
eros save me

@psychewithwings / psychewithwings.tumblr.com

nsfw18 +| 23| she/her| Psyche |
no minors or ageless blogs
| asks/chats always open xx |

18+ | nsfw blog | minors dni | ageless blogs dni



im psyche :) i am in love with fallen angels and love itself

may we be kind to one another and do our best to brighten the world

i write for way too many fandoms- my wips are atrociously long but i like requests too, they're always open and ill take them if i have the time so feel free to request

if you want to request something my rules are simple: age listed in bio (if u are not 18+ i will block you), if im not comfy with the content i wont do it but truthfully i will write most anything


recent fics:


Spanking w Professor Lelouch Lamperouge

tw: impact play, teacher/student dynamic, dub con, dirty talk

yall im just thinking about AU professor Lelouch Lamperouge... Like I'm down bad...

Professor Lamperouge was the head of the Philosophy department, teaching specifically advanced moral Philosophy and ethics. He was a strict teacher with a stick up his ass and one of the harshest graders in the entire university but the ones emerging from his class would have the best chance for a killer letter of recommendation and brownie points for surviving his class. You'd gone in determined to excel with grace and you were... that is until you lost a bet and had to find a way to flash Professor Lamperouge your panties. Specifically those lacy pink, barely there ones that you'd bought last valentines day...

You'd thought it was funny... seeing him walk down the hallway towards you the next day. You smiled to yourself knowing it was the perfect opportunity. Right before you were about to pass him you moved to get out of his way but not enough and knocked your shoulder with his elbow. The stark white papers floated to the ground. You feigned embarrassment as you helped him pick up the documents, bending over in front of him to make sure he could see. When you turned around again his face was bright red. "Here you are," you presented the papers with a smile. "Sorry again... Professor," you gave him a smirk, flicking your eyes over his sweater vest and tweed jacket. He tched down at you and walked back to his office, grumbling about having to reorganize everything. You giggled to yourself before texting a report to the group chat.

The girls didn't believe you as soon as you mentioned that he blushed so of course you had to prove them wrong. You would be happy to prove to them wrong during the next class. And so you took your normal seat in the second row. You listened as usual and when it came for the discussion portion you raised your hand and opened your legs slightly, revealing that pink lace from before.

As the professor called on you red bloomed in his cheeks. You watched him glimpse between your thighs and then back towards the board to jot down notes of what you had said. "An excellent point," he underlined a key word and turned back around, this time he looked just as he always did... that same stern expression. You supposed flustering the professor for a longer duration was a difficult. "Would anyone else like to comment?"

As class ended your friends commended your bravery yet still were not convinced. Perhaps it was because you had paid more attention in Professor Lamperouge's class but they didn't seem to believe that he had been as flustered as you claim.

"Could I see you in my office for a moment?"

Your blood ran cold. You knew you shouldn't have been messing around so much... but you smiled trying your bets to play off your fear and followed the professor to his office.

You stepped into the office, wall to wall with books, his large cherry wood desk and a window that looked out into the garden. "Was it my most recent paper that you wanted to disc-" "Bend over." It wasn't a request... but it shocked you so much that you stumbled on your words. "Wh-what?" He gave you a cold smile, "oh come on now, you've flashed your panties at me twice today and now you're getting shy?" He laughed slightly at your shocked expression. "I- I didn't think that- it wasn't really-" His hand lightly pressed into your back and you leaned down on the desk without protest.

