

@robinyourcreator / robinyourcreator.tumblr.com

Robin. he. adult. autistic. genderfluid. queer. icon by LittleJennaRed

My uncle, who grew up a poor immigrant on a pig farm, became a heart surgeon and keeps marrying into wealth.  His third wife is from old money.  She’s very sweet and I do love her to death but she’s completely out of touch with anyone who is not born wealthy.  She told me “Oh you simply MUST rent a villa in Italy for a summer.  It’s so great.”      Bless my uncle, he just started laughing his ass off and said, “Joan, normal people don’t do that.” 

She was so confused.  

Can “Joan, normal people don’t do that” be added to the “Harold, they’re lesbians” litany?



nothing has fucked me up more than knowing the australian white ibis has a near-identical sister species called the african sacred ibis. the african sacred ibis is associated with thoth, ancient god of wisdom and reason. the australian white ibis is most commonly referred to as a “bin chicken”.


like it might just be me but i think calling anyone’s degree “useless” and “a waste of time” is fucking rude at best. absolutely unnecessary and it’s not just because i’m an english major that’s a fucked up thing to say about any field. there’s a reason all of them exist and the world needs professionals from the fields western society deems “useless” more than ever.

knowledge for the sake of knowledge, learning to really critically think, and collecting that knowledge to share with others will never be useless or a waste of time


Our boomer trait is gonna be that we cannot recognise deep fakes or AI, I'm calling it. We're going to be like "wow did you see this???" And our grandkids are going to look at the 12 second hologram we show them, shrug and be like: "blinks are too regular."

I'm going to be chewing out some kid for being rude to a customer service employee on a call and they'll be like: "they weren't breathing"

"why are you always wearing that ugly coca-cola sweatshirt, you have so many nice clothes" - "Nestlé sold our teachers' code to CocAmaColaZom and now we can shadow-prompt their AI into giving us better grades"

"...but your maths teacher seemed so weird and incompetent, I was sure she was human :("


“Art is a human right” and “pay for your damn commissions” are in no way incompatible stances. The right to have access to the arts in general does not imply a right to have any particular artist produce a bespoke piece to your exact specifications. The second one is a luxury in the same sense that any other bespoke service is a luxury. This isn’t rocket science.


when the just some guy version of waymond wang said, “you tell me that it’s a cruel world, and we’re all just running around in circles. I know that. I’ve been on this earth just as many days as you. when I choose to see the good side of things, I’m not being naive. it is strategic and necessary. it’s how I’ve learned to survive through everything. I know you see yourself as a fighter. well, I see myself as one too. this is how I fight.”

Japan’s public safety chief has come under fire for his remark that he enjoyed eel rice so much that he kept eating after his agency informed him of Prime Minister Fumio Kishida’s narrow escape from a pipe bomb attack two weeks ago. Koichi Tani, chair of the National Public Safety Commission for Kishida’s Cabinet, told a governing party gathering Tuesday that he had the local delicacy in front of him for lunch when the phone rang.
“I was told that we can eat delicious unagi (eel) rice bowl there, and I was really looking forward to it,” Tani told party lawmakers. “Just as I was going to dig into it, I got a call from the National Police Agency saying something was thrown at the prime minister in Wakayama,” Tani said.
“But I fully savored and finished … my unadon (eel rice bowl),” he said, beaming.

LMAO [26 Apr 23]


[“[“So Great Straight White Male Writer 2 said to Great Straight White Male Writer 1: Who is your ideal audience?

And Great Straight White Male Writer 1 said: Everyone in my ideal audience is dead.

And, just when I thought that Great Straight White Male Writer 1 might elaborate, and say something predictable like “my grandmother” or “that elementary school English teacher who taught me everything,” it got worse. Because then he added, “You know, Virgil, Homer, Shakespeare”—I’m serious, that’s what he said! Here he was onstage in a gorgeous turn-of-the-century theater with hundreds of people in the audience who had each paid $20 to see him, but no, none of us mattered, it was only about all those long-dead men of the canon.

It’s hard to imagine anything more damaging to literature than questions about audience. Then again, it’s hard to imagine anything more damaging to literature than literature.

When we write on our own terms, with all the specificity, nuance, complication, messiness, contradiction, emotion, confusion, weirdness, devastation, wildness and intimacy, when we write against the demand for closure or explication, we write against the canonical imperative, and instead write toward the people who might actually appreciate our work on its own terms. I mean we write toward our selves. We also write toward change. A canon is a cannon is a canon. Wait, don’t shoot me, I’m already dead.

