
Stickers used for this spread can be found at my store @satsumaimo444 !!!! 🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃🏃 btw yes that is a djungelskog sticker, and yes its in the shop 👹🙌 along w the kewpies


Long time no see guys- lately ive been really busy with my shop! However this coming semester I will try to post more ☁️ hope you are all doing well! :))))

Oh btw- shameless plug but the notepad is available on my shop if you guys are interested! Shop and insta available in the linktree below! 🐈


Still obsessed with this design for the bag! 🤍 🤸 this is just the concept for em along with all the stationery coming out soon! Be on the look out yall, a LOT of stuff is coming soon for the shop 🏃🏃🏃🏃MORE INFO AT OUT INSTA THOO🌿: @satsumaimo_444 on insta! :)


🌿Fellow (hopefully) enjoyers of the shop: Satsumaimo444 is expanding! New designs are in the works for a big update, and I am very excited to share this with y’all! :))

I am currently still getting designs finalized for production and currently making Satsumaimo its very own website, moving away from Etsy!

More information coming soooon! But make sure to check the insta for more updates! :) insta: I'm on Instagram as satsumaimo_444. Install the app to follow my photos and videos. https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=edjwydwzatg7&utm_content=h62mhyi

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