
Daughter of the devil


"Greetings, I'm Pandora. I was raised on this mortal plain I love purple, all the different shades of it and metal music."

Pokemon dragon clan theory

Okay so in pokemon scarlet and violet we're introduced to Hassle, who is the art teacher at the school and the dragon elite four member.

When you take his class and finish all of them you have is personal quest and long story shot someone from the dragon clan keeps pestering him to go back and take his father's place as the head of the clan. That got me thinking what if all the dragon type gym leaders/elite four members were related in some way, shape or form

((This is just my theory and I am using game of throwns names cause I couldn't think of any others))

Hassle has three younger siblings, two sisters and a brother, who are called:




Those three got married/engaged to different regions clans

Daenerys to the Kanto clan

Khaleesi to the Johto caln

Viserys to the Galar clan

They had children, who are Hassle's niece and nephews




Now Hassle's father had three siblings who got married into different clans

One went to the Hoenn clan

One went to the Unova clan

One went to the Kalos clan

They had children, who are Hassle's cousins, and they are:




Out of those three Drayden is the only one with grandkids, two infact, they are:

Iris (adopted)


So that makes these two Hassles third cousins.

Confusing I know, but I think it's a cool idea that they are all related.


PLA character responses to you/the player coming out

Laventon: “Oh I’m so happy for you, my dear!” He proceeds to buy you everything that has a rainbow on it.

Cyllene: “I fail to see the relevance this has to your work. ……..but thank you for telling me. You can come to me to talk. And if anyone has a problem with you and the way you choose to live your life, I will have a sword with their name on it waiting for them.”

Melli: “Yes! I called it! You have a very queer vibe about you, you know that?”

Kamado: He calls you a slur, but he does have good intentions. With some educating he learns not to call you slurs and that they are bad to say in general. Does accidentally out you tho. Again, he has good intentions, but…

Beni: “Ah. I see. You know I had a gay phase once. Slept with a man. He was a good lover. I’m not really gay though. I had a wife. But that male lover sure was handsome…” He trails off nodding as he strokes his goatee. Then he turns around back to the kitchen and finishes the mochi he was making without another word. It’s kind of… awkward now.

Zisu: “Aw wow, kiddo, that’s great! Be who you are! Be prideful!” Exactly like Laventon, she buys you everything rainbow to celebrate.

Adaman: He just nods sagely, offers you a fist bump.

Irida: “Same :)”

Volo: Calls you slur and condemns you to hell.

Ingo: “I too run on the same track as you. ….that means I am very, very gay— oh you got that? Okay, bravo.”


I have a two questions for the pokemon fans

Alright so I was playing pokemon: legends arceus and it got me thinking. What time period was it set in?

I ask because in jubilife village, the residents are wearing traditional clothes but Professor Leventon is wearing a suit and has a camera. The first camera was invented in 1816 and in Japan (which is what I imagine hisui/sinnoh is based on) didn't adopt Western fashion till the 1870's for men and 1880's for women.

The next question I have is regarding the descendants of some of the characters. The most straightforward ones is:

Adaman's descendant being Perrin

Cyllene's descendant being Cyrus

Volo's descendant being Cynthia

Coin, Clover and Charm's descendants are Candice, Saturn and Agatha from Kanto's elite four

Arezu's descendant being Mars

And kamado's descendant being professor Rowen

But what about Irida? I noticed that she look a bit like Serena

So is Irida's descendant Serena? Then there's the founders of the diamond and pearl clans, if you go into one of the tents at the clan settlements you'll see portraits of both clans founders, who look suspiciously like Maxie and Archie.

So what are your thoughts? And what about the other characters like Melli who do you think his descendant is?


tundra and my actual name

i’m not gonna go into how these colors are relating to my life

...how is my actual name more "lavender-ey" than lavender... actually, fun fact: my name means lavender in another language that i will not disclose!!! X3

My username, my first name, and my first and last name!

Pretty ironic to get so few colours for rainbow.

Username, first name, first and last name. Why are mine so boring lmao

My username is too long for this, but this is what I get with part of it.

I wanted to do this heheh

1 is Randy

2 is BritishRandyJadeRambles

3 is Theartshift


Ooooooh 👁️👁️

  1. Online name
  2. Username
  3. Real name

Thanks for the tag!!

First one's 'Acid', second one's my irl name

Thanks for the tag!

