
Me Messing With HPHM


Niky - She/Her - Slytherin - INTJ - Random Hogwarts Mystery Posts and Fics. Requests are OPEN if you'd want me to write something!
Anonymous asked:

Hiii is this blog still active for writing??? uwu

Hello! I am infinitely sorry for disappearing, but I stopped writing for a while firstly because of school and conservatory keeping me on my toes, and second because I have fallen really behind in the game and most of my fics wouldn't be relevant anymore. I will maybe write some more but only if the fics are set in year four or before that at the moment 😞

Anonymous asked:

jacob&mc asks 9 13 18 20 and 22

So I don't know if I told anyone but I've had to start the game over AGAIN, so I have three MCs now. 😐

These will be about my third character, Irina Oblonskaja, and her brother Jacob Oblonskij.

9. Irina would definitely fight in the battle of Hogwarts, especially knowing that Tonks and the Weasleys are there. She is a strong spellcaster and would do more than what is possible to protect her friends and the people she believes in. Jacob instead, I headcanon his death during Irina's school days or soon after, but if he were to be alive during the battle of Hogwarts, he most certainly wouldn't leave his sister alone.

13. Irina cannot see thestrals until Jacob's death.

18. The subject Irina would teach is probably Charms, but I believe she would be an unconventional teacher at that. She would probably teach her students spells more advanced than their level, "to challenge them", or maybe just to have a laugh seeing their faces contorted in concentration. We'll probably never know. She would likely prefer to teach at Hogwarts but her native country is Russia, so she could consider going back there.

20. Irina has very little memory of her native country, because she spent the very beginning of her childhood there before moving to the UK. So if she had access to a pensieve, she would love to explore her own memories, Jacob's or her parents' that regard their country.

22. Irina is easy to trust, but does not trust easily. In her earlier years at Hogwarts Dumbledore always seemed like a strange man to her, she never understood why he, one of the most powerful wizards ever, wouldn't face the Cursed Vaults himself, because he certainly would have gotten rid of the curses rather easily. When concerning Dumbledore, it's always about the big picture. Irina has grown to think that everything he lets or does not let happen is part of something bigger, as if he knew every single consequence to every single action. She isn't sure if she really trusts him or not, but she has certainly learned not to question what he does too much - mostly because you never get an answer.


Talk about your MCs and Jacobs!

Some character discussions and leading questions

1. Do you have any faceclaims for your MC and Jacob?

2. Does your MC/Jacob’s family have any relation to canon characters/families? Are these relations impactful to MC and their story?

3. What was Jacob’s friendship with Duncan and Olivia like? What was their dynamic before and during working for R?

4. Is Jacob physically and/or mentally different after he is released from the vaults? How does he change?

5. What career does/did Jacob want to pursue? Did it change after he was freed from the vaults?

6. What’s Jacob’s opinions of prefects, especially the ones 4 years older than MC?

7. What memory or thought does MC/Jacob use when conjuring a patronus (if they can even conjure a corporeal one at all)? What form does it take?

8. Would MC/Jacob use legilimency on anyone, anytime, or only when absolutely necessary? Does this change over time? Do they ever become as powerful as Snape/Dumbledore/Queenie? (wandless and nonverbal)

9. Would MC/Jacob fight at the battle of Hogwarts or go into hiding/avoid the conflict? Would they survive?

10. What happened to Olivia Green? Is she an evil agent of R or was she wrongfully manipulated like Jacob?

11. Do Jacob and MC have favorite quidditch teams? Do they attend the 1990/1994/etc quidditch world cups?

12. Did MC inherit Jacob’s pets? If so, what pets were they and what was MC’s relationship like with those pets when he was gone and after he came back?

13. Can MC see thestrals? Who did Mc see die in order to see them?

14. How does MC/Jacob feel about muggles and muggle relations? Do they understand muggle culture and clothing? Do they use muggle technology?

15. What would MC and Jacob give each other as birthday gifts? What is MC’s ideal gift to receive? What would MC typically give as a gift?

