
Micronation Week 2022


Welcome to Micronation Week 2022! This year's will be from July 17-23

America often offers to babysit let the micronations hold a meeting at his house. He brings them snacks and helps them build pillow forts. America lets them all have a slumber party and will pick a good movie that everyone enjoys. If anyone asks why he does this, he will say it’s because he wants to feel like a kid again, but secretly it is because he wants to be a good father-figure to Molossia, something that  America didn’t have much of in his youth.

Re-using this headcanon for Day 3: Sleepover


Day 4: Ocean

Day at the Beach!

-Wy and Hutt River attempts to teach the others how to surf. The only person who was relatively okay at surfing was Sealand. Seborga mostly just sits on his board in the water, and was too afraid to stand up. Kugelmugel kept getting distracted by all of the colorful fish underwater. Molossia had zero balance and would constantly fall off of his surf board.

-Ladonia spends most of his time under an umbrella so he doesn’t get sunburnt. Being a nation on the internet, it hurts his body to get wet for long periods of time, so he doesn't go swimming at all.

-Seborga, Wy, and Sealand set out to find seashells. Wy comes back with a bucket full of beautiful shells. Seborga found a couple of conch shells. And Sealand found some pistachio shells left behind by previous beach visitors, and the other micronations can't bring themselves to tell Sealand that they aren't actually seashells.

-Wy, Ladonia, and Kugelmugel have a competition to see who can build the best sand castle. The other micronations are the judges, but ended up not being able to decide a winner.

-America didn't want Molossia to be embarrassed by the fact that he can't swim that well, so he went and bought Molossia an innertube floatie as well as a pair of arm floaties. America said that Molossia had to wear them the entire time, and even asked Sealand afterwards to see if Molossia had actually followed his instructions. Surprisingly, Molossia did wear the floaties every time he went in the water, much to his displeasure. America was just worried about him gosh dang it!

-Seborga had his older brothers help him pack a picnic lunch for everyone. The others were expecting the cliché peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, but no, Seborga went all out and prepared an entire cuisine to go.

-They ended up getting into a water gun fight when Wy dumped a bucket of water over Hutt River's head. Sealand, Wy, and Kugelmugel vs Seborga, Molossia, and Hutt River. Ladonia is an unbiased participant, and just threw water balloons at everyone because he knew no one could retaliate.

-Before they went home, they decided to stop at an ice cream shop and ate their ice cream outside.


Micronation Week Day 5 - Flowers

Ladonia: oooh, someone has a crush. Sealand: Pfft, I don’t have a crush on Wy. I think she's a great friend, it’s not like I stay up at night thinking about her and wishing I gave her a million flowers freshly harvested from my dad's garden. Lilies, tulips from Netherlands' garden, sunflowers from Russia, and maybe even Jasminum sambac from Indonesia if I'm lucky Ladonia: Uh, Sealand Sealand: Oh shiitake mushrooms.

The opposite of myself

Summary: My contribution to Micronation Week 2021: Day 5 (July 22): Flowers @hwsmicronationweek

Day and night, Kugelmugel thought, two far opposites, but still each of them beautiful in its very own way.

Character: Kugelmugel & Liechtenstein

Content warning: gender issues, but with a happy ending!

Word count: ~1.6k

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