
Just Straight Richonne Trash

@txngrl76 / txngrl76.tumblr.com

TWD,SOA, BVK, Sailor Moon Supernatural are my favorite shows past and present and anything RICHONNE.SASIL AND SILVERMADI. STAR WARS Is my ultimate along With Indiana Jones and the Fast and Furious Movies.

THE MAMA MICHONNE SAGA          💗 Cailey Fleming (Judith Grimes)          💗 Antony Azor (RJ Grimes)          💗 Sophie Frizzi (Judith Grimes)

🥰 these kiddos are the cutest thing saying those wonderful words about Danai.


Lemanjah by Brazilian artist Marcelo Jorge … Lemanjah is the Queen of the Sea


This is literally the first time I have ever seen cellulite depicted on someone in a painting


A/N: For @richonnefics Papa Rick Celebration. I cried when I wrote this. My heart cannot handle it. Give them a reunion! I hope you enjoy. 

Oh my goodness! 🥺😢This is achingly beautiful. My lordt… my heart 💔. The idea that he would be thinking about the future… their child. Well, that destroyed me. Wow! This is quite a gem 💎… @Siancore thank you for writing this.💗

This really breaks my heart. She was only 19

I hate that black women are never protected. I hate that black women are always supposed to be strong for everyone but nobody is ever there for them. I hate that black women are always bending over backwards to protect black men who shit on us day after day. I hate that so many black women get sexually assualted by men who they should feel safe around but can't. I hate that the only people who ever stand up for black women are black women. I hate that black women are the most disrespected people in society. It's fucking exhausting!!

Toyin and so many other black women deserve so much more. She was litteraly on the front lines fighting for us and this is what happened!!!

What the fuck is wrong with these men!! Why do they think it's acceptable to rape and assault so many women?!?!

Black women fucking matter!!!

Rest in peace to her beautiful soul

This woman and along with the other women who were found with her were killed at the hands of black men. This woman was actively fighting for the lives of black men only to have her life tragically stolen by one. No one protects dark skin black women. NO ONE. We have to support and DEFEND everyone and yet we do not receive the same type of treatment back. This is why the STRONG black woman narrative needs to DIE. Black women SHOULD be seen as delicate, feminine, soft worthy of protection and love. Rest in peace Toyin.


“America has looted black people. America looted the Native Americans when they first came here, looting is what you do. We learned it from you. We learned violence from you. If you want us to do better, then damnit, you do better.” —Tamika Mallory, Nat. Co-Chair of Women’s March

Very powerful! On that note, I wish black women would stay off the frontlines of these protests. I have seen so many videos of black women being interviewed while on the street protesting for George Floyd. It seems like the only time we can get representation is when we are fighting for others.


All those celebrities that love to use activism when it benefits them are telling protestors what they need to be doing and that looting is wrong. From the safety of their mansions and gated communities.


THE headline of all headlines

Boy, he is TIIIED

This the one


We have come a long way with Don. Don was contantly dragged by the community now look at him. Talib Kweli damn near wore him out on CNN during Ferguson because of ignorant comments he made, and now he’s out here making sense. Cussing people out builds character. 

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