
I like telling stories


Emily, she/her, 30's. My subject matter is usually in the realm of Fantasy, though I plan to begin something Science-Fiction in the future. Feel free to ask questions about my material if you're interested. If you follow me, I will follow back. I love talking about my worlds, so if you have questions, don't hesitate to ask!

the reason why weed and psychedelics are illegal and sex is stigmatized is that if people have drugs and sex they wont want to go and kill foreigners with guns for USA

really it's just one or the other that will prevent said usa-ism


No one told me I was THAT big?!


So I made a bunch of dildo versions of my dick before I got it chopped off, and I was kinda disappointed with them at the time cause I was so nervous making them that I never managed to get more than like three quarters hard at best, and yeah I was kinda let down…but I just tried fucking myself with one and Jesus in hell I was girthy wtf, I felt so damned good 🤤 I felt filled in a way no dildo or dilator has managed 😳


As a lesbian i will always relate more to trans women than cishet women. Made to feel disgusting and predatory in women’s spaces? Check. Berated and mocked for our relation to sexuality and womanhood? Check. Hated for our “deviancy from the norm”? Check. Every single essay about womanhood by a trans woman–and especially, especially by trans wlw–has spoken more to me than anything written by a cis straight woman ever could. T*rfs can take that to the bank.


also, may I add because it’s not just the negative stuff. there’s so much positive connection:

gender euphoria experiences with a self determined approach to womanhood, attraction and sexuality

celebration of bodies beyond the norm

creating our own culture of appreciating complex and intertwined expressions of gender and sexuality

destigmatization and newfound respect of and for our bodies

true sisterhood based on choice not force

the inherent revolutionary nature of our existence and our love and community

creating space for exploration of pleasure and identity


These posts were fundamental in my coming out as a woman and hopefully someone else will see them and see the overflowing love and acceptance that is waiting for them too.

i'm reblogging this again just because i still feel like such an outsider with no femininity at all


Frankly, the biggest reason nobody can figure out how to make a Duke Nukem reboot work is because they think the 90s edgelord bullshit is the main reason that Duke Nukem 3D was such a breakout hit, when the truth of the matter is that it succeeded at least partly in spite of that. Duke Nukem 3D legitimately pushed the envelope in terms of what it was possible for a first-person shooter to be – in many ways it's just as foundational to the genre in its modern form as Wolfenstein 3D or Doom. You can't recapture that with dick jokes, and if you're not willing to take risks in terms of basic game design, dick jokes are all you have.

Ultimately, what the franchise really needs to shake off its creative rust is to stop trying to iterate on its established formula and shift genres entirely. To this end, I have a proposal: make the next Duke Nukem game a side-scrolling metroidvania. In this essay

No, the Duke is actually quite keen on double-jumping in principle. Whenever you find a new gadget he's like "come on, double jump, daddy needs that boost", only to be vocally (and vulgarly) disappointed each and every time when it turns out to be some other, more specialised kind of mobility upgrade, complete with unique dialogue about why each non-double-jump upgrade sucks ass.

(The actual much-hyped double jump upgrade is obtained during the post-final-boss escape sequence, less than two minutes before the end of the game, which really sets him off.)

"Horizontal air-dash while facing left" and "horizontal air-dash while facing right" are separate upgrades, with a non-trivial span of gameplay between them. The puzzle design specifically exploits this. You cannot imagine how annoyed the Duke is.

I like to imagine that somewhere in the first area there is some collectible that looks to be easily accessible with a double jump, and Duke complains for a bit about padding gametime by having players backtrack for pointless collectables once they get the double jump. Eventually, he encounters another one of these collectables, similarly just out of reach of a single jump. Duke again gets mad at this, and does bring up the idea of figuring out how to pick up that collectable using your current movement tech, just to spite the developers who clearly want you to backtrack just to hit the "Jump" button twice. This pattern repeats, this particular flavor of collectible appears and would be easily accessible with a double jump, but instead you need to macguyver together your current movement tech to figure out some other way to get to the platform. The exception being the first instance, which sits on a platform in the middle of an otherwise empty room, inaccessible by any means except a double-jump. A ladder at the top of the room dangles the hope that one day you'll access the room from another direction and be able to get the upgrade that way, but you cannot. Finally, during the escape sequence, if you go fast enough, you can return to that room and collect that first collectible. Doing so unlocks the Triple Jump. You've got just enough time to realize that if you triple jump from the platform, you won't QUITE reach the ladder, before the explosion catches up to you and kills you.

You understand my vision.

(The folks in the tags remarking at that this reads like playing a Hollow Knight randomiser with some of the goofier too-clever challenge modes turned on and a bad RNG seed also understand my vision. It's difficult to overstate how much of Duke Nukem 3D's design ethos boils down to committing Fuckery™ upon the first-generation FPS formula.)


