
Shadow Cartography

@shadowcartographer / shadowcartographer.tumblr.com

Per aspera ad astra

The Secret World

It really baffles me that this game isn’t on many people’s radars. The unique feeling of magic realism mixing in with sci-fi it gives literally has no match. Funcom has always been PERFECT with this kind of stuff ever since The Longest Journey and what they’ve done with this MMO is incredible.

My god, EVERY major quest has a cutscene, every single landscape is a damn masterpiece and the world is drowning in small details. Yeah, it is an MMORPG, it has interface, standard MMO quests, but it oozes with character. Oh, and references. Stephen King, Lovecraft, etc. GALORE. And the music! The atmosphere in this game is incredible! 

More screenshots below

NURSE: You'll die. MEDEA: I long to. NURSE: Run away. MEDEA: Running has grieved me. NURSE: Medea MEDEA: I'll become her. NVTRIX. Moriere. MEDEA. Cupio. NVTRIX. Profuge. MEDEA. Paenituit fugae. NVTRIX. Medea— MEDEA. Fiam.

- Seneca, Medea 170-171; my translation


i've seen quite a bit of confusion about this, so let me attempt to clear things up :

empathy is the ability to feel somebody's emotions as though they are affecting you personally. for example, somebody tells you "my dog died last night!" -> you now feel as though you've lost a pet personally -> you feel grief and sadness just like the other person. not everyone has empathy. it's a trait some people develop and others don't. some have high empathy, some have low empathy, some (like me) have none.

sympathy is the ability to understand and care about somebody else's struggles, even if you don't feel them yourself. so, somebody tells you their dog died -> you realize how this affects them emotionally -> you care about this person, and are upset that they are suffering. not everyone has sympathy either! it's a scale, just like empathy.

compassion is doing something to relieve another person's suffering or make them feel better. somebody tells you their dog died -> you don't want them to remain upset -> you come up with ways to help them feel better, like offering comfort and distractions, or other forms of support. compassion is a learned trait, not something you can be born with like empathy or sympathy. anyone can learn to be compassionate, although some may struggle more with it than others; it's a skill, just like anything else.

however, none of these are required to be a good person. that's a choice you make on your own accord. i hope this clears things up!


DMMd Flashback Gifs 1/2

All the Donut Scenes are being moved into one post so you can all see the progression.

01 - Mink QA

02 - Clear QA

04 - Koujaku Route Curtain Call

05 - Noiz Curtain Call T.T

06 - Ren Curtain Call

Clear jumping out of Aoba's balcony

Noiz is a Thief!

03 - Spoiler for Virus/Trip Route


a 90’s kid? don’t you mean sad adult?

70,000 people have reblogged this but no one is trying to defend themselves

There is nothing to defend

This is the most solid explanation of our decade I have ever heard.


Oh my god


Just to add onto that, our childhood wasn’t even technology based. We grew up knowing of chalk, skateboards, jump rope, street hockey, playgrounds, butterfly collecting, etc. Slowly technology took over our lives and now there are hardly kids playing outside in the summer. We can clearly remember our childhood as it was and now we can see the clear line between it. We were the generation right smack in the middle of it all. Our parents were of non-tech and our children/young siblings will be all tech.


There was a subheading diagram of different generations and it made a note of the group I belong to (born in the early 80s, grew up in the 90s) as the “last generation to grow up offline” and its true. My peers and I were around for the rise of home access to the internet, the existence of dial-up and the beginnings of “high speed” always on internet through to the first generation of cell phones, etc.  Basically we were children when all play was fully off-line, we became teenagers just as interconnected technology was becoming mainstream in the US then went to college right as cell phones became ubiquitous. We’ve seen a half dozen format wars for media, we’ve gone through some of the most ridiculous splintering but also consolidation of business ever. The last two-three decades have had so much god damn change that its almost incomprehensible and we all tried to become adults and navigate it without anybody older than us who could help and now we are going to be asked to help the generation behind us to navigate through it.

Millenials, especially older millenials have been through the biggest changes at the worst time (like the Boomer, GenX crowd have experienced the same changes but they also were mostly adults by time it started) so yeah, 80s/90s kids are adults saddled with being the last to grow up before technological interconnection but the first to become adults in the post interconnected world.

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