

@anaestheticdisaster / anaestheticdisaster.tumblr.com

Brews tea to calm her nerves, rides horses to remember the taste of her heart and writes to find her own version of the truth.  My writing: #anaestheticwriting My inner thoughts spilled out and messily assembled into something resembling a post: #anaestheticrambling

Ok now do NYT columnists


already this has tags in the notes like “#anti ai” but... this is just real life with almost everything. this is like grifter 101 please don’t exceptionalize needing to be critical of chatgpt.

This is literally how job interviews work, by the way, and then everyone is surprised the super-duper confident guy is also an incompetent moron.

This worked on Trump voters, with the added selling point that he's a piece of shit that gave them permission to be pieces of shit.

This works in SO MANY areas of life and strains of mis- and disinformation. The folks who are trying to mislead you for whatever reason say everything with their whole chest. They are the most confident of confident people. Because they know that ish works.

Experts aren't as willing to do that because experts understand the nuances and they don't want to misinform people. However, I need experts to be more like the grifters. At least in situations where you're talking in soundbytes. Or trying to communicate with an audience you know is not well versed in the subject.


Guys, stop being crap to creators. You aren’t hurting Amazon. You’re stealing from writers.

This is an extremely frustrating trend to watch happen. Indie writers already work so hard, and there's nothing they can do. Amazon doesn't give a damn, they profit either way.

Please download Libby if you want access to free ebooks that were legitimately purchased by a library. Hurting people like this means they can't afford to write books.


I had an interview with a local paper this week about this rock snake I started on the longest street of a nearby city (where I work) because it's bringing people so much joy:

I said something during the interview that the interviewer seemed really shocked by, so in case it's important for anyone else to hear: When asked about the rock snake and some scavenger hunts that I've hosted for adults, I said -

"We don't stop enjoying the things we liked as kids; they just stop being offered to us. And when you're a kid, fun things like art projects and scavenger hunts are always brought to you, so you're not taught to make a habit of seeking them out as and adult."

She said "Wow yeah... life is so stressful... and you don't think to... wow."

So if anyone else needs direct permission to be a whimsical adult child today, I hereby grant it to everyone. ❤️

It's so soon to reblog this, but I was on the phone with my Mom, and she mentioned making me an Easter basket. I laughed and said "Thank you for excitedly making me an Easter basket at the ripe age of [insert an age over 18]," and she goes "You don't stop liking what you did as a kid, people stop presenting it to you." 😂❤️🥺


Because folks liked my latest pigeon comic so much, here's another pigeon piece!

I made this a couple years ago for a sadly now defunct publication called Pipe Wrench. I hope this piece helps spread more pigeon love.


yesterday i went to a party and i kissed this girl and she kept trying to give me her linkedin and i was like ...LINKEDIN? and she said yes linkedin. so i said i dont use linkedin. do you have instagram though. and she was like yes i do have instagram. you should add me on linkedin. and i said i dont use linkedin. and she said i will add you on linkedin. and i said girl give me your instagram you are NOT flirting with me through linkedin. and she was like. ok. fine. here's my instagram then. and gave me her instagram, which she clearly uses a lot, so it wasnt even that she only uses linkedin but rather that she just wanted to talk to me through linkedin specifically. fascinating woman if i wasnt already attracted to her her unwavering loyalty to linkedin wouldve drawn me in for sure


I actually don’t mind that “dead dove” has become conversational shorthand for “fics with heavy themes where you REALLY need to pay attention to the warnings”. such is the nature of language. what i do mind is when people tag their actual fics with dead dove and then give no indication of what they’re actually warning about. that is useless. that helps no one. that is completely against the spirit of the meme. i will not be reading that


When the tags say "bdsm" and "dead dove" it means that the bdsm is, like, super duper bdsm.

When the tags say "dead dove" with no other clarifying tags, it's like walking down a hallway and having someone shout "BE ALARMED" and then vanishing into thin air with no further details given. Be alarmed about what.

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