Endeavour: How's that 'gay' phase going?
Todoroki: better than your marriage.

This is cracking me up..why on earth did they delete his response in the movie!? hes so offended LOL



Han Solo, upon realizing how the imperial storm troopers had addressed them, is bewildered and offended and appalled that anyone would dare use this term to describe himself (a dashing scoundrel) and Leia (a goddess warrior woman among mortals): 


(And in the notes, people point out that this was in the theatrical release and the VHS tapes; George Lucas deleted it from the DVD/blu-ray stuff because he wanted to get back at his now-ex-wife, whose editing was the only reason these movies are any good?!)


How the signs say I love you

*check venus, 7th house, 5th house, or mercury

Aries: through their childish jokes to make you smile when you’re sad, their big bear hugs, their warm energy and excitement to see you after a long day, their anger when someone makes you upset

Taurus: through their little thoughts about you, “have you eaten yet today/how are you feeling?”, good morning/goodnight texts, thoughtful little gifts, keeping everything you’ve ever given them just because it’s from you

Gemini: through their witty puns, their want to hear all about you and your day, their curiosities about your thoughts and words, their wanting to hear your voice and laugh

Cancer: through their caring words, their cuddles and hugs, their want to take care of you and make you feel comfortable and happy, their constant support

Leo: through their want to show you off and brag about you, their love for making you feel special, their never ending compliments and encouragements

Virgo: through their small favors and actions for you, their caring advice and wanting to help you, their remembering little details about you

Libra: through their copying your gestures and mannerisms, their appreciation for your beauty, their loving compliments and making time just for you

Scorpio: through their intense yet loving gaze (their eyes give it all away), their snarky comments followed with a laugh and affection, their sincerity and passion for you

Sagittarius: through their generosity and giving attitudes, their wise advice and listening to your rants, their want to go on adventures with you or take you places

Capricorn: through their making time for you, their hugs of comfort after a long day, their little gifts to show appreciation, their listening about your passions and ideas and supporting them in any way they can

Aquarius: through their accepting and loving of your quirks and flaws, their remembering all of your inside jokes, keeping things that are sentimental to them about/from you

Pisces: through their want to make you feel understood and heard, their concern for your happiness and comfort, their want to give you everything you’ve ever wanted

whenever i read these, i think of the people i know and see if it matches right. spot on, definitely.


what the signs want you to understand

aries: they are not emotionless, they are just so used to having to be the strong one in every situation. they are surprised when someone genuinely asks how they’re doing, so it takes them a while to respond when having to gather their emotions and explain them to another human. 

taurus: just because they are stubborn, does not mean that they don’t care. they usually can come to their senses if someone is patient and understanding towards why they may be reluctant to compromise. it usually has to do with something else, like being afraid.

gemini: they are not two-faced, they just are able to see both sides of a situation and react accordingly to both. they aren’t deceitful in this way, they simply just know how to empathize with almost every person they encounter.

cancer: just because they are very generous with love, does not mean you should take advantage. they can easily cut people off if it means it is for their well-being, and especially if they come to the realization that you don’t love them, you just love what they do for you.

leo: they shut themselves away because they do not want to bring anyone else down with them. it does not mean that they do not care about you, it means that they actually care about you more than you know. they only want the best for you.

virgo: they need to be with people the most when they act like they don’t need anyone. a virgo likes to act as if all they need is themselves, but they crave love just like any other individual and they need someone who cares enough to break their walls down.

libra: they need to express themselves. and sometimes when they are quiet, it simply means that their brain is moving too fast with new ideas and new things to say that they can’t slow down and express it all to you at this moment, but something great will come out of the silence.

scorpio: they need to know how you feel. a scorpio wants to know everything, and that’s why they openly show you everything about them with the passion and intensity that they do. they want the same energy back from you, and everything that may come with it.

sagittarius: being listened to is the best thing you can do for a sagittarius. sometimes the things going on inside their head are too deep to bare alone, and all they really need is for someone to show that they care. 

capricorn: a capricorn has enough ambition for the whole world, however, they do get tired just like everyone else. they are scared of disappointment to the point where they push themselves too hard, and need to be reminded to slow down sometimes.

aquarius: they are loyal enough to the point where they will not ever let you believe that you are alone. they will do this to a fault. but they need you to understand that underneath all of this, it is because they do not want to be left alone by you, either. they want the same amount of effort from you that they put in. 

pisces: a pisces has to be alone more than the average individual, because they soak in everyone else’s emotions. it does not mean they are tired of you, it simply means that they need to rest and take time to understand everything that they are feeling.


Here’s your daily reminder that Ngozi wrote an entire 4 season, award-winning webcomic just because one time in college she and her friend were in the library having a conversation about how many people at Yale were LGBTQ+ (one in four, maybe more) and Chad from the Yale hockey team interrupted with, “haha not on the hockey team!” Like….Check, Please! was basically created just to spite that one guy and honestly… iconic.

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