

@wheaterz / wheaterz.tumblr.com

I draw android cores. They're all idiots. Some more than others.
Town of Eaden: See, we're all just a little freaked out about... this.
Wheatley: You just gestured to all of me!

Portal-Ber 2017

Prompt 1: Favorite Portal Character

From the first game, I’m assuming. There isn’t much to take from the first game so it would have to be GLaDOS.


Do you think it would be weird to pay Stig to do lines from Testing Maintenance?

Virgil isn’t even my character am I allowed to do that?

What lines would it even be?

I mean I’m *not* going to do it, so wondering about these things is redundant BUT I STILL WONDER THEM.


Portal-ber day twenty five: favorite portal fic

Testing Maintenance by @wheaterz is by far my favorite! Ah, I just fell in love with the way the characters were written and Virgil’s design!


ITS THE BOY!!! Lovely art as always Fennec!!! I always appreciate seeing it! <3


The Geekenders Tumblr!

Hello and welcome the Geekenders new tumblr blog! I am your moderator, Serenity, or Wheaterz, and I have received permission to continue this blog from where it left off after some recent unfortunate events with the last URL.

We are starting from scratch, and will continue to update this blog on the upcoming projects done by the Geekenders and their endeavors. If you have fanart or any other creative works from the various Geekender productions feel free to resend or submit them and I will post them right away!

Feel free to follow if you’d like to continue watching The Geekenders’ progress!

I would also like to say that this blog exercises love and tolerance, and everyone is free to speak their minds, anonymous or otherwise. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, however, blatantly hateful comments that do not count as constructive criticism will simply not be acknowledged. 

Our ask and submit boxes should be open and there is a new theme! If anyone has any questions drop on in and I will answer them to the best of my ability.

Anonymous asked:

Hey Wheaterz, I know what you mean about hitting bad times, I wanted to ask if you were alright ,but seeing as I only found your blog about three weeks ago maybe, I didn't feel I could. So I'm sorry I didnt. You could've used it I believe. Just take your time with your drawing, and dont let yourself get frustrated with it. You love your characters, and we know that you'll get back into the swing of things when you can. I've forgotten what I asked last time, so don't worry about it. Ghost-Eyes

Oh Ghost-eye hello sweetie! I’m sorry I haven’t been replying to your messages, but I have been reading them. Wasn’t feeling social at the time I did, and was waiting until I was having a good day but I’m sorry for leaving you hanging. You’re a sweet person and have said some very kind things to me.

And yes you do have permission to make Testing Maintenance fanart! You don’t even need to ask, I like surprises! Link me when you finish! ^^


Another Jurassic Portal drawing! Based on the scene in the book where Tim holds the baby velociraptor. Virgil isn’t too excited about the baby turret, but Mel is definitely enjoying this.


This is actually the cutest shit.


I had a moment of absolute, pure happiness that I have not felt for a long time.

And this isn’t something that happened recently, this was actually a few months ago, but I had a bad time following up the Testing Maintenance contest. Family issues I’m not going to get into. Jobless blues to add to it. Not a good time.

Well, one evening I’m up late checking my email after feeling like crap all day and I get a notification from Archive of Our Own that someone left me a kudos on Testing Maintenance. My fiction already had a lot of kudos, severely sweet comments, and fanart made but for whatever reason seeing this one kudos made me just cry my eyes out.

I’ve always wanted to be a writer and I have never been very confident in my abilities. I have stories that I’ve re-written and re-imagined so many times but never did anything with them. Testing Maintenance was the very first thing I ever really finished. And after having a bad day and seeing a kudos pop up I was just reminded that I made something that people liked and supported me on. It made me feel like I can do something with the worlds in my head. Even when I was a little kid and didn’t know what I wanted to do, I knew that I wanted to entertain people in some way. When I got older I realized I wanted to make people feel. Not necessarily feel good, but I wanted to encourage emotions through my writing and art. Happy, sad, angry, frightened, but all in the name of a good time.

After a long time of feeling... a strong word for it would be worthless, seeing another kudos added to my fanfic made me feel like I’ve done something constructive. Like the effort I put into the story meant something.

I will never claim that Testing Maintenance is perfect. In fact, I’ve been going through editing a lot of stuff in it recently (grammar, spelling, ect) and thinking about things in the story I could have done so much better or things I think I should have taken out completely, but I am happy with it overall. I’m happy that it’s my first step towards something bigger for myself. Something better.

You guys are all lovely. Thank you so much. 


My attempt at getting back into the swing of things.

Tbh this is kind of my mood right now. My Portal drawings have not been coming out right lately and I don’t know what it is...


Hi Dreamofserenity, I don't mean to bother you, but is there any word on the portal contest prizes? Do you have a plan / schedule for the participation prizes or anything or has something come up? And would you mind giving those of us still waiting an update?


Yes, I am so sorry. Right after the contest something pretty terrible happened and it put me in a bit of a slump for a while and I couldn't draw.I've been drawing again quite a lot lately and its great but for some reason every time I go to draw one of my Portal designs it feels off. I can't get it to look right. Even Virgil, who I used to be able to draw with my eyes closed, is coming out wrong and I don't know how to fix it. I'm working on it as best I can. I've been doodling Portal stuff every night to try to get it back but the fact that I can't get the drawings to do what I want them to has been so fucking frustrating I want to scream.


This next Portal Blog Love shout out goes to Fairlith, because I think she really needs it right now.

I planned on doing one for the whole Geekenders crew, but I can do that later. For now I would like to dedicate this to their wonderful director. Though her blog is not traditionally a Portal blog, she has done some great things for the community.

Whether you like Portal 2: The Unauthorized Musical or not, you cannot deny that both productions were extremely ambitious. I cannot even begin to wrap my head around the kind of work that went into making them. It takes a great level of skill and bravery in order to not only write it, but direct the production, cast it, keep the crew together, fundraise it, and then act within it. Multi-tasking at its finest.

Fairlith is a sweet, kind individual that does not deserve the crap she has been getting recently and I want her to know that there are people who both love and appreciate her. If you can go drop her some kind words it would be worth your time.


glasses or no glasses i can’t decide

also since SOME people can’t tell clark kent here without his fuckin super suit on i drew a hint out

anyway roommate au bc those are fun

base by @snuffysbox


I'm dying! This post actually, factually killed me dead!


This person has spoiled me with some very lovely art and none of it I deserve. Lu is so sweet, so talented, and absolutely adorable. The first time I saw that she drew Testing Maintenance art I almost cried, because I’d never thought I’d get fanart for something I wrote. It was the best feeling!

That aside, she’s got a lovely eye for color and is a delight to talk to!



Kicking my Portal Blog Appreciation off with one of my best friends in the fandom, Danni. They are so fun, so energetic, and so talented I can’t even keep up. They are one of the funniest people I know and I love that we are ALWAYS SHOUTING AT EACH OTHER IN ALL CAPS IT’S LITERALLY THE BEST THING EVER!!!

On an unrelated note, they can also do hyper-realistic bird calls and it freaks me out.

Here’s to my waifu!!!

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