The Duke is the perfect commentator for a sarcastic meta-commentary on metroidvania design, not even joking. He had something of a brain hidden under all the muscle in his earlier incarnations, and it was _exactly_ the right kind of brain for this purpose. Not only did he know what Usenet was, he was familiar enough with it to condemn it as a hive of scum and villainy! Some of his one-liners reference other first-person shooters of the time! He can specifically reference other games when criticizing the fuckery that's going on in his own situation because he's _played them all_. He knows how to be crude and perverted without being truly offensive because he's consciously performing a specific identity. One of his recurring enemies is a literal pig cop. I bet that he'd be all over tumblr today. These aspects of awareness make him able to actively comment on game design in a way that very few other characters can.

Totally. There were comments earlier that this wouldn't be appropriate for the Duke because it's too meta, but his early characterisation – before he got Flanderised into an off-brand Johnny Bravo who's allowed to say "fuck" – is pretty genre-aware. He's (usually) not medium-aware, so it's not appropriate for him to go full Deadpool, but it's 100% in character for him to have enough genre awareness to have dumb opinions about the conventions of the medium.

So what I'm taking away from this is we need Powerslave, with Duke Nukem as it's lead, that shifts into 2D sections from his old games (a'la Mario Odyssey), with Doom 64-style re"makes" of his old enemies, but an 80's tribute rock soundtrack, and one absolutely out-of-place gun or power-up that Duke shits on at first but as the player uses/gets it again and again he starts to like the cool shit it does.


Ways to solve the Why Can’t They Use Magic To Fix Everything problem:

•Magic has a cost. The more powerful the spell, the more it drains the caster’s life.

•’We tried that ages ago.The gods grew angry at our arrogance and stripped most of our powers away.’

•Magic is tied to the stars and planets. Its full potential can only manifest on certain astrological events.(And these are once-in-a-millennia type events)

•Only one will a pure heart and selfless intentions can use their full power.

•All magic users are descendants of a (god/spirit). As the years have gone by, the blood has become more diluted, and magic has grown weaker as a result.

•Spell casters can only cast (finite number of spells). They end up using their gift on trivial matters.

•’After the war, we realized the dangers that magic presented. And so we sealed it away, lest it destroy the world.’

•Everyone has magic. Trying to solve one problem is futile as it can be easily undone(often violently and with much destruction)

•inverse of the above: everyone has magic, but their powers are limited and (mostly) harmless.

•Individual, company, or nation has a monopoly on the only substance that can negate magic. As they rule the world, they have installed anti-magic devices everywhere.

•Individual, group, company, or nation has a monopoly on magic. To insure their grip on power, all magic users that do not submit to them are killed.

•An act of good will spawn one of evil. The use of fire will cause somewhere to grow cold and dark. And to save a life, one must sacrifice another.

•The only magic people have access to is Chaos Magic. No one uses it, for obvious reasons.

—••• •• ——• ——• • ••• —•• •• —•—• —•— ••— •••


I gave my soapbox speech about how weight loss is mostly bullshit to two different patients in a row yesterday and so help me I’m pretty sure one of these days someone is going to say “but SURELY you agree I’d be HEALTHIER if I lost weight!” bc you can see the disbelief in their eyes. And like. Sure, maybe! You might see some improvement in biomarkers like LDL and A1c, and your knees would probably feel better. But you would be amazed at how much more good you can do for yourself by focusing on things you can actually meaningfully change without resorting to making yourself miserable. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables—it’s hard bc they’re more difficult to prepare and more expensive per calorie and go bad faster than other foods, but they’re what we evolved eating the most of so they’re what our bodies need the most of. And walk around more; sure, cardio is great for you, but if it sucks so bad you don’t do it, it isn’t doing shit for you. And we evolved to walk very very long distances, a little bit at a time, so our bodies respond actually very well to adding walks into our schedules, which is vastly easier than adding workouts that are frankly designed to be punishing when the definition of punishing is “makes you less likely to do it again in the future.”

You get one life. It is shorter than you can begin to imagine. Don’t waste it hating yourself because somebody is going to make money off that self-hatred. You deserve better than to be a cash cow for billionaires who pay aestheticians and dermatologists to make them (or at least their trophy wives) look thin and beautiful no matter what they actually do.