“Did you really think that teasing me all day would lead to no consequence?” You mumbled another half hearted apology but he wasn’t listening. And instead lifted your skirt with a pen from his shirt pocket. “You got what you wanted… I’m looking now-“ he used the pen to snap the strap of your panties against your hip. “Though there isn’t much to look at… in regards to fabric anyways.” He tapped the pen against your ass gently before dragging it against the crotch of your panties. You gasped and he laughed in response. “Oh? Is that what you wanted? You’re greedy.” He swat your ass with the pen and you jumped. “Professor~ please… I-I’m sorry! It was just a prank and-“ This time he pressed the pads of his fingers against your clothed pussy. “You’re not that sorry- look how wet you are!” He reached for something on his desk. You felt the cool wood tapping against your ass. “You know, back in the day teachers would use a paddle on disobedient students. Lucky for you this won’t hurt as much.” He gave a light teasing smack against your ass cheek. You bit your lip in an effort to hold back your moans. The truth was that this was the best possible outcome although you figured it would be nearly impossible to seduce your strictest teacher. But you smiled and turned your head to catch his eyes. “Do what you want with me-“ He hissed upon hearing your words, his fingers gripped even tighter around the ruler as he smacked you again. It was a harsher blow, and the sweet sting made it too hard to hold back. The moan fell from your lips which made the Professor laugh mockingly. “You’re so easy to read you know-“ Another harsh smack to your ass. You keened, the fiery feeling spreading throughout your ass cheek. He pressed his palm against the bruise in an effort to soothe the ache. He leaned close to your ear and gripped your flesh, “I know you love this-“ Even if that was true, you would never admit it. “Wha- no! I-“ He smacked your ass again, again, and then a third time. “I don’t like liars…” He rubbed your pussy through your panties. Your juices coated his fingers through the fabric. “You’re soaking. Be honest and tell me the truth.” He tapped the ruler impatiently against your flesh. “I- really love it.” It was a quiet admission but one none the less, exactly what he had asked for. He slipped your panties to the side and pressed both his fingers into your cunt. “See? I reward you for the truth, so tell me what you really want.” You grind against his hand. “I want you to fuck me-“ your voice trailed off into a deep sigh as he started to move his fingers. “Good girl…” he cooed softly, “but maybe tomorrow- I don’t think you’ve earned that yet.” While your body ached, cunt clenching around his long fingers… your heart fluttered. He’d said tomorrow which meant whatever you had started with your professor was far from over. His fingers sped up their movement and your couldn’t help yourself. “Lelouch,” you moaned is softly and this time he growled in return.


I loved a quote I read today, I paraphrased it. Here’s the original:

“I hope you find someone who knows how to love you when you are sad.” — Nikita Gill (via deceptivelips)


Hovember: Exhibition w/Bokuto Koutarou

Dayum he’s a strong sexy boiii and i want this, also he gives no fucks

TW: 18+ minors and ageless blogs will be blocked, its exhibition so there’s an audience, but don't worry their into it, uhhh sex, shower sex thats bout it!

His hips slam against your ass, cock dragging against all your sweet spots. You cry out and immediately regret it, the echoes from your moans reverb off of the shower walls. Bokuto doesn’t care about the sounds he makes that are surely flooding into the hallways, groans and growls as he fucks harder and faster. Your body strains as he holds your arms behind your back, using them for leverage as he fucks into you. “Ko- pleeeease, be quiet, w-we could get caught…” You worry about any of the MSBY team finding you like this, or worse… their coach. What type of trouble would he get into? You weren’t supposed to be in any of the locker rooms of the stadium, especially not the men's locker room.

The water trails from his chest onto your back, splashing over you with every thrust of his hips. The wet smacks on his hips against your perfect little ass echo throughout the locker room. “Don’t care if they see- need it- you- now, fuuuuuuck- so good-tight- perfect-fuck - fuck -fuuuck---” He groans, his hands finding a grip on your waist. You grab onto the slick shower wall. Your face resting against the cold, wet tile. Your eyes close tight as Bokuto shifts the angle, driving his cock into your G-spot. You whine, hand clapping over your mouth, your own fingers finding their way into your mouth and you suck just to try and keep yourself quiet. He lands a hard smack against your ass and your eyes fly open, teeth biting down on your fingers ever so slightly.