I love how Artur is all earthy and darker and very me and Sinoe is absolutely the opposite. I imagine Sinoe as more purplish tho

thank you for the tag! ^^

username and then my name, i love the stark contrast between them LMAO

Thanks first the tag! (つω`*) here are mine✨

I like both, so glad it came out so well!!(∩•ω•∩)♬♡♡♡

No pressure tag: @easy-revenge @vivid-vices @hey-sinamka @femboykyo @yuemmo @bunniezai @fluffyyymocha and anyone who wants to join ✧(。•̀ᴗ-)✧

Thanks for tagging me! ☺️ here's mine! I also did the name of my Moriarty the Patriot OC

@neversleepingagain you think yours is dark here's mine


To celebrate a follower milestone on ig and also so I don’t have to keep a million references open whenever I draw these characters, I’ve made semi-model sheets on all of them, including their general build, face shape, expressions, and fashion styles.

Another comment I’ll make is that Julian and Lucio have quite similar faces, but Lucio is very sharp while Julian’s rounded out.

Each character tends to have a reoccuring line shape throughout their design:

  • Asra - Semicircles/curves
  • Nadia - Straight vs flowing lines
  • Julian - Loose waves
  • Muriel - Blocky or jagged
  • Portia - Bubbly waves
  • Lucio - Sharp and spiky

I hope this can be useful :D


Thanks for tagging me, @methpring!

Rules: tag 10 people you wanna get to know better

Favourite colour: it's between these two but really just any rich, dark jewel tone.

Relationship status: single

Last thing I googled: the above colours lol, but before that it was the word "nuptial" to make sure I was spelling and using it correctly. (I am mystified by the spelling/pronunciation. I could swear I've always heard it pronounced as nup-shoo-uhl but it looks like it should be nup-sheeal or nup-shall. English gonna English...I say, of a likely French-derived word.)

Song stuck in my head: Carly Rae Jepson - This Kiss

Song I last heard: Charlie Puth - Girlfriend (Haywyre Remix)

Dream trip: Scotland. Not to be Excruciatingly White but there is a deep urge in my blood to go and stare out over a forlorn moor and just kind of vibe with my ancestors or whatever. I would hire a bagpiper to stand somewhere nearby and play while I do so.

Anything you want now: a cooperative writing muse!

Thanku for tagging me @methpring and @user-needs-new-hyperfixation 💞💞

Favorite color: the rich creamy shade between orange and red

Relationship status: single

Last thing i googled: "how long does it take to lose one litre of blood from a bullet wound " for the chapter 15 of Until It Killed You

Song stuck in my head: Amour Plastic by Videoclub (i heard it so many times for my songfic i fear its permanently stuck now)

Song I last heard: villain by mj apanay (its so william-core it's unreal)

Dream trip: Greece, Italy, Spain and India (ignore that it's my own country) with my friends cuz i want to spend hours in all the museums and art galleries and street shops that sell little trinkets and stare at sculptures and paintings all day

Anything you want now: the time and motivation to write the fics i wanna write

Tagging (no pressure ehehe): @sheriiam @browngurl99 @neversleepingagain @morally-gayy and anyone who wants to be my friend,, since all my mutuals are already tagged

Yay! Game!

Favorite color: Orange or Ai Hoshino colors or anything shiny because godforbid my AuDHD

Relationship status: Platonically taken

Last thing I googled: "Bondlock AU Tumblr" Did you know that Q from James Bond to be 3rd Holmes Sibling and "Third Holmes Siblings wikipedia" for fic purposes

Song stuck in my head: Sherlock Parody of Thrift Shop, yes it exists: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ArdWL2uKf7k&pp=ygUSdGhyaWZ0IHNob3AgcGFyb2R5

Song I last heard: Mephisto and Eurus Holmes Crazy=Genius edit

Dream trip: Yuumori England and I become Sherliam Reverend to officiate the wedding. Oh and going to an anime convention as Mukuro Ikusaba

Anything you want now: Any idea for a ship name for Eurus/Louis

Thanks for tagging me

Favourite colour: pastel blue and pink

Relationship status: single

Last thing I googled: what is gigantism, apparently it a very rare condition that happens when a child or adolescent has high levels of growth hormone in their body, which causes them to grow very tall

Song stuck in my head: Lolita by lana del ray

Last song I heard: Mary on a cross by ghost

Dream trip: I really want to go to Italy for the sights and sun and Japan for their culture and legends/ festivals

Anything you want now: to see a exhibition on the Dutch artist Vincent van Gogh


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