
Troyllamy Trainwreck


Troyllamy 4 lyfe
Also Bellarke
And Fridget
But basically I love the 100 and Troy Bolton and especially Bellamy Blake

a concept: Bellamy and Clarke wake up every morning in total awe and gratitude that they’re both still alive all is peaceful

aka: will I ever get tired of drawing bellarke being soft in a bed? (lol nope)

bonus comic:


I find it interesting that when Clarke goes to see Aden in episode 9, and they are standing over Lexa’s body, Aden asks Clarke if she wants a moment alone with Lexa, and she says no, then continues to ask about what will happen to her people if Aden wins the conclave.

I don’t think this is because Clarke didn’t love Lexa (more of an infatuation, but love is simpler to type), I think it’s because with Lexa gone, Clarke is back to being able to start making sound decisions that balance her personal wants with the needs of her people. This is Clarke’s first step to finding herself again, and it’s cool that this seems to be happening at the time when Bellamy also seems to be starting to find himself again by questioning Pike more and more.


Clarke losing the second person she cared for is heartbreaking. Even if I don’t believe the storyline for her becoming infatuated with Lexa was any good, she cared for Finn and had to kill him so he wouldn’t be tortured, and Lexa was killed when someone was trying to kill Clarke. She feels both of their blood are on her hands. Can we really blame her for breaking and believing that Lexa was her true love? The pain she feels must make her believe that this is the most you can care for a person, when I honestly think that the pain is a build-up of all the blood on her hands, and she feels responsible for the deaths of everyone, especially those she cared about, directly.


Also the people who say Lexa’s death is somehow Bellamy’s fault....what kind of mental gymnastics did that take?

Lexa spoke too often about what would happen when she died, and mapped it all out too clearly for her to NOT die.

Some don’t like the “lesbian stray bullet” trope, and it’s mainly the result of lazy writing, but Lexa’s death is solely Titus’ fault. And realistically, how could Lexa have died? We saw she was a very talented fighter, so she couldn’t have died in a fight. It had to be an accident. I’m not saying stray bullet was the way to go, but...they have always had the legend that grounders using guns will result in all of them dying. This has been foreshadowed. It’s lazy of them to use the trope to build this, but this was built, it wasn’t a random decision.


Why does Clarke think she can do more for her people by staying with Lexa than by going back with Octavia? She’s stayed with Lexa all season, and clearly that hasn’t been working for her. Clarke is letting her emotions run her now, she’s trying to be diplomatic but somehow is still infatuated with Lexa. So she goes to Lexa, says she is leaving, and Lexa seems to understand.

There was no romantic build-up. No actual getting to know each other. Maybe two scenes where they were real with each other. The romance between these two was extremely rushed and not well written.

So I guess, unfortunately, my opinion on this ship remains the same. It wasn’t healthy, it wasn’t normal, it was mainly the result of manipulation and infatuation. While I totally understand being starved for representation, as a queer trans person, in my humble opinion, this isn’t it


In episode 7 of season 3, Lexa puts a kill order on all sky people because they attacked a grounder village. Which sounds reasonable, if you ignore the fact that the only sky person Lexa will talk to is Clarke, who is being held hostage and is not allowed to return to talk to her people whenever she wants. Lexa created the monster that killed a grounder village (no, she didn’t create Pike, but she isolated Clarke and expected the sky people to follow what Clarke did anyways.

Then she asks Clarke to stay in Polis even though the sky people all have kill orders, which is showing extreme favouritism, and is clouding her judgement. Asking Clarke to stay is purely out of emotion, there is no other point. Then she screams at Titus that she’s capable of separating her feelings from her duties, but it’s very clear that she isn’t. She loves Clarke and is terrified that what happened to Costia will happen to Clarke, so wants to keep her close, even if it will look terrible for her people. She’s choosing all at once to do the things (show emotion, mercy, not rule by force and violence alone) she should have done since the beginning, but it’s too much all at once.


Octavia actually trying to warn the grounder village. She’s on the right side right now, she knows this is wrong, and she couldn’t get through to Bellamy. I hate seeing Bellamy lose his way so badly.


I find it interesting that Lexa is upset by Clarke’s want for the last mountain man to be killed. Lexa very quickly took the “blood must not have blood” to heart, and is doing a full 180 from what she practiced before. Even calling out Clarke on her hypocrisy, which is bold and honestly needed. The downsides of being a “will kill for you” type person that Clarke is means she will also kill for herself, and that’s seeping through. I hope she finds her way soon.


Bellamy is still lowkey questioning and standing up to Pike, especially when he wants to take grounder land to turn it into fields. And to convince him, Pike pulls the “do what needs to be done for your people to survive” card again. He knows that that line will exactly manipulate Bellamy to agree with him. It’s brilliant and awful at the same time.


Clarke sketching Lexa is so out of the blue. Why is she watching Lexa sleep? Why are they hanging out? Clarke is a prisoner. Lexa’s being candid with her, and Clarke’s being pretty soft, but apart from sketching, the interaction shows no romantic emotions or feelings from Clarke. Which unfortunately leads me to believe that Clarke is infatuated with Lexa, not actually in love with her.

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