16. Does MC like pranks? What is their pranking style like? What is their favorite pranking device?

17. How does your MC feel about Merula? Will they ever be friends? Is Merula a playful rival with undeniable chemistry or is she just a huge pain in the ass?

18. If MC became a professor, what subject would they teach? Would they teach at Hogwarts or at a different wizarding school (perhaps in a subject not covered at Hogwarts)?

19. How do MC’s parents react to Jacob’s return?

20. If MC had access to a pensieve, what memory would they most like to revisit and explore? (doesn’t have to be their own memory)?

21. Would MC/Jacob prefer to live in the lively, populated city or the quiet, sparse countryside?

22. Does MC trust Dumbledore?

23. Is MC friends with Billingsley, or he just as much a legend to MC as they are to the player?

24. If your MC could be friends with someone else’s MC, who would it be? What would their dynamic be like?

25. Does MC collect wizard cards? Does MC have a historic wizarding idol?

26. How does MC’s hairstyle change as they get older?

27. Does MC/Jacob have any interest in learning any non-human languages? (Mermish, gobledegook, etc)

28. What is MC/Jacob’s preferred alcohol? What are they like when they’re drunk?

29. How would MC/Jacob go about flirting with/asking out someone? What would be the ideal circumstances, and how would it actually probably go?

30. Do you have any songs that remind you of MC, Jacob, and/or their relationship? Do you have a playlist? Would you mind linking me to that playlist? Thanks.

Anonymous asked:

Thank you for writing Impossible part 2, I certainly love the angst and uncertainty for the future. It makes the story more mysterious and exciting. I have one more request :) because I just love your writing style. This one is for me because i’m a Slytherin. Can you do Talbott Winger x Slytherin! Reader where they are both loners but they are best friends and they start developing feelings for each other as they grow up and start dating in their seventh year? Please :)


Anyway I did it. Hope you like it


Connections - Talbott Winger x Slytherin!MC

Ship: Talbott Winger x Slytherin!MC

Summary: Talbott and Y/N have many things in common, they just don’t know it from the start. What does that bring them to?

Requested: Yes - “Thank you for writing Impossible part 2, I certainly love the angst and uncertainty for the future. It makes the story more mysterious and exciting. I have one more request :) because I just love your writing style. This one is for me because i’m a Slytherin. Can you do Talbott Winger x Slytherin! Reader where they are both loners but they are best friends and they start developing feelings for each other as they grow up and start dating in their seventh year? Please :)”

Warnings: Uhhh Jacob is dead in this thinggg

A/N: I’M LATE I KNOW DON’T KILL ME THANKS, hope you like this blurb, I’ll leave you to it.

