
This Is Where My Title Goes


I don't want to be an adult! I'm already one but I still don't want to be!

Do this four times repeatedly and you’ll be out. But how does it work? There’s some real brain science behind it.

We’re trying this tonight!


It’s about time someone got around to uncovering all the cheat codes for this “human being” software. It’s only been out for like 10,000 years.



I’ve used this technique for about a year, and I can safely say that it has efficiently transformed my sleeping habits from several hours of struggle to fall asleep, to passing out in a matter of minutes.

It’s a form of Alexander Technique. It’s a technique that was designed for actors to keep their body in ready working condition and give it the best way to perform. This is the method used to calm, and center the body. Once the body is at that point it can perform anything you want it to.

Reblogging for later reference after I tried it earlier today to try to calm down. It actually does help a lot, not just for sleep but if you have problems with anxiety.

My default mental setting is “vibrating intensely in the background.” After doing this, I felt noticeably calm and relaxed - I wasn’t as fixated on my breathing, I wasn’t tense, my movements weren’t jerky and I didn’t feel like I had to be as tense as possible to be under control. 10/10 would recommend.

me gonna try it

dont wanna reblog but insomnia is a bitch for some ppl so heres for my mutuals having trouble sleeping.

Source: mic.com

Let me show you one of my favorite images on the internet: nuns performing “exorcism” on a very patient punk dude



Little do they know, punk guys are the closest thing we have to angels

thats adorable

He just…..pats her hand.

Like “your doing great, keep it up.”

Like, he’s not even upset, he’s taking it with stride and amusement and I love him for that.

Punks are sweethearts.

you can clearly see him trying to invert her cross thats so funny


When you call somebody’s name but they don’t know where it’s coming from

This is genuinely frightening

You know when a horror movie has so many jokes it feels more like a comedy? This is the exact opposite of that

It Follows (2014)

I remember reading somewhere that there’s a fine line between comedy and horror, this video crossed that fine line like 10 times.


Am I the only one whose internet addiction started with my parents not letting me fucking go anywhere

This but I also had no friends so I wouldn’t have anywhere to go if I was allowed

this is a thing! danah boyd is a researcher who has been studying social media for over a decade and in her 2014 book it’s complicated she argues that teenage social media “addiction” (which she also contends is like…..not actually a thing) is a result of the fact that “today’s teenagers have less freedom to wander than any previous generation” because “parents argue that these restrictions are necessary in an increasingly dangerous society, even though the data suggest that contemporary youth face fewer dangers than they did twenty years ago.”

as a result, teenagers are reclaiming these lost social spaces (which their parents and grandparents had in the form of mall hangouts, drive-in theaters, after school parking lots, etc) by using social media, where they can continue to “engage in crucial aspects of maturation: self-presentation, managing social relationships, and developing an understanding of the world around them,” aka stuff that teens are Supposed to be doing

Something for followers to keep in mind about their children. 

Children need to be able to socialize with same-age peers, and they need to do it without adult supervision to form independence and mature into self-sufficient adults. 

-FemaleWarrior, She/They 

I’ve reblogged this before but with the info about the researcher it’s even better


Steve Rogers, hacking off anti-homeless spikes with his shield repeatedly while the police surround him: Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry, I’m just– *hack hack*– so clumsy with with this old thing sometimes, you know– *hack hack hack*– gosh golly look it’s flying all over the place isn’t it, deary me-

Police Officer: Sir this is destruction of public property

Steve: *Hack hack hack hack* Is it? I’m SO sorry! just– *hack*–, give me about five minutes officer and I think I’ll be able to get it under control. This shield sure has a life of its own huh! *hacks extra vigorously while keeping direct eye contact with the police*

Good post op


a helpful tutorial

I was taking with my friend about good omens and we were wondering how the hell aziraphale-as-crowley managed to get into that bath without getting his socks wet and so I drew this ‘helpful’ guide.

I like to imagine that all the demons had to just awkwardly stand around watching him clamber around getting into this bathtub… @neil-gaiman can you confirm?


This is even better than the people trying to get Good Omens cancelled on Netflix. I might confirm it when I stop laughing.

I have been thinking about this scene a lot and while I appreciate the OP’s version as well as the very fine illustration, I can’t help but slightly disagree.  I have always seen Crowley stand at the foot edge of the tub, raise his arms dramatically, falling backward in slow motion with an evil grin on his face, making a massive splash like the dramatic bitch that he is.  It took a minor miracle to not get his socks wet, but it was worth it.  Now I need an illustration of the entry I described for comparison…. for science of course.

a comparison! (for science, of course)

I’d assumed it was the result of being picked up and dropped in by goons, although there is the fact they would have been reluctant to get that close… hmmm.


There are A LOT of crabs on Christmas Island, man.

They used to cross the road, probably, no definitely, without looking left and right. And they got squished.

Environmentalists had a hell of a job, keeping them in their lane. Traffic would have to be blocked for the duration.

But now, they have a lovely bridge, and no one has to ask: Why did the Christmas Island Crab cross the road, if they’re just gonna get squished?

Answer: They want to hit the beach. Because that’s where they like to have sex. And because the mummy crabs like to throw their eggs into the ocean after they’ve spawned them in the burrows that the daddy crab so kindly digs on the beach.

Look at them scurrying over their bridge, the smell of the ocean in their noses, the thought of copulation driving them on…

Whew! Finally, made it to the beach…now The Sex can begin!

Mission accomplished… And a few weeks later after a float in the ocean…

Back come the ankle biters…to the rainforest where they live.

