
we’ve all got our quirks

@myherokatsuki / myherokatsuki.tumblr.com

on hiatus.

joz • 35 • they/them • infj • virgo🌙

about // rules // ao3 // main // art blog

bnha oc: ji-ae yeong/youngblood    oc bio // character tag // ship tag

masterlist. // fic recs.✨    requests closed

recent works. { *denotes smut }      ↳ *A Deal— Pt 1 (incubus!bakugou x reader)      ↳ *This Means War—Pt 1 (farmhand!kiribaku sandwich)

coming up.      wip list ON HIATUS

© 2022 myherokatsuki.  I do not consent to my works being edited/reposted/translated/or rec’d on tiktok.  All characters are aged up.



‘Brooding person who only feels safe enough to let the mask slip around Sunshine person’ is alright, but we really do not see enough ‘Sunshine person who only feels safe enough to let the mask slip around Brooding person’.


this new reblog chart feature is FASCINATING and it is also highlighting how much people on this website fail gifmakers and other content creators. you NEED to start reblogging gifsets and art if you want this site to continue functioning and being a place content creators WANT to be on. look at this

there are almost NO reblog chains!! the majority of reblogs are directly from me, and then it just. ends. the like to reblog ratio is almost 1:4.

this is why posts die. this is why artists have left, this is why gifmakers are giving up. this is killing tumblr.

reblogging is the ENTIRE POINT of this website, and you can’t just like something and move on and expect gif/editmakers and artists to continue putting in the effort to make content FOR YOU.



Imagining Mitsuki trying to play matchmaker

And maybe she’s done that before, thrown girls at her son hoping he’ll hit it off with one of them and give her grandchildren. But it just royally pisses him off and he wants nothing to do with any of them. Then maybe she gives up for a while

But booooyyyyy oh boy, if you’ve caught his eye and she notices? She may not have introduced you, but she’ll make it happen. Just trying to help him out ya know?

She’d have to be as subtle about it as possible though. I could see him pushing you away just to spite her, even if he was head over heels for you.


I got a little carried away talking about this, but I just love the idea of Mitsuki meaning well, but never quite getting it right.

Warnings: Mitsuki tries to play matchmaker.

Word Count: 1.6k.

It isn’t that Mitsuki wants to force him into a relationship, she means well. She doesn’t like the thought of him coming home to an empty apartment each night, especially because she’s one of the few people who know about his night terrors. She’s been on the receiving end of many a call at four in the morning where he’s calling to make sure everything’s okay, or hearing him as a young man screaming in the night when he wakes up from another one of those nightmares. And although she’s taught him well, never needing to learn to cook, clean or use a washing machine— some companionship can’t hurt.

There was a time that Mitsuki thought that Bakugou wasn’t searching for love— that he’d already found it. His cheeks turning a violent red when she’d suggested that he was dating Kirishima, immediately reassuring him that she wouldn’t love him any less and that she’s happy he’s found someone as Bakugou tried to set her straight.

It isn’t that she ignores Bakugou when he says he’s not looking. She’s just worried, and maybe she’s right. Maybe he is lonely, and could use someone to help fill that void between work and sleep.

A mother can always tell, after all.

But Mitsuki’s methods can be a little unorthodox. Masaru tries to tell her not to meddle, that their son will find love when he wants to. On his terms, when he’s good and ready. But now he’s pushing thirty, not even a tabloid based rumour about a girlfriend and she starts to get antsy.

The window for grandchildren is slowly closing, and the hope is diminishing so of course she has to take matters into her own hands. It’s for Bakugou’s benefit, it’s like she’s doing him a favour.

At first Mitsuki is trying to set him up with someone based on attributes, wealth, success, career goals. Even though it’s difficult trying to find someone as motivated and strong as her son, she knows there are thousands upon thousands of women out there that would love to date him.

And poor Bakugou would prefer to be doing anything else with his time, sitting in his boxers playing video games and sipping a beer sounds far better than a twelve course dinner with portions so small he’s got to cook at home after. Especially with women he could care less about, listening to them drone on at him about their meaningless lives while he picks at his hors d'oeuvre two courses in.

No matter how perfect these women seem on paper, how compatible they are based on personality tests and star signs the dates never work out.


very sincerely love how everyone that loves bakugo loves their own personal, individual flavor of bakugo. it’s kinda special, it’s like no one has to share him because everyone has their own personalized version

Anonymous asked:

On kingkatsuki why do we have to reblog for you not to block us, can’t we just enjoy the content?

I honestly can’t believe how many people are this selfish lol. It literally takes less than a second (the same amount of time it takes to follow a blog) to reblog a post.

It’s not that hard, and you don’t even have to say a single word.

Oh! And it’s free.

But still people refuse to do absolute bare minimum and support their fave writers. Pretty cringe if you ask me.

It leaves me in disbelief every time I have to explain why you need to reblog content from writers, because it’s almost as if you lot ask these questions but don’t even read the answers every single author is giving to you?

Anonymous asked:

Hi, I’m going around asking this to multiple people, please let me know your honest opinion! :)

How would you and/or other writers feel about someone reposting someone’s work with new pronouns and body specifications? Giving full credit, of course.

This sounds bad, let me explain it better..

Example: Someone has written a story with a female reader, and it’s absolutely wonderful, but very unfortunate to all the male readers who would also like to experience it (and vice versa).

Now, hypothetically, someone else comes along and “takes” their work, and changes the pronouns and gender specifications, to fit the opposite gender (or make it gender neutral). I wanna make sure that with this, the original writer would get full credit, they would be tagged and everything, so that the person reading the changed work would know who made it and whose work it is.

The work is the same, and the original writer gets all the credit, but more people can enjoy said work.

Do you think that this is ok? From as many perspectives as possible.

Thank you for taking the time to answer, it’s very appreciated, have a nice day/night. :)

This isn’t something I’m particularly comfy with, but I can’t speak for everyone else. If you are asking each writer personally then I think it’s fine if they’re okay with it, with full credit of course!

But from experience, like the whole Mayday voice debacle and shit, even when you repost the fic and give full credit, even link the original author etc, people still won’t go and tell that author that they enjoyed the work, and tbh they probably won’t even notice that it was written by someone else. And like the people that translate fics so that others can enjoy reading in their native language, it doesn’t bring anything to the original author so what’s the point?

Either way, just pls pls pls make sure you’re asking before you take anyone’s fics.


This is not something I would want done with my fiction. A lot of work goes into each piece, if there is a certain type of fanfic you want to read then please look for it or write it yourself.

Anonymous asked:

what does lvl 34 mean in ur bio?

i'm 34

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