People don’t really understand what it feels like, not to be able to trust anyone. No matter all the friends I had made in Hogwarts over time, it just felt like I couldn’t be completely honest with any of them, even though some of them had been by my side from the very start, and even though they had all become rather fond of me, and I of them. But that was it. Fondness, a kind of fondness that I couldn’t even describe as brotherhood or love, because those happen to be based on trust. Trust I couldn’t give, even if I ended up receiving a lot of it. “You can trust me”, I always said. Whatever your secret, I’ll keep it. Whatever your insecurity, I’ll calm it. Whatever your fear, I’ll strengthen you. But I wasn’t going to let myself be calmed or strengthened. As a small cat, I ended up roaming the halls one night, not really in the mood to sleep. I heard footsteps when I reached the Charms classroom, and I realised how close I was to the Common Rooms of the Gryffindors and Ravenclaws. I was inaudible and basically invisible, but my human soul felt awkward all of a sudden. It could have even been a professor. They would question the presence of a rather strange cat, as I was, in the East Towers in the middle of the night. All of a sudden the footsteps stopped, replaced by a flap of wings. My eyes widened. Could it be another Animagus? The windows, sadly for the bird - no, student, I was sure of it - were all closed. I moved closer to where I heard the noise come from, and the bird immediately vanished, replaced by a human once again. The dark-skinned boy, whose eyes glowed in the dazzling moonlight, looked at me with a curious glint in his gaze. “Why, little kitty, you can’t sleep too?” I changed back to my usual, human form, and the boy stiffened for a second, before letting out a breath. “That’s more understandable”. And with that he looked away into the distance, toying with his hands. “Y/N L/N, if you were wondering”. “I wasn’t. I know who you are, as everyone does”. I shrugged. “And you are?” “None of your business, really”. I leaned against the wall, looking down at my feet, and I heard him sigh. “Talbott Winger”. He took his wand out of his robes, and whispered “Alohomora,” hoping for the windows that confined him to open and let him break free, but for some reason it didn’t work. Talbott sighed again. “This spell is so easy. How is it possible that-” “Hogwarts has got strong defences. Nothing can be opened in the night, at least not with easy spells”. “Tried to break out too?” “More than once”. A hint of a smile crossed Talbott’s face at that. “Well then, care to help me?” “What makes you think I’ve learned anything that will help you?” “You’re Y/N L/N, I’m sure you didn’t give up on your late night adventures in your search for the Cursed Vaults. Now give me a hand, if you please”. “Only if you promise you’ll come back”. Talbott raised an eyebrow. “I’m not getting in trouble when it’s so unnecessary” I justified myself, pursing my lips. “I can do this without you anyway”. “Good luck then”. And I left, sure I would never see him again.


The Slytherin Common Room was weird on Saturday morning. People appeared and disappeared all the time, it was always empty, and at the same time, it never was. But I wasn’t going to be one of those fleeting people that day. Snuggled up near the fireplace, laying flat on my stomach on the green, comfortable sofa, I spent my time thinking and ignoring Rowan’s repetitive voice as she read a big History of Magic tome to me, with the pretence of studying together; my interest in both the intention and the subject couldn’t be any less. When the dance of the flames became boring too, I got up and left - not that Rowan noticed, she was way too engrossed in her book. There were a couple of corridors in the school that I absolutely adored. They weren’t dark, nor filled with light; they weren’t quiet, nor loud; they were the perfect balance between the two sides of everything, a nice, enjoyable grey combination of blacks and whites. And when I met Talbott Winger, I didn’t expect for him to have my same tastes. “And there I thought I wouldn’t see you again”, I smirked slightly at the look of surprise on his face. “It’s you who finds me all the time. I’d dare say it’s your fault”. “And who said it was anyone’s fault?” “Now, now, don’t act like you’re happy to see me” he smirked too then. “Who said I wasn’t?” From then on, things didn’t change much, but we saw much more of each other, Talbott and I. Ours wasn’t definitely a normal friendship - can we even define what we had, a friendship? We just made slight fun of each other, no harm intended, all the time. We were in our fifth year when we met, but only in our sixth our friendship became a real one. He started confiding in me a bit more, he started trusting me. And for the first time in my life, I trusted him too. I told him about my fears, my doubts. I told him about Jacob; I told him everything. I turned to him when I found out Jacob was dead.


“I knew it, deep down. I knew it… but it’s not like… knowing something bad will happen… it doesn’t make it hurt any less, you know…” I was sitting outside, in the cold. I didn’t care if I was shivering. But I felt him approaching, I always did. “I know”. My body was shaken by a sudden strike of the cold, that slithered through me like a bolt of lightning. Talbott sat next to me, holding me close as I sobbed loudly, as I would have never dared to do in front of anyone else. “You will never leave me, will you?” I didn’t want to say it. It just sort of left my mouth without my mind having a say in it. “They’ll have to make me. And I swear, they won’t have their way easily if they try to”. And that went straight to my heart. Mistake number one on my list of: “Mistakes I shouldn’t make but that I will make anyway”, checked off - I was letting him get to me. This thought stopped my sobs short, and made me freeze completely. “Is everything alright? I mean…” “Everything is fine. Would be better if Jacob was alive, but you know really well how that goes” I whispered, my head on his chest, my eyelids suddenly heavy. “What about Hogsmeade tomorrow? Butterbeer makes you feel better, doesn’t it?” “It’s nice of you, to step out of your comfort zone for me”. “Anything for a friend”. Friend. My first, real friend, whom I could trust.