You’re met with the gazes of some of his other team members. Sakusa stands, brow furrowed to feign disgust while the tent in his pants grows. Hinata whines and licks his lips, clearly jealous. The other watch, eyes wide and tight jawed, as Bokuto drives his cock in and out of your tight little cunt. The sounds of your pussy, clamping down and trying to hold his cock inside fill the room. “Ko- nhhhh,” you start, but something about their intrusive gaze pushes you rapidly towards your release. “Let ‘em watch how I fill you up baby, cum, cum for me let ‘em see what I do to ya.”

You lock eyes with the crowd who’s now watching your pussy get stuffed with your boyfriends cock over and over again. His cock is heavy inside you, pushing you closer and closer towards your release. Drool coats your own fingers and your hiccuping little breaths are the only response Bokuto receives.

You watch through lidded eyes as Hinata palms his own cock over his work out shorts. You stare at him, your face fucked out, jaw slack, fingers resting on your lolling tongue. Hinata smirks at you as he mouths the word, “cum.” And to your surprise, your body obeys his command as you gush all over your boyfriends fat cock.


Hovember: Non/DubCon w Gojo Satoru

oooof he’s such a cocky bastard and tbh i just wanted to see him in glasses and a sweater vest in a preppy college.

TW: 18+ no minors or ageless blogs allowed, this is a teacher student, tho reader is getting her doctorate so reader is 27+ and Gojo is like 30+ but there isn't a large age gap... he's just smart and full of himself, i said it in the title but it’s non/dubcon, so if thats triggering this one won't be for you

Your college is extremely strict when it comes to dress code… Yes, a college dress code. What would you expect at an all girls private college. White, shapeless shirts are to accompany the skirts which are nothing less than ugly. Black and tan plaid, in a bulky fabric and a boxy shape. Tights must be worn with skirts at all times, no matter the weather. The only acceptable colours for tights are white, black, or the same tone as your flesh. It’s ridiculous, just something the founders thought of adding in to make the school even more pretentious. You wouldn’t even be in this stuffy elitist system... but their literary program is so phenomenal…  and the scholarship they’d given you for your doctoral program didn’t deter you any. But that meant you would have to do your best to quell and calm your rebellious side.

Your main professor for literature was more down to earth than the rest of the faculty. He was only a few years older than you, but a certified genius in his field, graduating college with a doctorate and only 5 years of school. He chose to abandon most of the rules and formalities. His class is an open discussion, instead of a lecture, and he prefers to be called simply, Satoru. He is gorgeous and all of the girls stare at him dreamy eyed while he discusses the symbolism of the colour red, or the meaning of the main character's name. Satoru is funny and crude, and at times incredibly sensual. You had gushed with your friends for weeks when your class had done the poetry section and he had read ‘may i feel’ by, E.E. Cummings. His voice sent shivers down your spine, and you were sure you were imagining things, but sometimes it felt as if he paid you special attention. Being hard on you at times, yet generous, devoting extra attention to your learning. He’s even been tutoring you after class for your thesis, even though he wasn’t your appointed advisor.

Other girls resented you for his taking such a liking to you but it wasn't like you’d done it on purpose. You were interested in the content, asked good questions, and paid attention. Not to mention you weren’t nearly so spoiled or entitled as the rest of them. You figured it was nice for him to have a student who cared more about the content of the class than the prestigious name that would be attached to the degree.  

Now that classes had become more minimal and you’d put up with the dumb dresscode for the entirity of school, you figure it was time for your senior prank to commence. It had been a joke for years in your small circle of friends. That leaving your panties at home was completely acceptable as long as you had tights covering your ass. The idea itself had been comical, but when you slipped your tights over your bare ass this morning, it became thrilling.

You walk the halls feeling the breeze between your thighs. No one seems to know, how could they, but the idea you might be caught has the heat flooding to your cheeks. And sitting down, practically bare in Satoru’s class has your heart pounding in your ears. But just as usual, you get invested in the material, dissecting the meaning of chapters one through three and arguing with that one girl who thinks she knows everything.