And ONE MORE THING—listen. We are NOT evolved to lose weight, we are evolved to hoard it. We came about in a world of famines. Not only does your brain have MULTIPLE failsafes built in SPECIFICALLY TO PREVENT WEIGHT LOSS, but there are epigenetic factors—factors that are not DNA but travel with it and affect how it is expressed. So if your parents or grandparents lived through a famine, like, oh, say, the Great Depression, YOU are more likely to gain weight and more likely to have difficulty losing it. AND! We live in a world highly affected by industrial pollution—there is no corner of the world free from it, micro plastics and industrial chemical pollution have been found literally everywhere ever studied—and many of those pollutants affect our endocrine systems. Looking at records of lab animals going back to the 1960s, where we have excellent records of what genetically essentially identical animals ate, we know that LAB ANIMALS FED THE SAME AMOUNT OF THE SAME CHOW WEIGH MORE NOW THAN THEY DID THE IN SIXTIES. So no. You’re not fat because your willpower is somehow busted. (Willpower, fun fact, can be depleted! By DEPLETING BLOOD SUGAR! Baumeister’s work in the 2000s demonstrated that.) You’re fat because your body wants you to live, and because the ultra rich have knowingly poured poison into the world because they don’t care if you die.

So YOU need to care if you live. And how you live. Please love yourself, because the billionaires will never give a shit about you. Weight Watchers has a 96-99% failure rate. Weight loss is a scam that makes billions of dollars every year. Love yourself too much to fall for that. Don’t wait until you’re thin to love yourself or to start living, because a) that day may never come and b) it’s okay if that day never comes. You are worthwhile and enough right now. I promise you that.

Did I mention that all studies on the subject are very clear--like, we do not need more studies on this, which is a bananas thing for a scientist to say--exercise does not lead to weight loss. It just doesn't. Anyone who tells you it does is wrong. It's good for you because it's good for you, not because it makes you thin. It improves your blood vessel health; it improves your heart health; it improves your body's ability to manage blood sugar; it improves your muscular health. It does not make you thin.

Reducing calories can reduce weight, but your body, as previously mentioned, is trying REAL HARD not to lose weight. I see a lot of recommendations for 1200 calorie a day diets. Google "starvation study" and look at how much the men in that study were given. It was over 1500 calories a day, and they were miserable. They became skeletal. They felt awful, depressed, foggy--because your brain is the single biggest user of calories in your body. It is so metabolically active that your brain uses around 30% of all the calories your body uses. Guess what happens when you starve your brain? You feel like shit. You feel stupid and depressed. Don't starve yourself. It doesn't work and it makes you feel awful and you will get rebound weight gain above whatever you lost, guaranteed, and then you'll blame yourself for "letting yourself go" because our society is built on lies.

We also cannot and should not ever suggest that anyone can lose more than 5-10% of their body weight and keep that off. It's just not possible. Bariatric surgery is a WHOLE other can of worms, I don't have the energy to explain why I almost never recommend it to my patients, but just know that if anyone has ever suggested you lose more than 10% of your body weight through behavioral changes, they are bullshitting you.

Getting a lot of notes on this post! Many of them are people going "oh thank God" and then there are people going "but SURELY you agree I'd be healthier if I lost weight!" and people going "well I lost weight so it IS possible!" and like. Buddy. That's like two people out of the 10,000 notes on that. You are that rare statistical exception. Feel morally superior if you want to. (Right up until you hit that health problem that leads you to gain weight and suddenly realize, with great shock, that it WASN'T immorality that led you to be sick and fat.)

Lotta people asking me medical questions! No! Ask your doctor. Real professionals need a lot more details than you're going to send me in an ask. Giving you medical advice without knowing your chart and being your doctor puts me at actual legal risk.

Also people going "cite your sources!" No! I spent 10 years working in research before I went back to med school. You know how I find papers on stuff? Google! Learn to fucking Google! If you can find research that convincingly demonstrates that exercise leads to weight loss, shoot it my way, because on my way in to work last week I was listening to a national conference board prep lecture and the speaker very specifically told thousands of family physicians, out loud in words, "Exercise does not lead to weight loss," so you can either assume you know more than me and go prove it, or shut the fuck up.

Also people saying, "Wait, I thought I could lose weight, and now you're telling me I can't?" No. I'm telling you that weight is not the benchmark for how healthy you are, and if you let your eating disorder tell you that thinness is the only thing that makes you valuable as a person, that is a very different disorder--that you can recover from--than being fat.

Also people with just no reading comprehension going "you're saying there are ZERO benefits to weight loss?" to which I say go re-read the first two paragraphs of my first post.

I am literally an expert--on the brain, on bodily health--and if what I'm saying is unsettling, you need to think real hard about why. Examine your attitudes towards fatness. Ask yourself whether you'd still like yourself if you were fat. Ask yourself what you have to offer the world besides thinness. Why do fat people being happy threaten you? Why would you be happier in a world where fat people deserved the things fatphobia does to them? How much of your self-esteem is based on being thinner than someone else?