“Our N.E.W.T.s are in a few months and you haven’t studied a single word in any of the textbooks in weeks, Y/N. Are you okay? Generally you like studying…” Rowan looked at me concerned, on an eventful evening in our seventh, and last year at Hogwarts. “I don’t know, Rowan, I just… I think I just needed a break” I threw her a sweetened smile. Funny how I was getting more and more wary of her presence. She wasn’t any better than she was before. She didn’t grow up at all. Now at seventeen, she was still a stubborn, bookworm teenager who wouldn’t give up her wrong ideas if Dumbledore himself told her she’d got it all upside down. “Hey Y/N!” Barnaby walked into the Common Room with a big smile. He’d told me he would have been away the whole afternoon looking for weird creatures in the Forest with Charlie and Liz. I was glad he’d been having fun. Barnaby was one of the few that really lit up my life, in a way, with his innocent smiles and ramblings about creatures. “Found any weird creature today?” I asked him as he plopped down onto the sofa opposite me. “They’re not weird! And by the way yes, Liz spotted a Thestral but, you know, I didn’t exactly see it…” When the entrance to the Common Room opened again to let a young Slytherin pass, a brown hawk followed suit, and my heart stopped for a moment. Talbott stopped right behind Barnaby and tilted his head as if asking me to follow him. I nodded, and with a quick “Bye” to my creature-loving friend, and ran off from the room into one of the corridors we both adored. “What is it?” I asked as soon as he’d changed back to his human form. I barely had time to think, that his lips were on mine. It took me a few seconds to overcome the shock that came with it, but as soon as I did, I melted against him. That’s when I realised I had committed mistake number two on my list - fall for someone. When we broke apart, all that I managed to get out was a strangled “What the hell?”. Oh, believe me, I didn’t want to. “I shouldn’t have done it. Sorry.” He wanted to run away, but being a cat Animagus has its perks. My reflexes are terrific, even in human form. I grabbed him by the sleeve, and I stepped in front of him, bringing him down in another kiss. “You should have done it sooner”.

Anonymous asked:

Hi!! I really love your fics and I was wondering if you could maybe do a fem! reader x Ben Copper?

I just posted a first part to it, hope you like it!


Trust, Pt.1 - Ben Copper x MC

Ship: Ben Copper x MC

Summary: A walk through Ben and Y/N’s story, from the moment they met until things get difficult.

Requested: Yes - “Hi!! I really love your fics and I was wondering if you could maybe do a fem! reader x Ben Copper?”

Warnings: Mentions of attempts at murder (?)

A/N: Surprise! I’m not dead (but almost). I’ve decided to make this a two-parter because if I don’t post this now, I’m never going to get it done. It’s a bit weird, a bit rushed probably, but I hope you’ll like it. :)

I raised my eyes at the piercing sound of a half-suffocated scream across from me in the Charms classroom. At first, I couldn't see anything - there wasn't but thick smoke covering the students sitting in the other side of the classroom; then professor Flitwick waved his wand and where the smoke had been two figures, one with burned hair and one with golden locks clad in thick blackness. The blond boy had a terrified look on his face. “Mister Kim, I beg you to be more careful. I shan't let this pass more than once” professor Flitwick said sternly, his forehead creased with slight worry as he looked over the blond-haired boy, while the other one bit his lip. “Miss L/N, you seem to have understood my lecture well. Would you mind helping mister Copper recover his senses?” the professor turned to me with pleading eyes. “Of course, sir” I muttered, getting up from my seat slowly just as the boy moved to the aisle. We walked side by side, and as soon as we were out of the classroom, the boy collapsed against the wall. “No!” I let out involuntarily, and he raised his narrowed eyes at me. “You're shaking terribly,” I stated, then I remembered we didn't really know each other yet. “My name is Y/N, by the way. Who are you?” “Ben Copper,” his voice was strangely squeaky, “I'm sorry. I'm just really afraid of unpredictable events”. “No worries”, I was unsure about how to approach him, as he seemed fragile at that moment. And yet, maybe distracting him could be a good method. “So, Ben, what's… um… your favourite food?” He looked at me strangely, but he was visibly glad for my change of topic. “I wouldn't really know…” And it is with a question about food, that my friendship with Ben Copper started.