Kinktober day 17: degredation w Monoma Neito

i know, and this is pretty illegal but like, Monoma-nii who wants to scold and mess and just- yea want this... send me to jail

TW: 18+++ no minors or ageless blogs allowed, dark content to a degree bc they're step siblings, so incest-ish, he calls her sister teasingly, nasty mean talk, explicit, monoma, monoma being monoma, unprotected sex

After you found out your boyfriend was cheating (and you’d burned all his clothes and run his laptop over with your car) you needed to move out of the shared apartment.  You didn’t have anywhere to go, maybe a friend's couch for a little while, but after that? Your only real choice was to beg your step brother, Neito, to move in with him for a while. He was a pro hero and you knew he’d have the space. His job took many hours… you’d been prepared to negotiate, offer to do all the chores, all the cooking, anything to help him out. To your surprise you didn’t even have to beg, you asked once and he agreed immediately. “It won’t be long, I’ll have a new place soon, I’ll start looking tomorrow-” But he waved away your words and hugged you close, hands rubbing your back in soothing circles. It was such a warm gesture, something you’d become unfamiliar with over the past year or so... And a gesture that was rare from Nieto. You immediately broke down into tears, crying on his shoulder. He stroked up and down your back in soothing motions.


It was an easy transition into living with Neito. You helped around the house when you could, cleaning and cooking to show your thanks more so than his own expectations. You ate with him most meals and played video games like you’d done when you were younger. It felt natural, familiar, as if you were recreating memories with him. It was comfortable living with him, maybe a little too comfortable. You didn’t feel the need to change out of your skimpy little sleep clothes on Sunday mornings. Perhaps it was your imagination, but you sometimes caught him staring. Your pert little ass peeking out of those soft cotton shorts while you poured pancake batter on the skillet. You wouldn’t mind if he was staring… it would be a lie to say you didn’t stare back sometimes.  It was hard to keep your eyes off him when he walked into the kitchen fresh out of the shower, beads of water clinging to his back and his chest and just a towel wrapped around his waist. It was hard not to blush when he would tickle you into submission like he used to when you were younger. “You’re so fucking annoying, you know that?” he’d chastise as you howled with laughter, legs flailing and kicking until he would pin them with his own. His body so strong as he holds you down, his fingers on your stomach and thighs. You could feel the slick seeping into your panties and guilt would flood your senses. You shouldn’t be getting turned on by your step brother.


kinktober will be back tomorrow, I could have shat smth out these past few days but its not my vibe, I’d rather be late with work i can be proud of than just fuckin smth on the page and calling it a day... 

love to yall and have a restful sunday


Ohhh okay okay! This is such a fun idea.

I love Denki. I canon him as my best friend but we’d def have some sparks too. Haha get it- sparks?? 🥴🥴 NEWays… we’re very similar people so lemme know ur thots!


PLEASE okay if you go with Denki I think he’d have so much fun doing a superhero costume, something like Batman and Robin!! But specifically the old school versions, like when Adam West was Batman in the 60s! (You get to decide who’s who tho hehe)


Ahahaha Andy! I love it! Tho… I think we both give Robin Boy Wonder energy hahhaa but he will have fun doing the Batman voice all night


Welcome to Kinktober you lil nasties heheheh ;p who’s ready to get freaky??

***this is an 18+ zone yall, so ur age in bio if you wanna interact, else you’ll get the block (hope i can stop saying this at some point)*** 

but anyyywayssss; okay, yes… here’s the tentative line up, and its all subject to change, i will post them in no particular order… hit up my inbox or fill out this form if you’d like to change the fate of this kinktober masterlist or if you have a particular character you wanna see! listen, i aint fully decided on most of these so in put is more than welcome and if i didn’t use ur idea, not personal babe, sometimes i just don’t think i can do that character justice xx

i hope all you little thirsty devils are hydrating this kinktober… lets drink filth together <3 

