
Evalee Villanueva

@evaleevillanueva / evaleevillanueva.tumblr.com

She found herself.

It’s Time || Dylan & Evalee

Once Dylan finished informing his mom on what was happening he got ready to go to the hospital. Then he got everything into the car because the less stress the better. He went back to his family. Dylan smiled at his daughter “Hey baby girl.” 

“Do you think she understands what’s going on?” Evalee wondered out loud. She wanted to pull Belle into her arms and hug her close, but since she hit the five month mark, she hadn’t been doing any of the lifting. 


the second one

Teagan nodded, of course it was understandable. Almost every birthday without fail her own mother would call and go into excruciating detail the birth of cousin. Luckily being adopted came with the one perk of not needing to hear about her own birth, few knew the details. She put the bag of gifts, something for everyone, down and smiled at the sight of the little baby. “He’s just gorgeous,” she whispered, in awe of the moment. 

Evalee had such an adoration in her heart for her little man already. He was still just hours old, and she had the most immense amount of love for him. “He’s so precious...makes me see how big Belle has gotten though.” She remembered when her daughter was this tiny, and how overwhelming this love was. “Would you like to hold him?” She asked softly - whilst she wanted to hold Mason forever, she wanted to share the joy that he could give.


It’s Time || Dylan & Evalee

Dylan fell back asleep, then he heard Ev’s voice. “hmm?” it took him a moment to realize what was going on. “Contractions, right. I’ll let my mom know that we need her to come over and why don’t you start getting ready for the hospital. The hospital bag is already prepped and all I have to do is grab the car seat for the baby and make sure Isabella’s is here so my mom can take her places if she wants too.” He rolled over to his bedside table and grabbed his phone and started to explain what the situation was to his mom

“Okay, thank you.” She kissed his cheek softly before changing into a loose baggy shirt and comfy trousers. Every now and then she’d wince, as a contraction hit, but the pain was nothing in comparison to how it would be later on. “Hey Belle.” She said softly. “Come on baby, you’re gonna go have a sleepover with Nana and Granddad!”


It’s Time || Dylan & Evalee

He smiled and wrapped himself closer to her. “I know you do love. Its okay and even if you do I know your not trying to hurt me intentionally.” Dylan remembered when she was in labour and she was in a lot in pain. He was genuinely impressed that she delved the baby without any pain sedative. 

Evalee gently traced patterns on his shoulders, her free hand resting on her stomach. “I guess now we just...wait.” At some point, she did fall back asleep. But at 5am, she was waking up with the contractions. “Dyl...”


It’s Time || Dylan & Evalee

“I hated seeing you in pain but I’ll be right by your side throughout the whole thing. You will be fine, I have full faith that you can do this.” He kissed her briefly. 

She nestled her head into the crook of his neck. “Thank you, Dyl. And know that I really do appreciate you, and everything you do for me...I thought I’d remind you now, in case I say anything bad in labor. I didn’t last time but....you never know.”


the second one

An audible scream could probably be heard all around Boca when Teagan had answered her phone to hear the news - yes the second baby Johnson had been welcomed to the world. “I’ll visit first thing tomorrow - okay? Don’t let him do anything too cute until I’ve arrived!” Teagan had done plenty of shopping before of course, baby toys by the bag full were waiting on standby for the day the little boy was born. But looking over all the soft bears and trucks she felt like it was all wrong. Girls were just easier and what if he grew up to hate her? 
The next morning she did the best to put these worries aside as she pulled up to the hospital, it would all go well of course, he was too young to truly hate anyone and everyone loved a cool aunt Teagan. She was beaming as she peaked her head into the room, “How’s mama doing?”

It was a long labor, and Evalee was grateful to have some downtime as just her, Dylan, and little Mason, before her visitors arrived. At the sight of Teagan though, Evalee’s eyes lit up. She had become such a special person to her, and their family, and she knew Teagan would be an integral part of Mason’s life. “Come in, come in.” She had tired eyes, but there was something beautiful about the after-glow of a new mother. “I’m doing well...I’m sore, but...that was always a given.” Mason was sleeping on her chest peacefully, the sound of his mother’s heartbeat soothing him.


It’s Time || Dylan & Evalee

He kissed her back briefly. “She really is. The next few days are going to be exciting but also exhausting. But I know it is worth it because we will finally have our baby boy in our arms.” The next few days are definitely going to be chaos but he knows that they can handle it. The next step after Mason is born is to introduce Isabella to him. And that can really go in any direction. He is just praying that she won’t get too jealous of the baby when they are home.

“I have to admit...I am scared for the labor. I kinda blocked the pain from Isabella out...but when my waters broke it sort of hit me...about how intense this is actually going to be.” She did it without pain relief last time, and she was hoping to do the same this time.


It’s Time || Dylan & Evalee

Dylan smiled at Evalee’s question. “She was the one who offered to watch Isabella. Mom will always be glad to spend more time with Belle. And she knows how exhausting it is, so she wants to help as much as possible.” It was nice for him knowing that they had his parents full support on their family. 

She pecked his lips gently. “She is a true life saver...and Isabella is going to have such a nice time with her, I know she will. It’s really...nice, to have someone we can send her to that I know is going to take really really good care of her.”