“Ben! Where’s Ben?” I asked out loud, storming where all my friends, short of one, were studying next to the Black Lake. “Who cares?” Rowan looked at me with an inch of disgust on her face, then swallowed it down, hiding her face in the textbook in front of her. “I think I saw him near the Artefact Room, that's where he always hides. Try looking for him there” Penny suggested, her eyes moving between me and Rowan. Without saying anything else, I ran off. I hadn't seen him since he’d been to the Hospital Wing after the cursed ice incident. “Please be here… please…” I muttered to myself as I opened the door to the room, slowly stepping in, breathing the stuffy air that smelled of dust and old parchment. No sign of Ben whatsoever, no sign of anyone but a moist cloth that lay abandoned on the dirty floor. I felt a strange ache in my chest. I remembered his pained look when he was stuck in the ice. His freezing, starving, tired form. At that moment I would have done anything to be in his place, as I knew it was my fault and mine alone. If I had just stayed home, this wouldn't have happened. Then again, I hadn't done anything at all. It was all because of my brother. My idiot of a brother, who should have kept his mad brains under control. He should have stopped before it took such a hold of him. It had been like a drug. After the first taste, he always wanted more - and now he was probably going to die for it if he wasn't dead already. I hit the cabinet behind me with a strong fist, and I felt the wood crack, but I couldn't care less. I was blind and deaf to everything but my anger, and I didn't hear the door swing open swiftly and close with a slam. It was only when I felt a pair of eyes on me that I woke up. “Y/N? Please tell me you're okay”. “How can I be?!” I shouted, and I shoved poor Ben aside before storming off.


The days passed and I decided to pour myself in my search for the Vaults. I had to put a stopper to all that as soon as possible, and there was no other way to do it. I was in the library for the ninth day in a row, and in the last two, I had even fallen asleep there and been sent away harshly by Madam Pince, as I ended up skipping dinner and staying there until night. Not that that day had been any different. The lightest of sounds woke me from my near-sleep; I massaged my neck, sore from being in that strange position on the table, and from all the time I had spent studying, then turned my head towards the entrance, and Ben appeared in front of me. “I haven’t seen you in forever, Y/N. I’m sure something is wrong now; are you willing to talk to me?” I raised an eyebrow, still in a daze, trying to process his words. When I did, I shook my head vigorously. “Nothing is wrong. Well, nothing more than usual”. “Do you not trust me?” he asked, his voice firmer than I’d ever heard it. “Of course I do… Why do you ask?” “Then don’t lie to me, please. it almost feels like you’re avoiding me sometimes”. “I’m not”. “Is it because of Rowan? She visibly doesn’t like me very much”. “It’s not”. He sighed, then sat next to me. “I’m your friend, Y/N, remember that. I hope you see me as such. I hope you trust me, because you can always rely on me, for everything and anything, even though I’m a bit of a scaredy cat sometimes… Okay, a lot”. He let out a chuckle that I offered back, then he put a hand on my shoulder and squeezed it gently, before standing. “I suggest you go get something to eat now”.


The months passed. Many, many terrible months. Things were getting more and more difficult, and I didn’t really know what to do. It was when I found myself faced with R that I realised the time had come, the time to choose who to trust, who to rely on, and who to beware from. And at last, I duelled them. Their face, it made me go pale. One of my best friends. The one I thought I could trust. The one who told me I could trust him. “Please, believe me, Y/N. You can trust me. I told you, I told you so many times… I would never… I don’t know… Y/N… please…” Rakepick looked at me expectantly - the choice was on me. “Please take him to the Hospital Wing. Madam Pomfrey can surely help him”. “Thank you, Y/N… you’re my friend, I would not… never…” “I’ll see you soon” I replied coldly, with the strongest resolve in my head: to clear this out.