Holy shitass!!! That’s a hell of a lot of crabs!


In Christmas Islands, crab give sex


Someone: “People would never do anything without monetary gain”

Dungeon masters, Minecraft players, fanfic writers:


You’re so right

Wikipedia editors Community moderators for discord servers, forums, and twitch channels Animal shelter volunteers People who put back extra carts at the grocery store People who pick up litter while they’re on a jog or walk to throw it away  Humans Do Things. We dedicate a certain amount of our thing-doing capacity to making sure we survive, and in the society we’ve constructed that means Worrying about Money. But if you leave a human alone in a box with a pile of sand, we build castles.


But if you leave a human alone in a box with a pile of sand, we build castles.


a conversation i had with a 96-year-old woman

96 yr old: You know how your parents probably say things like, “you were BORN with the internet, you don’t know what it’s like to live without!”
Me: yeah
96 yr old: Well, my parents said that to me about electricity.

I once made the mistake of asking a 96yo lady what she liked to watch on tv as a kid and she got a good laugh out of that before saying loudly, “I REMEMBER WHEN RADIO WAS INVENTED.”




Save a marker, SPREAD THE WORD!!!!


It’s called the crayola colorcycle program! As on its FAQ, they mention the following:

“Crayola ColorCycle will accept all brands of plastic markers, not just Crayola markers. That includes dry erase markers and highlighters! ColorCycle will eliminate placing hundreds of tons of markers into landfills.”

There do seem to be some limits, however, as far as I can tell, anyone can ship in a box of markers. “Any sturdy cardboard box with minimal outer markings will work. The more markers you ship, the more efficient this program will be. We suggest a minimum of 100 markers and a maximum of up to 40 pounds.”

Also, look for the Crayon Initiative

Their whole things work with used, donated crayons they melt and make new ones to donate to children’s hospitals. 

This is a really good idea, especially if you are trying to find an economic friendly way to get markers or crayons out of your abode without throwing them in the trash


for all of you guys getting anxious about the environment and pollution

y’all deserve to hear the good news too, and yes i fact checked these.

  • 7 miles of habitat for bees will be planted in london
  • the biggest coal plant in north america has been converted to solar panels
  • roads in edinburgh will close once a month to help pollution
  • maine has banned styrofoam
  • new york city and los angeles have both made “green new deals”
  • The london marathon replaced 200,000 single use water bottles with seaweed water pods
  • the bees in notre dame survived the fire, and the roof could possibly built in a more eco-friendly way.
  • the population of flightless kakapos (a cool bird) is rising
  • the carbon emissions in the uk are the lowest they’ve been since 1998
  • Another large bee habitat (.5 mil acres) has been created
  • there is a robot that delivers young coral to help repopulate the great barrier reef
  • portugal plans to stop using plastic on fruit, vegetables, and bread by 2020
  • 106 new species of bees have been discovered in australia since 2010
  • a group of Sikhs plan to plant 1,000,000 trees as a gift to the earth
  • disney has made a mickey-shaped solar farm
  • Morgan freeman turned a 124 acre ranch in mississippi to a bee habitat
  • China plans on making a “forest city” to help clean up their air
  • An increasing amount of countries and states are beginning to ban single use plastics.
  • A couple replanted a whole forest in brazil (2.7 mil trees) in 20 years, and the animals have come back to live there
  • The hole in the ozone layer is repairing itself more each year
  • China plans on spending 360 billion dollars to improve renewable energy and has scrapped plans for coal powered plants that were going to be built.
  • A national park has been built in the amazon (3.3 mil acres in peru) to preserve the rainforest
  • Ireland and the uk have declared a climate emergency
  • The guy who played aquaman (jason momoa) has spent 31,000 dollars to help clean up plastic
  • South korea is now recycling 95% of food waste
  • There is a cleanup campaign being planned for mt. everest
  • Puerto rico wants to use all renewable energy by 2050 and is setting official goals for that
  • Some schools have special water bottle fill-up stations that encourage you to use refill and reuse plastic bottles rather than throwing them out after one use, these are becoming more common.
  • 9 endangered species are thought to make a comeback this year
  • 20 countries in africa are planning to make a “green wall” of trees and plants that will span the width of africa to stop desertification
  • recently, a lot of volunteers and organizations are planting a ton of trees.
  • Awareness about the environment and climate change is growing super fast right now among people and countries, which will only help us
  • Most pollution is caused by like 100 companies, but a few of those (like pepsi) are trying to cut down on that.

if this stuff keeps happening things will get even better, and the only thing stopping us really are those big companies who don’t want to pay the money to switch to more eco-friendly energy sources. i know the media tends to cause fear and stress about this stuff for a lot of people, but there really is hope.

easy things we can do: 

  • Recycle 
  • Plant gardens in your yard for bees if you can
  • Participate in community volunteer things that plant trees and gardens
  • Theres this search engine called ecosia that plants a tree for every 45 searches you make, it has almost 2 mil users. 
  • Pick up trash if you see it when you’re at the beach or in nature
  • If you have a fair amount of money, consider donating some to trustworthy environmental organizations
  • Start using a reusable water bottle (like those ones at target) rather than relying on single use plastic ones.
  • Cut the plastic rings on plastic milk bottles. You know, the little spiky plastic ring near the cap. Birds get those things stuck around their neck and die, so cut them so that they can’t get stuck on a neck.
  • If you can afford it, get some of those reusable grocery bags and sue those. most grocery stores have them, and it saves a lot of waste.
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