
CEO of Webby Apreciation

@chipsqueak / chipsqueak.tumblr.com

25• Nonbinary • Any pronouns but it • Sagittarius • Too deep in fandoms • neurodivergent

i actually dont think there's anything funnier than people watching a show or whatever bc they heard it allegedly had gay people in it then getting upset when it includes incredibly normal genre specific tropes that they personally dont like, like maybe you should have checked that before you watched it king and then they get mad at the show for being the show that it is instead of embracing it for what it is. like I'm so sorry that axe murderer 30000 had axe murderers in it and didnt have a happy ending and was really violent but i do think there are some context clues around it that could have let you pick up on that


⬜️ moon-moon4w00-deactivated

It's super problematic and you should be ashamed for ever liking it. Humans asking their lycan partners to turn them because they think it'll help them "bear the curse" is just disgusting and a gross misunderstanding of what being a werewolf is actually like. No one would ever choose this life. I've literally never met anyone who has, and I'm convinced anyone saying otherwise is a liar. If I had the choice I would have never done it.

🍖 roadkill-meatloaf Follow

That may be true for early iterations of the trope, but in recent years lycans using it far outnumbers the humans using it. Also last time I checked some of the first writers to use the trope are werewolves now. I think one is a werebear actually. And they love it. We don't live in the dark ages anymore. There are resources to help us now and we don't have to hide in shame. I think anyone who genuinely wants to be in this community should be allowed to.

Source: My girlfriend turned me because I did my research and I asked her nicely because I'm sexy like that.

⬜️ moon-moon4w00-deactivated

You're a freak and a degenerate and bring a bad name to all lycans.

🐾 superhowllock Follow

What about when you doxxed knotexplosion for the crime of *checks notes* being a fursuiter. Did that not bring a bad name to lycans?

🌜 impawssible Follow


Anyway, part of lycan acceptance is also accepting if and when people want to become one. No one bats an eye when humans say they want to be a vampire, so why should being a lycanthrope be any different? Both have their pros and cons obviously but so does being a human. Everyone has problems now let's go get you some fruit.

🦴 pupperoni Follow

Wait we can still eat fruit??? I've been avoiding it like the plague because I thought it was bad for us.

🌜 impawssible Follow

In all seriousness, in my experience just follow guides on what's safe to feed dogs and you'll be good. Now go eat a pineapple.

🌜 impawssible Follow


fake post archive


🐺 moon-moon4w00 Follow

Friendly reminder that asking your lycan partner to turn you is incredibly insensitive! Seriously can we retire this trope already? Not only is it just offensive, but no one would ever actually choose this life! Lycanthropy is a curse. Full stop.

🐾 superhowllock69 Follow

Ok user "moon-moon" as if that original meme wasn't created to mock pack nomenclature 🙄

Anyway I'm not gonna touch that internalized lycanphobia with a ten foot pole. Being turned by your partner is something that can be incredibly intimate as long as both parties are consenting and the one being turned is 100% sure they want it. Literally the only downside to transforming once a month is the pain, but midol works just fine. No one with these "lycanthropy bad" takes ever wants to discuss the legitimate positives that come with this "curse" lmao.

🐺 moon-moon4w00 Follow

I'm literally reclaiming moon moon but go off I guess. Anyways turning your partner is absolutely disgusting and morally reprehensible and anyone who does it should be muzzled permanently.

🌜 impawssible Follow

lmao my wife literally saved my life when she turned me but i guess she should be muzzled huh? we run through the woods hunting deer together and can each haul in groceries in one trip now, but nooo she's obviously a danger to society because she cares enough about me to help me when insurance wouldn't cover my medicine

also it was confirmed that the creator of that meme literally makes and sells silver bullets so if you still wanna use moon moon for yourself that certainly is a choice. source: (X)

🦴 pupperoni Follow

I love that instead of naming the more common benefits of lycanthropy, you mentioned that you and your wife can carry all the groceries in one trip. I think that's definitely a positive that gets overlooked far too often and I commend you for speaking your truth, sir

🌜 impawssible Follow

lol thanks but I'm a woman 😅

🦴 pupperoni Follow

🦇 count-fuckula Follow

Plus werewolf blood tastes way better and is as filling as 10 humans 👍

🐺 moon-moon4w00 Follow

Oh my GOD you vampblr freaks will just flock to anything. It clearly says "vamps DNI" in my bio!

