
lovesick homosexual

@martsonmars / martsonmars.tumblr.com

marta | 🇮🇹 | 22 | they/them | my ao3

early homo sapiens b like help i cant stop making bowls . help i cant stop domesticating plants and animals. help i cant stop developing language and architecture and religion


ok im obsessed w this tag

once in grade 6 I saw a 'pottery making club' in a ditch on the schoolyard- I assume at some point someone realized there was actually good quality clay in the ditch and when I walked up there were about a dozen 12 year olds sitting around the few girls who had brought their water bottles out to mix the clay, and a designated spot to put the finished bowls and tablets, and people going off and collecting sticks to make designs with and i really think that's the natural state of the human race

In elementary school I learned that you can make paint out of certain sedimentary rocks on the playground if you crushed them and mixed with water and at one point I had up to 25 kindergarten through third graders making cave paintings on the underside of the slides

The nature of man is such that every so often, someone recreates the neolithic era.

Yeah, every recess


best scene in the prequels is when anakin and padme have just landed on naboo & padme goes “hmm being a childqueen might’ve fucked me up a bit” and anakin, former 9yo slave separated from his mom, confronted for perhaps the first time with the idea that childhood trauma effects you later in life, goes “nuh uh”

his face lol. “wait you were too young to have a career at 14?? but that would mean….”




dykAe (the a is silent)


i may be stupid

you shut your whore mouth

i won’t hesitate bitch

stop being mean to me

when this post hits 69420 im turning off reblogs

YES I MISSED THE DEADLINE everyone shut up. on april 20 reblogs are going off for realsies this time. cash in while you can

Readers have context you may want to know: It is May 3.


First you procrastinate on the task because it is not a big enough deal to get done urgently. Then you procrastinate on the task because it has become such a big deal that doing it is overwhelming. You would think that this implies a middle point where it is just big enough of a deal to get done easily, however the inherent perversity of the universe's causal geometry prevents this


How much kissing would there have been? If I’d figured it out sooner?”


did I ever tell yall I used to think charlie chaplin was a drag king. for like three years straight

we watched modern times in seventh grade n I saw this shot n just took it face value that he was a twinky butch. for three years

I only found out he wasn’t because in tenth grade the topic of old hollywood leading ladies came up w my friends n I went “I think it’s so cool how charlie chaplin did all those drag roles. she was cute too haha” n they all looked at me like I’d said something just truly fucking insane. which for the record I had


no the butch you want is Dorothy Arzner, one of the only women directors from the silent era to continue directing after the transition to sound

she directed a multitude of films about atypical domestic relationships and has two entries in the criterion collection. you should absolutely read about her life, because wow. fascinating figure



What I learn from Science & Technology Studies is that you shouldn't blindly trust science because there's a fair amount of fuckery (mostly unintentional but sometimes not) going on in the background, but you also shouldn't *not* trust science in the way that most people who don't trust science don't trust science.

Anyways, hope that helps!

So to be clear, science:

  • Often takes as implicit particular philosophical assumptions that aren't necessarily valid in all cases (e.g., psychologists accepting liberal-individualistic models of human nature and neglecting social causes)
  • Relatedly, often works with things that are easy to measure, regardless of whether there is any a priori argument in favour of those quantities being particularly relevant (the so-called "streetlight fallacy"--e.g., there are actually rather few results from clonar mice that are directly portable to humans, but clonar mouse studies remain a standard in medical research because they're easy to conduct)
  • Relatedly, often assumes that entire complicated systems can be reduced down to proxies that are easy to measure and especially to quantify, regardless of whether this is a reasonable assumption or not (e.g., "gene fetishism" neglecting the role of epigenetics, proteomics, etc. in favour of attributing every significant aspect of an organism to its genes)
  • Often takes as implicit certain perspectives and cultural biases, especially white/male/Western perspectives (e.g., the entire centuries-old body of midwifery lore being ignored upon the professionalization of medicine as a discipline in the seventeenth century)
  • Often encodes other cultural biases as well (for example, mycology was, until quite recently, extremely understudied and relegated to a minor subfield of botany because Anglo cultures tend to have a low regard for fungus; this in spite of the fact that fungi make up a very significant chunk of the earth's biomass)
  • Can often present entire models of how the world works that are arrived at based on sociological factors within science itself (Thomas Kuhn's paradigms), or within the wider society (Foucault's epistemes)
  • Often misstates statistical significance because scientists lack an adequate command of the discipline of statistics.
  • Can churn out a lot of substandard studies because of professional pressures on academics to publish, publishers' pressures to have the next big thing, and the time constraints of peer reviewers.
  • Can often just produce straight-up garbage because some fields are beholden to commercial interests (e.g., the pharmaceutical industry maintains entire journals that just exist to give crap drug trials the appearance of scientific legitimacy)
  • Can be manipulated by dishonest reporting (e.g., the pharmaceutical industry, again, might conduct hundreds of studies and publish only the one that produces favourable results; Facebook might conduct hundreds of studies on manipulating public attitudes and only publish the few that encourage advertisers to give them money)
  • Is shaped by the priorities of the state and capital (i.e., in terms of what research questions get funded)
  • Is a structurally collective enterprise that builds largely on trust in the competence and intellectual honesty of one's peers, rather than verification of every previous result by every individual scientist
  • At a policy level, can produce misleading results just based on what particular types of scientist are invited to the table (e.g., COVID-19 containment measures going disastrously awry because epidemiologists were considered relevant to include on the panel but social psychologists were not)

However, none of this, when taken together, should be interpreted to mean:

  • Science is made-up
  • Scientific findings bear no relation to the actual behaviour of nature
  • You can just pick and choose what aspects of science to believe in based on gut instinct or what makes you feel good
  • Science is not the best tool we have for distinguishing what's real from what we want to believe.

Notice how many of the stuff about that first list derives from systemic incentives, too. These are things that can be improved, and in many cases there are a lot of people out there trying to improve them! The more support that scientists have from people who are skeptical and critical of the implementation of scientific inquiry, the easier it is to challenge the sources of those systemic errors.

I was writing a lot of very frustrated critiques of academia last night, but at the same time there is so much power in the scientific method as a form of inquiry about the natural world. It's a dialectic!


just put laundry in the washer. there better not be any wet laundry after this

bad news

just put laundry in the dryer. there better not be unfolded laundry after this

what the hell..

putting some clothes on. there better not be any dirty laundry after this

you guys are not gonna believe this

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