  1. Dirty Talk: Miya Atsumu
  2. Breeding: 
  3. Size Kink: Roronoa Zoro
  4. Squirting: Kaminari Denki
  5. Panty stealing: Todoroki Shouto
  6. Marking: Kirishima Eijirou 
  7. Cream pie: Nanami Kento
  8. Overstim: Inumaki Toge
  9. Non con: 
  10. Dub con:
  11. Drugs:
  12. Impact: Oikawa Tooru
  13. Omegaverse:
  14. Toys: Hinata Shoyo
  15. Degradation:
  16. Dumbification:
  17. Edging: Suguru Geto 
  18. Cum play: 
  19. Yandere: 
  20. Somno: Tamaki Amajiki
  21. Corruption:
  22. Spit: Tsukishima Kei 
  23. Facesitting: 
  24. Praise: Hatake Kakashi
  25. Pet Play:
  26. Sex Pollen: 
  27. Daddy: Sawamura Daichi
  28. Bondage: Sero Hanta
  29. Voyerism: Sanji
  30. Exhibitionism: 
  31. As many as possible & aftercare: 

Wanna be on the taglist? thats right here babe heheh

(dividers @firefly-graphics​ , thanks for getting kinky with us)

in case yall missed the master list here it is again... m a little behind but ill catch up before the Eve of the all Hallow heheheh bc we all need to get freak nasty on that day


Kinktober day 16: bondage Sero Hanta

i knows its cliche but its actually a modern au where he’s tying shibari, bc well, ropes are hot and he’s a king so he knows this

TW: 18+ minors & ageless blogs dni, bondage, pussy licking, ropes, biting sum tiddies 

You look up at your boyfriend as he secures the last tie. “Here you are, babe! Fuck- you look good, can’t wait to get started… but where to begin?” Your arms are strapped above your head, wrists secured to the headboard. He’s made a pretty harness for you,  pushing up your breasts. Your knees are bent and spread, ankles tied to your thighs in a frog pose and again, tied to the bed. He has a perfect view of your pretty little pussy, and you have no way to be modest or close your legs to him. Sero trails two of his fingers down your neck first. “Maybe…” he murmurs, “I’ll start here.” His lips touch your neck, the kiss feather light. His teeth nip the flesh and you inhale sharply at the slight sting. “Fuck- I’m overwhelmed… your whole body to play with… all tied up for as long as I want?” He kneads your plush tit in one hand, then tugging your nipple and rolling it between his thumb and forefinger. He leans down to your ear, “you spoil me.” He bites down on your earlobe and you whine so pretty, music to his ears.

Sero knows how wet you must be and he can’t resist reaching his fingers down to feel the slick dripping from your tight little hole. He groans when he feels it, fingers wet, gathering up as much of your slick as he can. “All for me?” he asks before sucking his fingers into his mouth. You watch as his tongues laves over his fingers, before he sucks them back into his mouth again. “You taste so good,” he moans before his mouth immediately latches to your other nipple. He bites down on the bud, pulling with his teeth, bathing in your whines and little sounds. He reaches down again, feeling how your pussy drips onto your thighs, the soft plush skin so wet. He gathers more on his fingers and sucks them into his mouth. “Need more,” he kisses, licks, nips, sucks, his way down to your dripping cunt.

He parts your folds and drags his tongue up once. You pull against the restraints, whining,  as he drags his tongue again. “F-feels too g-good, Hanta,” your pussy throbs as he continues to lap selfishly. His arms wrap around your thighs as he starts to circle his tongue around your entrance. You jerk, the ropes holding you in place. Sero laughs against your cunt before pressing a chaste kiss to your clit. “You can’t move, baby, so just relax and take it,” he mumbles into your pussy, unable to finish the sentence before he’s diving back in. His tongue circles your entrance again, before he starts to fuck it in and out of you. You pull on your restraints a few times but he’s tied them well. Not too tight, but not nearly loose enough to escape. He has you trapped, but in the best way. And knowing that you can’t escape, while he fucks his tongue in your tight little pussy, propels you towards your first of many orgasms that night.