You know what, while I'm at it, my post about Ozempic/Wegovy:

And let's address the only two meaningful criticism of my original post series:

  1. The Baumeister research on willpower as a depletable resource is probably BS. People have tried to replicate it and they can't. In my defense, I didn't know that because I finished my master's in 2010 and that conference where I watched his presentation was in like 2009, so I'm out of the loop. However, this criticism is valid. And kind of a bummer? I liked feeling like I was accomplishing something with a little treat. Ah, well.
  2. The men in the Minnesota starvation study were given over 1500 calories a day in a setting where they were burning substantially more than that. Yeah! Grown men do! I have a patient who literally walked into my clinic room and was like "I don't know WHY I'm so tired" and it turns out he's working and also working out while on an 800 calorie a day diet, so it's worth talking about how much grown men should be eating, because they deserve to feel like human beings too--but if you want to get into whether 1500 calories a day is a reasonable amount for a human woman to eat, it's fucking not! ALSO, calorie science is a load of horseshit in the first place. Bomb calorimeters are still, as far as I know, the standard, and the question of "how much energy does this put out when literally burned" has VIRTUALLY NOTHING to do with "is this good for me to eat."

So, now no one can complain I didn't address those issues. I am actually grateful to the people who pointed out the Baumeister thing. I'm just annoyed at people going "he was BARELY hungry enough that he CUT HIS OWN FINGERS OFF AND DIDN'T KNOW WHY" as if that is, you know, in any way a defense for why we continually hear advice to go on a 1200 calorie a day diet.

To address two extremely common complaints on this post:

“If you won’t add sources, how do we know you’re telling the truth??” YOU DO NOT. GO LOOK IT UP!!!! I HAVE TOLD YOU REPEATEDLY THAT THESE ARE ALL AVAILABLE VIA GOOGLE WITH SIMPLE KEYWORD SEARCHES. TRY “microplastics deep ocean” or “fat lab animals.” THEY ARE RIGHT! FUCKING! THERE! Do not just trust somebody on the Internet. LEARN TO READ THINGS. Learn what makes a good source vs a shitty one. I quite literally once had a non-medical friend from research degree grad school send me a medical “paper” (it was not peer reviewed) about how vaccines cause autism. It had approximately 50,000 references and looked very official. She was worried it might be legit. I started LOOKING UP THE REFERENCES and I’ll be damned! None of them said what they were being represented as saying. NONE of them. Learn how to evaluate sources or you are doomed to be lied to with abandon.

“Oh great, I was already depressed about being fat and you made it worse!” The FUCK I did! I told you the truth! Society made you depressed about being fat. I’m showing you where all that cognitive dissonance is coming from. If truth makes you depressed, you need to figure out how to live with that truth and then grab the world that made it this way and throttle it into submission. I devoted my entire fucking life to medicine because I was so mad about homophobia and biphobia and transphobia. Get yourself an ACTUAL LIFE with MEANINGFUL GOALS. Being thin doesn’t count! Sure, your life is easier if you’re thin, but you have very little control over that. You DO have control over who you choose to become. Be someone you can respect. You don’t need to LOVE yourself, you need to RESPECT yourself.

RESPECT YOURSELF ENOUGH TO LEARN TO GODDAMN READ SCIENCE! I taught many MUCH less motivated undergrads than you to do it, I KNOW you can.


having sex with your friends is so very normal please stop poisoning the youths minds with shame surrounding hooking up with your friends. especially if you’re gay


having sex with your friends is so very normal please stop poisoning the youths minds with shame surrounding hooking up with your friends. especially if you’re gay


Cake i made today that looks like an amnesiacs distant memory

guys stop saying it looks like a burger patty with chees 💔


I MIXED cake batter together and i put it in the oven and. I MADE a cake i HOPE this helps


I've never seen death of the author applied to a baked good before, until now that is


Just like that doll... Resistances is futile when my words penetrate your mind, reducing you to a sweet mindless dumdum...

This is from an indie game called hardcoded. It is a queer cyberpunk story about accepting personal identity and embracing sexuality in spite of a world controlled by backwards minded prudish autocrats. There is both a free demo version as well as a paid Patreon exclusive version. The game is still in development, but it handles queer sex in a really good way, and isn't very long so it is absolutely worth your time


Your new adventuring companion may be a hulking, filthy, brutal beastwoman, but it’s not that bad. Yeah, she terrifies the locals, eats through your rations like they’re nothing, and generally acts like a barbarian. But consider: you get to sleep with your face in her armpit. And sure, she's possessive, but that just means that she holds you close and refuses to let go at night. You’re the size of a plush toy to her, so you get the experience of having stinking fur and hot breath all around you. It’s even better when she has a wet dream, and you can feel her grinding…

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