 250 now) has been perpetuated by people without any type of criminal background, people that were not deemed "dangerous", but that got a gun and decided to use it for its only intended purpose (to kill). So yeah, the FBI should totally do a better job at taking care of the people they know are dangerous. But if you've repeatedly had lots of trouble with people that weren't supposed to be dangerous, is it not time to try a new approach? Shouldn't you at least DO something different, if what you're doing now isn't working?

4. Sorry but what? A lot of these shootings are perpetuated by your """""Normal, Typical, Very Much Not Criminal, White Man"""". That you think that the core of the problem is gang violence is preposterous and probably rooted in racism. But EVEN if the majority of these shootings were because of gang violence, the point still wouldn't be in that. Yes, shootings between different gang groups is horrible and should be stopped, and, yes, many innocent people can be shot - and killed - in a gang shoot-out. But do people actually talk about these shootings? Do you really think people moan about gang shootings? Of course not, people complain about how one person (who 90% is not in or in any way related to any type of "gang group" or "inner city smug" or whichever euphemist way you want to take to say "scary black guy) goes to a random public place (school, high school, mall, concert, even garlic festival, you can choose whatever place you want and chances are there will have been a shooting there) and decides to mow down as much people as he (or she, but let's be honest the majority are a he) can. So tell me again how the mass shooting problem has to do with gang violence. Tell me again how a man showing up to a high school and promptly killing as much people has he can has to do with gang groups. Tell me about it, because I'm honestly curious how one could even attempt to link the two.

And, yes, the list could go on, especially the least could go on and on reasons why you need to do something different, the reason goes on and on on why you need to stop sending meaningless thoughts and prayers to dead people. A thought will not stop a killer, a prayer will nit dislodge a bullet in a victim's head. Only actions will, PREVENTIVE actions. And, look dude, I'm not saying you should take away all of the second amendment (even if I personally think it's only not a dumb amendment right now, but also grossly misinterpreted from its original meaning), I know historical traditions will most ofently trump apparent logical decisions. What I'm asking y'all to do is ACT. Get harsher background checks, actually ask people to prove they can and know how to use a weapon, make them pass regular exams, make it so if someone WANTS to have a weapon, they have to REGULARLY prove that not only are they sane (both physically and mentally) but also know everything they have to know about them (make them attend regular shooting trainings and exams, be sure they know how to properly take care of their firearms, get inspections to their homes so they can actually prove they'll be storing their gun and bullets SAFELY and SEPARATELY, etc). Also get harsher laws about gun carrying.

Why should someone be allowed to open carry a gun in the middle of the street? There's literally no reason. And before someone comes and tells me that this way they feel secure from "gang violence", just know that A: that's simply not statistically true and, B: that's the police job, not yours.

Why should automatic and semi-automatic guns be allowed? (In the sense of the big guns capable of firing multiple shots per second). How many bullets per second do you actually need to defend your home? A handgun is more than enough. If you want to go hunting, a hunting gun is more than enough, you don't need to fill anyone, or anything, with 60 bullets in under a minute. And, yes, I know some people like to have those guns to go to a shooting range but, is it honestly worth it? Should we really allow literal killing machines (because the other guns you could argue that they have other slightly different better purposes, like defending yourself or go hunting) to roam the cities? Should we let people get basically-militar weaponry just so that a couple of dudes can feel good about themselves by filling a paper with bullets?

tl;dr: Just PLEASE stop thinking and praying and actually start DOING.


Love local coffee shops. your “refugees are welcome here” sign goes really well with the one that says “bathrooms are for paying customers only”


You’ve clearly never had to deal with people doing hard drugs in the grocery store bathroom and it shows.

Bro I literally manage a coffee shop with an open restroom policy, and I prioritize enforcing that policy and making sure everyone feels comfortable. I’ve dealt with everything from the easy end of the spectrum (people quietly doing hard drugs) to a lady ripping all her hair out and setting it on fire in the sink. I clean up after this stuff day after day and I still feel VERY strongly about the fact that human beings should be allowed the basic decency of a place to poop. Yes, I very frequently end up having to kick someone out of the bathroom for doing drugs, and when I do I always offer them a cup of water on their way out. Because they’re a person and I give a shit…

It’s safer for people to do drugs in (clean) public restrooms than it is for them to do it on the street. It’s also ableist to deny someone the use of a bathroom. There are countless gastrointestinal disorders that cause bathroom urgency and potential incontinence. There are other conditions, like pregnancy, that necessitate quick and easy access to restrooms.

also what makes you think a paying customer wouldnt misuse the toilets in some way, and a person using it without buying something would?

contrary to popular beliefs people with money do drugs, and homeless people need the toilet just like the rest of us


I can’t believe this is happening AGAIN


I’ve been hearing a lot about this so to clarify:

  • This is Disney’s fault. Not Sony’s. Remember: Disney owns Marvel Studios.
  • Sony actually covered the production costs of all of Tom Holland’s Spiderman movies, not Disney.
  • The contract that Sony and Disney had been working with was Sony gets 90% of the earnings for the new Spiderman movies (since they still own the copyright to the character), in exchange for Disney’s (and thusly Marvel’s) use of the character in the MCU, and on official Marvel/Disney merchandise. (Which Disney gets the profits from.)
  • With me so far? Sony gets 90% of the movie profits. Disney gets 10% of movie profits, and (I believe) 100% of the merchandise profits.
  • Disney recently decided that a 90/10 split isn’t enough for the multi-billion dollar corporation, and wanted to revise their contract with Sony to an even 50/50 take of the spoils.
  • The Problem: This was the exact contract Disney and Marvel pitched to Sony back during Andrew Garfield’s tenure as Spiderman, which Sony refused to even humor. So obviously, Sony is PISSED.
  • Negotiations are still on the table, of course, to keep Tom Holland’s Spiderman in the MCU, but unless Disney can calm tf down with their bs, Sony plans to break from the deal, and take their rights to Spiderman and leave. (Since Sony technically still owns all of the rights to Spiderman.)
  • The Problem 2.0: Marvel fans and Tom Holland stans are blaming Sony for the disagreement, when the fault falls onto Disney and their greed.
  • Due to this misguided anger, the hashtag “Boycott Sony” is taking social media by storm and, in a best case scenario, infulence Sony into a deal with Disney for more than Disney deserves. In a worst case scenario, Sony will see the boycott and start a war with Disney, and we’ll never see Tom Holland’s Spiderman again. (Tom was Stan Lee’s favorite Spiderman/Peter Parker btw.)

But that IS how life works in a lot of countries…

It’s evil to give people an education, time with their children, and healthcare? 🤔🤔🤔

Extremely fucked up big gobernment forces me not to die


Theft is bad.

You cannot do good by doing bad to achieve the good.

It’s like saying Murder is good if you Murder the right person. Which said every genocidal maniac in history.

So bravo.


See that picture above? That’s a close up of my great grandmother’s immigration papers when she first came to the US back in the early 20th century. But my great grandma’s information isn’t the important part here. The important part is that line in the middle there about how they arrived in the country.

And how ‘stowaway’ is a legitimate, valid option to select.

So yeah. They absolutely just showed up, and that part of immigration history needs to be talked about a lot more.


read What is A Refugee for more history. Educate yourselves.


“National Geographic called me and asked me to write the feminist facts about how The Lion King gets lion pride dynamics all wrong. I happily complied. Lions are matrilineal!! 

When I contacted Craig Packer, one of the world’s leading lion researchers, to talk  about this story he was IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE. He Skyped me almost instantly from a camp in Kenya and said he’s been waiting for someone to ask him this question since the original film came out.

Anyway, if The Lion King were real, Nala would be the star, Sarabi would be holding her up saying everything the light touches is our kingdom, Simba would have left and never come back, and when Nala got old enough Sarabi would have carved out a territory for her to rule.”


“Reasons men gave for lecturing me on lion pride social structure and telling me one of the world’s leading lion researchers is wrong (I am not kidding these are real): -Watched The Lion King DVD extras -Read a textbook 25 years ago -Has been to the zoo -Everyone just knows

If you ever wondered what it’s like to be a woman that communicates science, this is what it’s like. Any expertise you or your sources may have gained over decades of hard work are null and void because someone watched a DVD extra 25 years ago.”

Erin Biba 

Hey that last one is a Mood


Clearly it’s because the movie would have no plot. I’m not the only one who saw that while reading this stuff right?

Valid points aside on the female side, the only thought I could process is that the movie would have no plot. Therefore, there would be no movie.

I’m just saying.

It true. Without men that level of ridiculous drama couldn’t happen.


Hey uh

You guys hear about…

Fucking uh


Who tf names their son Mixed Reviews?? This is why anime sucks


This country couldn’t be any more ridiculous. You literally can’t do ANYTHING in America as a Black person without risking arrests. Freedom is nothing more than a punchline.

We literally can’t even breathe while black or we’ll be accused of stealing “air”, I smell a delicious lawsuit and I hope he bankrupts the fucking city because fuck this shit I’m sick of it

he’s literally wearing a hospital gown...


imagine roughly a million people realizing "yeah we could storm a government facility and they literally would not be able to stop us all" and not using that knowledge to overthrow the government


posts that put me on a list


the fact that there’s only about 5000 people who’ve reblogged this scares me. That means that less that 5000 people know where these come from.

I feel old…

very odd

literally every person on earth has read the very hungry caterpillar


Y'all: Let's all storm into Area 51!!

Also y'all:

don't play with my emotions

Wait, you want us to storm into Area 51?

op I'm waiting on your answer because if you're lonely or something I can bring snacks and my ds so we can chill while the guards freak out

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