Kinktober day 15: Praise w/ Kakashi

we could also say todays kink is just feelings but uhhh

TW: 18+ minors & ageless blogs dni, eludes to depression but we healing through love,  cockwarming, lovely things said, mushy and romantic 

It has been the worst day. And burying your face in your boyfriend's chest, sitting on his lap, the weight of the world starts to melt away. Your hair's still wet from the shower and beads of water drip onto your big T-shirt. Kakashi’s fingertips graze along your bare thighs, from your knee to your the strap of your soft cotton panties. You pull away and look him in his eyes, he smiles at you gently and strokes his hand from the top of your head to your neck. “What do you need, my love?” he asks softly.

You don’t know how to respond or what you want, or what you really need. You just lean in and kiss him. Your hands clutching the back of his head to deepen the kiss. “Make it go away, ‘Kashi,” you ask sweetly.  He moves his lips against your temple, “you’re such a good girl.” You don’t say it, but you don’t feel good. “More- you’re a wonderful person, and I’m so lucky to have you,” he whispers and kisses your cheek.

Your lip quivers and you try your best not to cry. “I-I’m glad you think so,” you mumble. Kakashi holds your shoulders with his hands and his thumbs rub circles on your collar bones. His gaze is soft and kind. “And I will love you until you think so too… until you know so.”

It wasn’t close enough, to be sitting in his lap. “Can we be closer?” you murmur. He kisses your head, “of course.” He moves to pull his cock from his pants and gives himself a few pumps. You hold your panties to the side and then seat yourself on his cock. He groans softly, and his dick twitches inside of you. “You’re perfect… you were made for me.” You nuzzle against his neck, his cock filling you perfectly. “And you for me,” you whisper. He takes your face in his hands and he kisses your forehead, then each cheek, and then finally your lips. “I love these beautiful lips,” he kisses them again. “I love this gorgeous face,” he kisses your cheeks. “I love your beautiful mind, even if it hurts you sometimes.” He takes your hands in his, and he doesn’t say anything but he places them over his heart, then returns the gesture placing his hands over yours.  

How could you resent the girl that the man you love holds so dearly in his arms? You can’t, and it’s through his unconditional love, his sweet words, that you start to love yourself the way he loves you. “ ‘Kashi, my breath, my heartbeat… it’s because of you…” He hugs your body close to his and lays his head in the crook of your neck. He pauses, listening to you breathe, feeling your heartbeat.

Anonymous asked:

the one you wore with hinata…. woah 🥵

I was actually questioning if I took that too far but my inner cum slut said no

I’m glad we vibing on the same wavelength



Oooo I wuv dis.

Hmmm okay, welllll I would be so happy to go on a date with Kageyama and yall.

Heheheheh he’s so cute and grumpy 💕


WITH KAGS ;sladghka that's so cute ld;ashkg ok so i picture it like this like atsumu and i have been dating for a while, maybe we've even moved in together and i bring you, bestie, to a party bo's throwing. Hinata comes with his GF, and the setter from the team they just played... Kageyama.

He's surly, and you're sweet, and every time your hands brush on the couch atsumu like taps me on the shoulder like oh my god it's happening.

And we're ready to leave, so i go looking for you, and accidentally walk in on the two of you making out in the coat closet and i squeak and tsumu's like babe? and then he peaks his head in and yanks me back to the party like babe this is huge for him he's got no game

and im like that's not very nice and also it's my FRIEND in there but the two of you dont come back for like 45 minutes and you get very blushy and embarassed when i tell this story at your WEDDING


Ohhh Emmsie tysm! That’s so cute omg, this gave me the seratonin I needed today.

Okay so.

Kags has no game. But he’s cute when he blushes and I like being a tease. So I assume i just teased him sm he took me to the closet to prove to me he’s more than just a stuttering mess.

But you and Atsumu, bless. Without yall and your ability to make me not feel like too much of a third wheel but just enough of one to make me go annoy Kags with affection… this would have never happened.

