the party king of mirkwood

@kanafinwe-makalaure /

Maxi, they/them, adult | This blog is dedicated to the world of J.R.R. Tolkien and all that which people create in their love for that world. My queer siblings and our allies are very welcome on my blog. πŸ’• (queerphobes including transphobes and aphobes are not.) I've been doing some art. Occasionally, I write things, on here or on AO3; AO3 is starshipsilmaril.

Hi and welcome to my blog! I love Tolkien and sometimes I do some art or write some fic. I hope you'll feel right at home here, this is a safe and friendly space :)

Unfortunately, due to AI data scraping, I have locked all my AO3 fics for users only. I am very devastated to have been forced to take this step, but I do not consent to my works being fed into AI programs.

I have been posting my more recent fics to both tumblr and AO3 to make them accessible to more people, but if you would like to read them on AO3, I can send you an invite for your own account, just DM me. Besides that, I can also offer sending you pdfs of the fics.


oh so when everyone else has a "beach era" it's a fun and funky time but when I, Maglor FΓ«anorion -


Thinking about a re-embodied Celebrimbor who struggles to sleep, not because of nightmares of his torture, but because of the sweetest dreams about tea and late night discussions and debates and work with the person he had thought of as his heart's dearest friend.


hey fellow Europeans (EU), just a friendly and mildly concerned reminder that in less than a month, the European elections are taking place. it's an election with a historically low turnout, but one that is just as important as any other, if not more. the composition of the EU parliament determines the political direction of the EU, and has an impact on all 27 countries through directives and regulations that get voted.

we cannot let far right extremist parties get an even bigger stronghold there than they already do. sadly, there are very significant threats of exactly that happening from many countries.

so please, if you are an EU citizen living in the EU and are of voting age, check the modalities to vote in your country of residence, and make sure to make your voice heard.


Israel doing well in Eurovision is a completely predictable result of the boycott. The people who are watching & voting in Eurovision are now at best willfully ignorant and apathetic and at worst actively pro-Israel, meaning there will be a disproportionate amount of people willing to vote for Israel and even people voting for them because of the boycott.

But saying that means that boycotting Eurovision was the wrong call completely misses the point of the boycott. The point is not "Israel should not win Eurovision", it is "Israel should not be allowed to compete in the first place". The point of the boycott is not to give the EBU views or money, so if you've been boycotting... don't give them money or legitimacy by voting for someone tomorrow to prevent Israel from winning. If Israel does win, that does not mean boycotting failed; it only further delegitimizes the competition and confirms we should burn the whole thing down.

If Israel ends up winning, that's the EBU's problem, not ours.

Don't watch, don't vote.

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