We were alone in the cold Hospital Wing. I had walked in very late, begging Madam Pomfrey to leave, and for how reluctantly, she had acquiesced. I sat next to Ben, my eyes on my feet, his on the wall. “I thought… I thought I could trust you, Ben”. “You can. I was used, Y/N… I…” “Would you like a glass of water?” “Pardon?” his eyes shot up to me, an eyebrow slightly raised as I offered him the glass. I wanted to know the truth, I had to know the truth… “What? Are you afraid I’ll poison you or something?” I spat, biting hard on my lip. “You would never”. He grabbed the glass; if there had been a bit more light, he would have noticed that the water wasn’t entirely clear, its colour altered by the Veritaserum. I had managed to get a vial from Penny, who had stolen it from Professor Snape. Good times. “So you do assure me I can trust you, even after this? How can I be so sure? They want to kill me, Ben, they want to kill my friends. I cannot trust just anyone”. “So I am ‘just anyone’ to you? I thought I was one of your best friends!” “You just tried to kill me”. “It wasn’t me!” The resolution, the determination in that sentence at the same time assured me he wasn’t lying to me, and sounded so awfully not like Ben. Not like the Ben I had always known, at least. Had this experience changed him, in only a few hours? “Y/N, I could never hurt you. Instead, I want to help and protect you, as well as I can. I want to stop being a coward. I want to…” Then, mid-sentence, he stopped, and raised an eyebrow. “My name is Jas- Ben Copper”. He turned his head towards me, and I looked down. “You gave me Veritaserum”. “I’m sorry…” I stood, ready to storm off, but Ben took my hand, dragging me back to where I was. “You had all the right, actually. I understand”. I met his gaze, and he sat up and pulled me close into a hug. “Well then, I really don’t want to be afraid anymore”.



Thought a masterlist was needed by now, I’m shit with computer stuff so I don’t know if this will work on mobile, but I’m still doing it. The fics are all x Female!MC unless specified differently. (Update: it works on mobile as far as I can see and I’M SO HAPPY YAY)

Ben Copper

Penny Haywood

- Smad fluff

Barnaby Lee

Felix Rosier

Merula Snyde

Talbott Winger

Bill Weasley

Charlie Weasley

- Viscum Album (x Gryffindor!MC) slight angst, fluff

Anonymous asked:

In the spirit of the Holidays, is there any chance for a little something about a Gryffindor!MC catching Charlie under the mistletoe in the common room? :3



Viscum Album - Charlie Weasley x Gryffindor!MC

Ship: Charlie Weasley x Gryffindor!MC

Summary: It’s Christmas in Hogwarts, and everyone is going crazy because of mistletoe growing around the school. Will Y/N be affected by this fever?

Requested: Yes - “In the spirit of the Holidays, is there any chance for a little something about a Gryffindor!MC catching Charlie under the mistletoe in the common room? :3”

Warnings: None I believe, a teensy bit of bullying?

A/N: Finally got this down, oof. Why do I always feel the need to write an angsty MC? Please some psychologist around here tell me what my problem is. Anyway, enjoy!