Thanks for sorting out my love life with a single party and a coat closet 😂💗


Kinktober day 14: Daddy with Daichi

gahhhh so much daddy energy from this man

TW: 18+  minors or ageless blogs dni, mirror sex, big dicks, daddyyyyyyy 

His cock stretches you out with every thrust of his hips, his hands tangled in as much hair as he can grasp. The pads of your fingerprints smear down the length of the mirror. You stare at your reflection, mouth open and tongue lolling out of your mouth, dripping drool. Daichi bites his lip seeing your jaw slack with pleasure. The sound of him bottoming out in your sloppy little cunt fills the room. “Watch, see that?” He slows his thrusts, “see how Daddy fits his cock all the way inside you baby?” You moan seeing how his cock goes all the way inside, you feel so full. “Who’s pussy is this, baby?” he prompts. He pulls your hair, arching your back to wedge his cock impossibly deeper. “S’ d-daddy’s,” you whine. He rewards you by picking up the pace, the head of his cock kissing your cervix with every thrust. “Damn right baby, this pussy is mine,” he growls. He forces your head to look back at your reflection. His muscular thighs ripple and the arm around your middle flexes as he supports you. You’re breathing so hard that the glass is starting to fog. “Daddyyyyy,” you whine as your legs start to shake. “That’s it baby, cum all over my cock- Daddy’s got you.”


Kinktober day 13: Toys with Hinata Shoyo

I’m fine, this is freak nasty but im fine i swear

TW: 18+ minors and ageless blogs dni, vibrator, cum plug, cum play, praise, overstim

Fat tears roll down your cheeks and your little hiccuping sounds just make Hinata smile as he holds the vibe on your clit. Your pussy clamps down around the plug that he’s stuffed inside you, holding his cum in place. Your back is to his chest and his knees force yours apart, granting him access. You can feel how hard his cock is, poking into your lower back. The rumbling of the vibrator has your eyes rolling in the back of your head, body squirming to try and alleviate the pain from the overstimulation. You were on your way to your nth orgasm, fingers digging into his toned thighs.

You can feel his cum swishing inside of you as your orgasm builds. “You’re so cute like this,” he gives you a chaste kiss. “Feel good?” You moan, nodding your head, so close. Hinata turns your head towards him, your lips already parted oh so nicely. He sticks his tongue in your mouth, rolling it around yours. His free hand reaches down to the plug that’s stuffed in your cunt. He presses against the little jewel poking out of your pussy. You can feel the plug stretching you out, rubbing against your walls with every push of Hinata’s fingers. You keen into the kiss and he laughs against your lips. “Yeah, I know baby, but you’re doing good, you’re gonna cum so hard.” He kisses your cheeks encouragingly.

You figure the coil inside of you would have snapped by now but your orgasm keeps building. “Sh-Sho- nnnhhhh,” you whine. He sucks at your neck, the fingers fucking the plug deeper, speed up. “Yeah- I know, I know, but you can do it, cum for me princess, so fucking pretty when you cum for me,” he praises. Your legs shake uncontrollably against his as Shoyo’s words push you closer towards your end. Your pussy is so tight, and the plug is making  you feel so full. Your orgasm is just on the edge, your body so overwhelmed it’s almost frozen. He turns up the vibrator, the stimulation so intense every muscle in your body tightens and the breath won’t enter your lungs properly.You try to arch away but he’s so strong, the hand that was playing with the plug snaps up to hold your body steady. You cry out as the coil finally snaps, head throwing back against his chest. “Yes yes, fuuuuck- that’s my girl, so fucking good, cumming so pretty for me.” He rubs the vibrator back and forth over your clit, prolonging your orgasm. Your pussy pulsing and contracting around the plug. Your orgasm is so intense, that the plug slips out of your cunt, his cum and yours now flowing onto the bed.

Your body shakes in his arms as he peppers your face with kisses. Your breath is ragged, you can’t speak. “You did so good, didn’t you?” You nod slowly, as best you can manage and you’re rewarded with more sweet kisses to your cheeks and temple, your neck, your lips. “But look princess, you came so hard your plug fell out… I guess I have to fill you up again!” He lifts you slightly and sits you down on his cock, groaning as he’s enveloped by your hot, dripping cunt. “There we go,” he purrs.

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