

@rayhantochtli / rayhantochtli.tumblr.com

Rayhan/Cloud • he/him • 🇲🇽 23 • PROSHIPPERS/TERFS DNI • Art, Hermitcraft, Pokemon, etc ^___^ ~ I don't ship the hermits • Banner and icon by me 🖌️

Via RNN: 16/5/23

The so-called "israeli far left" is planning to attend the hyper-nationalist zionist Flag March on Thursday for the first time ever. This is a desperate attempt to display a false unity in an obviously fragmented society.

The attached video shows scenes of the 2021 flag march, in which settlers chanted, "The second Nakba is coming!" and "Death to Arabs." Now, this march is endorsed by the "anti-apartheid" left that wants coexistence under zionist rule.

Remember: there is no zionist left and right. All of it is fascism, and all of it is occupation.


Eyes on Al-Quds today and every day. Resistance factions in every country in the region have reiterated times and times again that Al-Quds and Al-Aqsa mosque were a red line. During the month of Ramadan in april, rockets were fired from Gaza, Lebanon, and Syria in response to the crossing of these red lines. This settlers’ march is one of the biggest ever. Several “security systems” have been deployed all across the occupying zionist entity in preparation for any escalation, although “the risk is low.”

Whatever happens today, remember that this land is occupied and that the native people have every right to fight back this occupation by all means necessary and that resistance in the region have grown enough to fight with them when needed and to refuse the desecration of our holy sites by illegal foreign settlers.

Remember that even under international law, all of this is illegal, as this march celebrates the occupation of “East Jerusalem” in 1967. These lands are occupied under international law. The International community is an active and deliberate complicit and perpetrator in this fascism and terrorism. The people have the right to take the matter in their own hands. They always have and always will.

Don’t let these things happen in silence. If the Palestinian people fight back, our job is to shed light on their fight and to support it. Follow Eye.on.palestine on instagram and Resistance News Network on Telegram to follow up on the events of today. Adnan Barq does a remarkable job from Al-Quds on the ground too.

Worth repeating again that, like almost everything else about this ongoing ethnic cleansing and genocide, it didn't start on October 7th.


(screaming into a void where no one will listen) gamefreak what if they got to grow up. gamefreak waht if you did with them what you did with red/blue in alola. gamefreak canyou show them to me can you show me theyre okay gamefre


Today, far-right Israelis are rampaging through occupied Jerusalem on a route intentionally designed to assert dominion over Palestinian space in the city. Backed by police and the state, they hold Israeli flags, yell genocidal slogans, and commit violence and destruction against Palestinians.

The “Flag March” happens annually on “Jerusalem Day,” the anniversary of Israel’s 1967 military occupation of Jerusalem and the West Bank. It celebrates Jewish supremacy and control over Palestinians and their land. Marchers advocate for Palestinian genocide and attack Palestinian passersby.

This year, the fascist nature of this march is intensified by the Israeli military’s ongoing genocide of Palestinians in Gaza. Today’s brutality against Palestinians in Jerusalem and in Gaza are the result of the same ideology: Zionism.

Zionism is the ideology that the Israeli government rests upon. It claims Jewish safety requires a Jewish-only nation-state. Zionists use the strategy of violent ethnic cleansing to ensure their goal of “maximum land, minimum Palestinians.”

Some will try to write off the genocidal views and violent actions of far-right Israelis in the Flag March as “extreme.” They are “extreme” in their inhumanity and their audacity— but they aren’t fringe. They are actively protected by Israeli police and enabled by the state.

Today and always, keep your eyes on Jerusalem and your hearts with the Palestinians there as they endure and resist this horrifying march.


please stop reblogging shit with additions from prismatic-bell starlightomatic and vaspider please god

i dont care how good you think their take is they are zionists



(these three are all the same post)

(these two are the same post, separate from the one above)


this is literally just their pinned post


(three separate posts)


“Hamas needs to stop slaughtering unarmed civilians and killing queer Palestinians” is a zionist take? Genuinely asking. What makes it okay when they do it?


israel has killed more queer palestinians than hamas ever has, most of the homophobia that palestinians face comes from family or other people they know and the lurid stories of beheadings or people being thrown off buildings are extremely rare; people have this image of gaza as a place where gay people are "routinely" subject to isis-style executions and it's extremely far from the truth. also "queer palestinians seek refuge in israel" is a blatant lie and an insulting one, we can't just go to "israel" and claim asylum, there is so much about that statement that makes it absurd if you know literally anything about the restrictions on palestinian movement and where people with palestinian IDs and no other citizenship are allowed to go, where they can live, the processes they have to go through to even work in "israel" etc. you clearly don't know very much at all and should probably do a lot of research before you go around "genuinely asking"

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