Over and over again we are told that in order to make our work accessible, we have to speak to an imagined center where the terms are still basically straight, white, male, and Christian. When we write on our own terms, and by this I mean when we reject the gatekeepers who tell us we must diminish our work in order for it to matter, we may be kept out of the centers of power and attention, this is for sure. And yet, if writing is what keeps us alive—and I mean this literally—if writing is what allows us to dream, to engage with the world, to say everything that it feels like we cannot say, everything that makes us feel like we might die if we say it, and yet we say it, so we can go on living—if this is what writing means, then we need to write on our own terms, don’t we?”]


The median artery is an artery that is occasionally found in humans and other animals. [1] It is present in 35% of individuals born in the late 20th century. [2]

occasionally I'm reminded that biology just sucks to think about

patients often experience disruptions to splenic development during embryogenesis, resulting in an overall lack a spleen (asplenia) or development of many spleens (polysplenia)

hey what the fuck

people are like 'aspects of biology and human anatomy need to be nearly delineated and sorted into distinct boxes' and then actual biology is like 'roll 2d3+2 to determine how many artery branches your cerebrum has'

polysplenia is a beautiful name for a baby girl


I love that I can jerk off about guys now. That's just so neat!


Could you not before?

No, I was straight my whole life, I actually tried "bihacking" myself as a teen but while I succeeded in dispelling any aversion to m/m sexuality I ultimately had to accept I was just not into it. But in 2020 I caught Covid before vaccines existed, it spread to my brain and caused enough damage there that my existing personality was no longer viable, and after a period of depersonalization I generated a new one that is different in some major respects, including being bisexual.

everyones journey is beautiful


Okay kids buckle up for the INSANE story I just heard from my little brother

**As a disclaimer my brother is a cis straight dude who only dates the most basic white girls you can find. He's very emotionally aware but doesn't linger on his emotions, just processes them and moves on (this is wild to me)**

He calls me on my break just to say hi, that he’s driving back to Denver from visiting his girlfriend, to which I respond “didn’t you break up with your girlfriend (of like a month) last month” and to which he says “yeah I have a new girlfriend, we’ve been together four weeks but I went up to spend the weekend and meet her friends” and I’m like ok great this is already ridiculous

So we’re chatting and I’m teasing him about how he doesn’t sleep with people on first dates and he says that he’s changed his policy, it’s just that he won’t have sex with them if he’d rather be doing something else, so I joke that I’ve had that where I’d rather be watching the show Chernobyl (true) and he says “yeah or watching a movie with my housemate” and I say hey bud that’s kind of gay and he says yeah I actually had a weird gay moment last night

And I go oh???? And he goes yeah, I was at the bar with the girlfriend and some of her friends and one of them was a guy and we were hitting it off, doing a little flirting as you do with your bros at the bar~

And then my cis straight brother goes on to explain that sometimes when you’re out with the homies and you’re having a good time and the vibes are right you just give em a little kiss, like just a kiss on the mouth between bros, “no tongue or anything like that but just to express that you’re close and having a good time”

I’m like “My dude that’s not a thing” and he’s like “between confident straight men it is” and I’m like “NO IT’S NOT"

So there we’ve got my brother having casual queerplatonic relationships with his homies at the bar, and he’s telling me this and I’m obviously speechless, so he goes on and he’s like “so because this guy and I were hitting it off I go in for a little kiss and he fucking swerves me” and I’m like yes my guy but because my brother is actually very good with respecting boundaries he was like “ok man great communication, won’t do it again"


Apparently my brother and the dude and my brother's GIRLFRIEND who has been there the WHOLE TIME go outside (I assume to have a cigarette but he didn’t tell me that part) and the guy turns to my brother and is like “man I should have kissed you when you offered it” and my brother is like “cool good shit man” like in the most bro way possible and then the guy grabs his face between his hands and just PLANTS a big one on his mouth

And THEN the guy panics and shoves him down on the ground!! And my brother has the normal reaction to being shoved on the ground unexpectedly which is to say “what the FUCK” and the girlfriend says “what the FUCK” and the guy goes “what the FUCK” and leaves

And my brother ended the story there and was musing on it like "this guy obviously has some complexes to work through about his sexuality, no confident straight man kisses another confident straight man and then panics and runs away”

Which took me out at the KNEES lol

And that, dear readers, is the batshit story my brother told me!



I told my coworker this and they were like I’m actually shipping him and his roommate and I was like HUH because I hadn't considered that and then later my brother sent me a photo of his housemate wearing sexy handcuffs

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