

03 and 33 live rent free in my head
*Seb arriving at home with the grid kids trailing behind him*
Hanna: I thought you only wanted to invite Mick.
Seb: Yeah I did but Lance heard us and stared at me with his big brown eyes, I just couldn't say no. And where Lance goes Esteban isn't far away so I had to take him too.
Hanna: Ah ja that explains these two but what about the other seven.
Seb: Yeah soooo Charles heard about it and you know I can't say no to Charles and Charles can't travel with out Pierre, so these two had to come. Pierre needed to bring Yuki because he was scared he'd lose him. Also Charles told the rest of the twitch quartet and they came up to me locking super sad and Lando looked about to cry, plus Alex and George brought me cookies. Hanna you know how I am.
Hanna: Hmm yes I know you Sebby. But what is Max doing here?
Seb: Max is like a stray cat I just had to take him in. Also Mick asked me if Max could come and I thought one kid more or less wouldn't hurt.
Hanna: Oh Seb these kids have you wrapped around their finger like a piece of string. Be glad I bought extra food.
Grid kids: *run in falling over each other*

Unpopular opinion:

Isn’t it awful the way Kelly desperately craves attention and uses her own daughter for that? She likes posts and writes comments on Max's fan accounts too. This is a whole new level in f1 wags world.


Ok I was going to let this slide but hey.

This comment is absolutely ridiculous and putting “unpopular opinion” isn’t going to make it less bitchy.

Firstly, Kelly can post pictures and videos of HER OWN DAUGHTER if she wants. She has done this waaaay before her and max got together. Why you have an issue with this I really don’t get. Plus desperately craving attention? Jesus Christ it’s her child, just like any mother posts pictures of their children!!

Also, I fully rate Kelly bigging up her partners fan accounts, it’s great she’s interacting with them, she obviously cares for max hell of a lot and it’s sweet.

People who slate Kelly and Max either jealous or just have that petty hate against max.

Find something else to channel your energy into


What happened to #bekind

You do know men suffer with anxiety and panic when it comes to their hair? The fact a mans hair is different and y’all making jokes and crying is stupid.

Imagine someone making fun of your hair??

Chill the eff out all of you seriously


Y’all need to chill...seriously going off at someone who can’t help what hair is doing. Maybe he’s having a hair transplant?? Maybe that’s how his natural hair has gone who the hell are we to judge.

We got to see Sebastian- that’s what matters 💚


What kind of dude who has no clue on social media nor uses it can literally send a whole fandom into a massive meltdown by climbing out of a car??!!?

A king. That’s who. King Seb has arrived y’all better bow 🙇‍♀️


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