
@holocene-days / holocene-days.tumblr.com

jemma she/her 26

just wanted to post about the books unbanned initiative — it allows teens/college students to get library cards in the following cities:

brooklyn public library, seattle public library, boston public library and la county library all use libby, whereas the san diego public library uses cloud library.

there's also the queer liberation library, which is a free digital library you can sign up for here. anyone with a US mailing address can apply for this one, and there's no age limit!


hell yeah 🌈 📚


there is so much intimacy in creating something together

no I'm so serious. I'm thoroughly convinced this is how I got so close to my online friends. a significant amount of bonding with my s/o came from rping together. tumblr rp introduced me to new mutuals. writing trr brought me so much closer to the person I wrote it with. this applies to irl friends too. my irl I worked on cosplay and fanfic and oc stories with, it brought us closer. sharing your creativity with someone, creating something with someone, creates an inseparable bond between you and them. in this essay I will


i believe you can always get back to yourself. you can always soften into being again. no matter how long you might be stuck in a pattern of unhappiness, of being jaded, of feeling guarded from the world in some way. there is always a path back. give yourself a chance to find it.


it literally drives me insane that so many companies refuse to send rejection emails like it’s disgraceful tbh. you put so much time and effort into putting together an application and they can’t even be bothered tell you via some measly automated message that you didn’t get the job. you’re expected to just infer

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