Y/N had always been a particular girl, different from everyone else. She was in her own world, a world in which the most important things were her friends, her classes, her brother, and adventure. Everything else just… didn't matter. In her mind, it probably didn't even exist. When her roommates started talking about the Christmas holidays approaching, she was tempted to tune them out, like every other time. She couldn't say why, but she felt compelled to listen instead, just this once. “So, are you leaving for the holidays?” Rowan asked one of the girls. If Y/N remembered correctly, her name was Sarah. “Yes… just like last year, my parents are taking me to Italy. Visiting Venice was fantastic, even though I believe it would be better in spring”. “What about you, Rowan?” another girl, Anne, asked. “I'm staying. I really miss home, but… you know…” Y/N lowered her eyes. She knew Rowan was staying because of her, and she felt more than a little guilty for it. “It’s because of the freak, isn't it?” Freak. She was used to people calling her that, by now. The Jacob situation had made it all harder for her - everyone already knew who she was, and not in a good way at all. But what absolutely pissed her off, was that Anne was talking about her like that, almost forgetting that she was right there. “Don't call her that. I'm staying because I want to spend Christmas with my friends. I have been going home every Christmas in the past years, I want a change this time”. Y/N smiled softly. Rowan was amazing, and she couldn't wait for the day in which Anne would leave.


After a few days, in the haze of the Cursed Vaults adventures, Y/N had completely forgotten about the Christmas holidays approaching. She was rather surprised when, on the morning of the 23rd of December, she saw three of the five beds in her dorm empty. “Good morning, Y/N!” Rowan exclaimed from her bed, where she was sitting, still in her pyjamas, reading a big tome. “Good morning” she replied with a small smile. It took her a few moments, which she spent gazing in the void with her mouth open, to realize the Christmas holidays had started. The Gryffindor Common Room had never been this brightly lit, this wildly decorated, this incredibly happy. Every corner had some fairy lights, some holly, or some fir branches adorning it. And something else, too - mistletoe, many people’s favourite Christmas plant, was hanging from several spots of the ceiling. Y/N looked at it all with a wide smile. This Christmas, maybe, was going to be good for once. She looked down to her arms then, where a small leather-bound notebook was cradled close to her chest. She had been writing notes about the Cursed Vaults, finding Jacob, making friends, basically her whole life at Hogwarts. She knew madness would have overtaken her hadn’t she decided to note some of it down, and get it out of her head. The past three Christmases had been just her, locked in her empty dorm, rereading her notes, maybe crying. She hated it all. She just wanted it to be over. But it wouldn’t be over until she found her brother, or discovered he was gone forever. So, at the very least, she could forget about it, for just a few days. She would get back at it in the new year. So she removed her eyes from the notebook, and brought them up, and to her left, and to her right, and behind her, and in front. Observing the amazing job students and House Elves had done. This is how Christmas should always be, right?, she found herself thinking. The fireplace had holly all around it, its usual boring brick red replaced by a mixture of red, green and gold. The ceiling was covered in green and white mistletoe, and on the walls were floating lanterns and sparkly ribbons. A small tree had been set up in a corner, next to a window - its lights gave the room an even more magical look than usual. With one last look around the Common Room, Y/N left it, adamant to look for her friends.


“Y/N! You're finally here!” Penny exclaimed as soon as she saw her friend walk through the doors of the Great Hall, “We thought you were never going to come down. Rowan is still reading, isn't she?” she added with a soft smile. “Of course she is” Y/N shrugged her shoulders, sitting down next to Bill. “Only two days left before Christmas!” Barnaby exclaimed then, his voice ringing across the hall. Everyone winced slightly, then laughed. “You definitely don't need a Sonorus charm to shout loud, Barnaby” Tulip stated, raising an eyebrow. “What's a Sonorus charm?” “Never mind. You'll know” she replied raising an eyebrow, then chuckling. “Bill, where has Charlie disappeared to?” Tonks asked all of a sudden, earning the attention of the oldest member of the group. “Oh, probably looking for dragons somewhere. You know him”. Y/N felt something jump inside her at the mention of Charlie. It had been a while since she had started feeling this way, all funny whenever he was around, jumping when he was mentioned, feeling anger when he was insulted, feeling the utmost happiness at seeing him smile. When people mentioned this kind of feelings they always talked about love. Maybe she was in love too. “So, what are we doing this Christmas?” Ben asked, “Please no Cursed Vaults or anything scary. Please”. “Christmas, for once, has nothing to do with scary or dangerous stuff, Ben, so don't worry about it” Penny reassured him. “I want to trick Filch. Just because” Tonks smirked, already working out a plan. “I can join in, right?” Tulip asked, a wicked grin appearing on her face as well. “Of course”. “Just kiss already!” Y/N joked, and Tonks raised an eyebrow and pursed her lips together, making the funniest face anyone had ever seen. “Have you lot forgotten about the mistletoe growing around since the end of November? I'm going mad about it. Three girls have tried to push me under some and kiss me so far, and the problem is that they were all so horrible!” Bill complained loudly. Y/N's heart jumped again at the mention of mistletoe and kissing. If only that could happen with Charlie… wait, it could. She wasn't exactly sure she wanted that, though.