It’s Time || Dylan & Evalee

Dylan stirred in his sleep when Evalee got out of bed. Then after a few minutes he was woken by his wife shaking him. “Hey love, is everything okay?” And once she informed him of what was going on his worry started to slowly diminish. “You don’t know how happy it makes me to hear that. I can’t wait to meet the little guy” he pecked her lips. Let me know when your contractions start.” This time around  Dylan is more prepared to help her and know that Ev will be in pain. He wrapped his arms around her and rubbed her back, hoping that she would get a little more sleep before her contractions start. “I’ll let mom know before we go to the hospital that you are in labour and that she needs to come grab Belle.”

Evalee was excited to meet their son. Whilst they’d done this before, it would be different with a boy - it’d be different with each child they had. She was also looking forward to not feeling quite so much like a whale anymore. “I will.” She said softly, letting out a content sigh as he began to rub her back - Evalee had gotten used to the dull ache that was constantly there, but Dylan was so much help. “Are you sure she’s okay with looking after her for us?”


It’s Time || Dylan & Evalee

It was 3am on January 23rd. Evalee had awoken, and tiptoed her down the hallway to use the restroom. It was whilst she was sat on the toilet, that her waters broke. Initially, there was the relief that she was finally going to be in labor - after all, she felt like a whale. However, the reality also set in about the pain that was to come. “Dylan...”  She said softly, shaking her husband when she went back to bed. “My waters have broken...I-I’m not getting any contractions yet, so we don’t need to go to the hospital...but...it’s happening.”

Dylan helped Evalee as she was trying to get out of the bathtub. Then he took the towel from her. “It was a nice bath.” He then went to their closet and grab shorts and dried his hair off. After that he got in bed, waiting for Evalee to join him. And he took a quick peek to make sure that their little girl was still fast asleep.

She thanked him as he helped her, drying off and changing into her maternity top and shorts. She then tied her hair back, and made her way to the bedroom. “My back feels better after that.” Evalee smiled, laying down next to her husband.

He smiled into her. Dylan did not realized that he also needed this time just as much as she did. Having a two year old is very exhausting but it is also rewarding. He loves Isabella with all his heart but she was starting to enter that age where it can be a little stressful. With everything going on, it was nice to just escape the real world and go into their own little world. “Are you ready to get out, love?” 

She looked down at her fingers, seeing that they were starting to go wrinkly. “I think it might be time to get out.” Evalee agreed, holding onto the sides of the bath as she got herself out carefully, wrapping a towel around her before holding one out for Dylan. “That was a nice...a bath in peace...”

Dylan kissed her back. “Thank you and thank you for being an incredible mother to our children. Having Isabella was a surprise but I knew that we would be able to raise a child together.” He laid his head down on the crook of her neck. 

Evalee had always dreamed of having a perfect family, but she knew things would never be an easy road. Parenthood was challenging, in every way, but the fact that her and Dylan had stuck by one another, and were bringing up Isabella together, was the first step in the right direction. She felt lke they were good parents - they didn’t get everything right, but then again, no one did. They had a lot of love to give their children, and that’s what mattered the most. “I’m so happy I get to give you children, Dylan.”

Dylan kissed her back letting his lips move with hers. He loved this girl with a love he’s never shared with anything before. Then he let his hands trace her body from her thighs up to her chest. Dylan couldn’t help but smile when he went over her bump. 
She sighed softly against his lips, resting her forehead against his. “You’ve given me everything I could ever dream of, Dyl...love...happiness...and now we have our own family. A family I belong to...i-it’s surreal how lucky I have been to find you.”
Dylan put his hands on her belly and smiled. In just a month they will have another baby in the family. He could not be more excited. Then he left a trail of kisses from her shoulder all the way up to her ear. With how crazy things have been the past couple of weeks it was nice for the two to spend some alone time.  “I love you so much.”
Her eyes fluttered closed as he peppered her skin with kisses, a soft smile tugging at her lips. He was so good at keeping her calm - which was important, given how near her due date she was getting. “I love you too, Dylan...” Evalee turned her head and kissed him softly.
“I’m sure we will be. It will be hard sometimes but we have each other no matter what.”
Dylan couldn’t help but laugh on how her bump made it a little hard to hug. “You’re welcome mi amore.” He stripped off his clothes and got into the tub first before offering a hand to Ev.
She looked down at her hand, smiling to herself. She couldn’t believe they had been married for almost eight months. It had been a whirlwind of a year, but Evalee was happy. So happy.

She took his hand with a gentle smile, climbing in the bath and settling down. “This is everything I need.” Eva let out a content sigh.

“I totally understand what you mean. I think over time she’ll love the baby but it might take her some time to get used to having another kid around the house.”
“Okay, I’ll meet you up there in a few.” Dylan kissed Evalee’s cheek. He went upstairs and started filling the bathtub with water. Then he chucked a bath bomb and a bath melt into the bathtub. He checked the water to make sure it wasn’t too hot.
“I just hope we’re still good parents with two...I don’t ever want any of our children feeling as though we don’t care about them...”

When Evalee heard the water stop, she made her way to the bathroom, smiling to herself as she saw the color of the water - she loved having bath bombs in the house. “Thank you, Dyl.” She moved to hug him, her bump making it a little awkward.

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