
Obsesivetrash xp


reblog blog / put nothing / reblogeverything / belongs to @obsesiveblue

これは、アナタへの誓い。 そして、私への罰。

This is my oath to you. And my penalty.


When I was a kid, I would only eat the yolk from an egg. Didn’t matter if it was boiled, fried, poached or deviled, the yolk was all I wanted.

My reason for this was “the white makes me feel sick”/“it hurts my tummy”. And everyone did what most folk do when kids say such things, they roll their eyes and call you a fussy eater and complain to anyone who will listen about how hard your child is to feed.

They won’t eat sandwich meat, they won’t eat minced beef, they won’t eat nuts, they won’t eat tomatoes, they won’t eat pasta, they won’t eat fish or spinach, they barely eat fruits and ugh you should see the tantrum they kick up when you try to give them yogurt for a healthy snack. And get this, they will only eat the yolk from eggs. What an annoying kid, right?

So, anyway, as it turns out egg whites are high in histamine while egg yolks are not. Everything I listed up there, is actually high in histamine or is histamine releasing and as someone who just found out after 20+ years of abject misery and several near misses with anaphylaxis that they have histamine intolerance disorder/possible MCAS, I feel really fucking validated about childhood me being a fussy eater.

So uh, pro tip to parents, while there is every chance your kid genuinely is a fussy eater, please also consider that there may also be something at play going on and they’re not just doing it to personally piss you off. Whether it’s a food allergy, intolerance, sensory/texture issues or an issue as insidious and hard to detect as mine, please don’t assume your child is just being difficult for funsies. And please don’t force them to eat something they say makes them feel sick. There’s probably a valid reason, and it warrants investigation rather just assuming your kid exists to tick you off.

I have not yet seen evidence of children being difficult for no good reason, but I know lots of adults who had health problems that were ignored when they were kids.

Anonymous asked:

I confess... I don't have any questions in me about the recent comic, bc I believe whatever I got in me will be answered in the next second half of the flames comic

However I love your art sm, can you spare us a couple of info dumps? I'm just a happy fan 🥹

Heheheh here are some annotations on the pages I think I enjoy the most this time! The pages that went through the most revisions were definitely the final two because I couldn’t decide for a while on colors:

This one I ended up settling on the left to give more of the impression that Ace himself was fire instead of being burnt by a fire, though from Tage’s perspective it looks like Ace is spontaneously burning alive, which is what triggers his trauma. The idea is that Tage isn’t generally affected by just fire, since fire is pretty essential to survival and he’s had to live on his own for a good while. He may avoid fire, but he can at least stand the sight of it. What horrifies him about this scenario specifically is Ace suddenly catching on fire.

These were also some drafts on the final page! After getting a second opinion I decided to leave Tage in the top half completely uncolored to get across that sort of draining of color that goes along with his horror. Ngl, the last 2 pages before they were colored were some of my favorites, because I think working in completely black and white gives you some fun ways to play around with selective splashes of color to emphasize things. When I was still working in monotone for this, the first thing I colored was actually the fire because I wanted it to be really vivid compared to the rest of the comic- and then I decided to color the rest of the comic too lmao

I’ll also show the scrapped two pages that were supposed to end this comic after the second part is posted I think— it’s a different resolution to what happens but I did kind of enjoy the paneling there


One time Jerma said he thought hatsune miku was 7-8 feet tall and now that's all I can think about.

Imagine giant animatronic miku. Made large so she can be seen on stage. She is tended to by her many stagehands. Huzzah.


I’ve been obsessed with the ♠️ Pirate Sabo AU by @otaku553 Their artwork is total inspiration fodder. I DROOL over their line quality, story telling, and how they can implement so much symbolism with the colors alone. (So I wanted to try my hand at drawing him too 😊)





I LOVE THE WAY YOU COLOR the amount of hue variance in the hair alone is so nice??? And it’s so long and swoopy and your lines are so pretty!!! I love the way the hair falls into a looser side ponytail and also the textures on the clothes and the lines on the vest and the way you shaded the mask the shading is So Cripsy nsnvhdshvsh everything about this is so gorgeous hghgh

thank you so much for drawing him!!!!! I love it so much

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