Christmas Eve had finally arrived. Only eight hours, by then, separated them all from Christmas. Y/N was walking down a wide corridor, alone, trying to clear her head and relax, finally. All of a sudden, she heard another pair of footsteps, matching her own almost perfectly, and immediately she knew, and her heart did a backflip. Only one person in the world could match her steps so perfectly. Charlie Weasley. When a redhead and a freckled face appeared in front of her, she couldn't suppress the spontaneous, wide smile that lit up her face. “Y/N! I haven't seen you in a while. Happy Christmas Eve!” “Happy Christmas Eve to you too, Charlie. Hunting for dragons again?” “No, just relaxing a bit. I needed to get away from Bill, annoying older brother and all that” he chuckled, then bit his lip when he realised what he’d said. Y/N smiled slightly, fishing for something to change the subject, and yet, failing terribly. Suddenly her eye was caught by long, green branches growing above her head, and she realised what was happening in the span of a second. “Mistletoe…” she muttered, and Charlie raised his gaze, following hers. She wasn’t ready for this. She couldn’t… No, it was not the case. No. Run, was all her mind could scream, run as fast as you can. And she did. She ran, turning her back to Charlie, who was left alone in the middle of a wide, suffocatingly silent corridor, mistletoe slowly wilting above his head.


On Christmas morning, Y/N woke up curled up on one of the couches of the Common Room, her cursed leather-bound notebook in her arms, and a quill on the ground where it had fallen when she had fallen asleep, the ink on its tip smeared and dry on the wooden floor. Her eyes slowly adjusted to the light filtering from the windows - she imagined it was around eleven - as she winced, then she rolled onto her back, looking up at the ceiling. The mistletoe she hated was still up there. God knows how many young couples had kissed in that room throughout the days. Y/N sat up as soon as she heard footsteps coming from her left, where the stairs to the dorms were. When she turned her head, her eyes widened and her heart threatened to jump right out of her chest. “Merry Christmas, Y/N” Charlie said with a small smile. She scanned him, taking note of his unruly hair, how the sunlight kissed his skin, how his eyes regarded her. And he, at the same time, scanned her. How she had bitten her lip, how she had widened her eyes, how her face had flushed, how her hands were holding the notebook tightly against her chest. And he smiled. He smiled, because he knew what was troubling her, and it was the same thing that was troubling him. When she moved to run once again, he caught her by the wrist, stopping her in her tracks. She looked into his eyes, biting her lip again, fear evident in her eyes. “You’re afraid” Charlie stated. “Terribly”. “Don’t be”. “It’s not so easy”. “Maybe it is”. Charlie pulled her to him, kissing her softly, shyly, and when she responded, he finally relaxed. Y/N pulled away only when she thought she would suffocate otherwise. Refusing to look into his eyes, she threw her arms at his neck, laying her head on his shoulder. “Merry Christmas” he whispered. “Merry Christmas indeed”.

Anonymous asked:

okay so I truly love your stories! do you mind writing a story about jae and female mc? i don't have any specific prompts, but i'm sure whatever you come up with will end up as a good read. (and sorry for my english, not my first language!)

Hello! Thank you so so much, I'm really glad you like my stories ❤

I hope you don't mind waiting for this to be completed, because I am not in year 5 yet, and haven't met this character so far ☹

And by the way, don't worry for your English, it's great! 😘

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