
we could be the best thing, EVER

@howlwiththewolvessterek / howlwiththewolvessterek.tumblr.com

Everything Sterek/Eternal Sterek // This is my secondary blog // "You faint at the sight of blood?" "I might at the sight of a chopped off arm!"
Anonymous asked:

I don't know if you're still taking prompts, but if you are: could you write a fic about someone else aggressively flirting with Stiles and Stiles trying to get them to knock it off by asking Derek to pretend to be his boyfriend? Please and thank you :)

“Derek,” Stiles skids into Derek’s back, and if Derek’s reflexes were slower he’d have beer all over his arm. 

He glares at Stiles, lifts his beer. “Watch it.”

“Yeah, yeah, precious alcohol, deepest apologies,” Stiles says hastily. “Look, I need you to do me a giant favour—”

“No, you still owe me from getting your damn Frisbee down from the roof last week.”

“And I swear the moment I know how to jump twelve feet in the air I will pay you back,” Stiles’ eyes go wide. “But, can you just—”

“There you are,” a sultry voice purrs from behind them both, and Derek turns to take in a pretty brunette about Stiles’ age batting her eyelashes viciously at Stiles. “I thought you’d left me,” she pouts and Stiles laughs awkwardly.

“No, no, I just wanted to check in on Derek over here.” He slings an arm round Derek’s shoulders, and Derek is both surprised and irritated at how comfortable it feels.


Hi lovely. If you're still taking prompts, I'd love to read your take on #55 (Stay there. I'm on my way). Either Sterek or Stetopher <333


Hey lovey, thanks so much for the prompt! Here's a Sterek fic for you 😁 Hurt/comfort, slightly longer than I intended because it ran away with me 😂


Stiles launches at his phone when it rings. "Derek? Der?" He answers urgently.

"Stiles," Derek whispers.

Some of the tension that he's been carrying for what feels like forever seeps out of Stiles' shoulders. "Where are you?"

"I'm -" Derek looks around, breathes in the air. He knows where he is. "Preserve. Behind the school."

"Stay there. I'm on my way." Stiles is pulling on his sneakers, grabbing his hoodie and his keys, and trying to text the rest of the pack all at once. It doesn't go particularly well but he manages it. "Are you hurt?"

"I'll heal."

"Fast, or...?"


Stiles makes a pained sound and pulls out the first aid kit from under the sink. "I'm coming, ok? I'm coming." Then he swears when he hears the dying battery beep on Derek's phone and the line goes dead.


i like to think about stiles and derek getting together in the most mundane way possible. Like, boring but soft. So soft. Stiles just asking Derek out one day, just saying, “Do you want to have dinner with me sometime?”

And Derek smiling at him and clarifying, “are you asking me out?” 

“Oh good, you got that,” Stiles would confirm. And yes, he does. So they do. 

And after their first official date at some restaurant in the next town over where Stiles steals from Derek’s plate and tries to pay but Derek shoves his card into the waiters’ hand first, Stiles walks Derek to his door and they kiss for the first time.

It’s probably grossly chaste and sweet and Derek’s hands are on Stiles’ face and Stiles is trying not to smile because he thinks it would ruin the moment. But he does anyway. 

And Derek invites him inside and Stiles accepts even though nothing happens except they fall asleep together on the couch with some movie playing in the background that neither have been watching. 

Derek wakes up in the middle of the night and carries Stiles to bed and makes him breakfast in the morning and Stiles just somehow never ends up leaving. 


When you and your werewolf bf are brought back to life to boost ratings

Ayyyyy But i haven’t seen the mess of TW since 3a. And i doubt i’ll see much more. It’s good to see the fandom awakening though. I forgot how to draw these boys.

(fuck you Torah, right to hell. Haven’t written them in YEARS and I have no idea what happened after 3a but here ya go, have some dorks):

“Hey um, been a while,” Stiles said, awkwardly punching Derek in the arm.

It didn’t hurt, but Derek rubbed the spot on his arm and glanced away. “Yeah, it has.”

“So like,” Stiles scratched the back of his head, trying desperately to think of something to say. This was beyond awkward even for Stiles. He had saved this man’s life more times than he could count and he’s been covered in Derek’s blood almost the same amount of time. That was a level of intimacy that he hadn’t quite reached with anyone, not even Scott. This should be easy. “Were you dead?”

Derek looked back long enough to give Stiles the most unimpressed stare before walking away. Stiles trailed after him immediately.

“You could have been dead! I mean, I’ve been dead… kinda… I think? I’m really out of touch these days,” Stiles stammered. “But, I mean, I’m glad you’re not?”

Derek inhaled and Stiles had to bite back a smirk when he sighed as loudly as he remembered. No matter how much time and distance came between them, Derek was still Derek.

“You know, I had all these fantasies of contacting you, bringing you back here. Some of it involved throwing rocks at your head. I’ll admit I was more violent back in those days. I could still be, jury’s out.”

Derek kept walking but he slowed down and his head was tilted toward Stiles. It almost made Stiles’ heart beat faster, in the kind of way that Derek’s hearing would tell you it was most certainly beating faster.

“Anyway dude, I’m glad you’re back. Things have been crazy around here. There’s all kinds of new people, I know how much you love making new friends so that’ll be fun to both see and record on video.”

“Stiles,” Derek said in the specific tone of voice that had conditioned Stiles to shut up instantly. Stiles stopped walking and pursed his lips together. He knew it was too soon, that they weren’t on equal footing anymore. Too much had changed, they had both become different people over the years and now… now Stiles had no idea how to communicate with Derek. Not that he ever did that successfully before but they had a rhythm, a weird way of half-communicating that worked. This… this wasn’t working.

Stiles nearly jumped out of his skin when Derek put his hands on Stiles’ shoulders and gripped tightly. When Derek didn’t say anything, just kept squeezing, Stiles risked looking up to find that Derek was smiling. Actually smiling. Not the dumb, cocky smirk that he may or may not have fallen in love with. An honest, genuine, toothy smile.

“It’s good to be back.”

To hell with Stiles’ heart, it could go into cardiac arrest for all he cared, this was the best he was going to feel for the foreseeable future. “Dude,” Stiles laughed awkwardly, squirming out of Derek’s grip, “Scott is gonna flip when he sees you smile like that. I’m so proud of you, learning how to be a fully functional person. Keep that up and I might not have to drag you out of a fairly deadly plothole this year.”

“Have the roads in Beacon Hills really gotten that bad?”

“Yeah, let’s go with that. Definitely said pothole.”

Derek narrowed his eyes and pushed Stiles to continue walking, “You’re still weird.”

“Don’t I know it.”

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