🐾 superhowllock Follow

lmaoooo of course you're a vampire exclusionist

🌕 daddy-fenris Follow

wasn't OP the same guy who said fursuits were offensive to lycanthropes and doxxed a werewolf fursuiter?

🐺 moon-moon4w00 Follow

They ARE offensive and harmful to this community and I'm tired of pretending they're not. They perpetuate harmful depictions of what a humanoid wolf is actually like.

🌜 impawssible Follow

me when I dox someone for making candy colored animal costumes that look nothing like what a real werewolf does

🦴 pupperoni Follow


🌕 daddy-fenris Follow


fake post archive


more good news from tiktok: they’ve started blocking celebrities.

they’re calling it block party 2024. just blocking and ignoring countless celebrities who havent said shit about palestine. influencers, actors, anyone who went to the met gala, whatever, they’re getting blocked. and people keep talking about how cathartic it is, how good it feels, how they never realized they could DO that. there was some kind of subconscious law against blocking famous people, but it’s broken, and people are LOVING it. and it’s WORKING. a social media/digital advertising coordinator was talking about how ad companies are PANICKING, because they can’t accurately target anymore. so many big influencers, including fucking LIZZO started talking about palestine the MOMENT their follower counts started going down. and the best part? no one is forgiving them. lizzo posted a tiktok asking people to donate to palestinian families, and all the comments just said you’re a multimillionaire. put your money where your mouth is. blocked.

i feel like i’m witnessing the downfall of celebrity culture, right here right now. people are waking up.

PEOPLE ARE WAKING UP. so many comments saying “blocking x celebrity was hard until i remembered they don’t care if i die. it got a lot easier then. they aren’t my friends, why should i feel like im betraying them?” what a beautiful thing to see

does this not fill you with immense pride and joy

(screenshot from stickbugss1 on tiktok)


My baby daughter got her adorable puffin-print dress absolutely CAKED in mud crawling around the yard and my first thought was "oh no her beautiful dress"

And my second thought was "oh huh it really WOULD be easy to unconsciously steer her away from playing in the dirt. Unlike my son, whose outfits are usually some kind of solid dark easily washed pants plus a shirt that doesn't trail in the dirt like a dress does."

Anyway something something gender roles start getting shoved on kids from literal birth, but with a little time to think about things, YOU TOO can let your children of any gender absolutely destroy their clothes in the dirt pit they're digging in your garden


The most valuable thing I learned doing a Masters degree with depression, anxiety and ADHD was to change my “things I’m bad at” list to “things I can’t do on my own.” Stop thinking of them as things I could do if I tried hard enough, and accept that I can’t accomplish them by effort and willpower alone; they’re genuine neurocognitive deficits, and if I need to do the thing, then just like a blind person reading or a mobility impaired person going up a storey in a building, I need to find a different method.

I’m “bad at” working on long-term projects without an imminent deadline or someone breathing down my neck? Okay, let’s change that: I can’t work on long-term projects without an imminent deadline and someone breathing down my neck. So let’s create an imminent deadline and recruit neck-breathers. Find a sympathetic prof who will agree that 3 weeks before the due date they expect me to show them my preliminary notes and bibliography. Get a friend I trust to block off an hour to sit with me and keep asking, “Are you working on your project?” Write a blog post about my progress. Arrange to trade papers and proofread them with another student.

Accept your limitations and learn to leverage them, instead of buying the neurotypical fairytale that they’ll go away if you just try hard enough.

I needed this so much.

…holy shit

holy shit


hey Emily I know we haven’t talked in 5 or 6 years, how’s it going? kids doing good? pregnancy going okay for you? anyway I sent you this because some rando on the Internet thought you might be happier knowing you inadvertently reposted MLP fetish art. wait what’s MLP? well okay let me start off with saying I am a completely normal individual caught in the crosshairs of a violently loud subculture on the internet I am not actually a part of but I constantly bear witness to. secondly does your kid watch cartoons? well you might have seen

This post left more questions than answers

here are your answers. I don’t know if you still want them

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