
Detached from reality

@epitethot / epitethot.tumblr.com

Welcome to a long journey made of kittens, crumbs of egyptology every now and then, purposefully misplaced Rammstein shitposting, occasional Italian scleri dovuti ad una vita infame and tiny bits of German culture and language intended solely for the purpose of further aggravating the reader's drowsiness. This garbage of a blog may include other topics, but I won't spoil that for any newbie, you have to learn that yourself the hard way.
Saw this on my Twitter feed and thought this was so important. If you, or someone you know is fighting this battle, know you are not alone. You matter, your life matters. Take it a day at a time but please keep fighting because YOU ARE IMPORTANT, more importantly you are LOVED.
“Medievalists know that if they claim to have found “homosexuals” in the Middle Ages they will provoke cries of outrage, and nothing else they say will be heard. So they avoid the term. Thus Allen Frantzen, on the very first page of Before the Closet: Same-Sex Love from “Beowulf” to “Angels in America,” declares categorically: “I call this a book about ‘same-sex love’ because the obvious choice, ‘homosexuality,’ is, for periods before the modern era, inaccurate. ‘Homosexuality’ and ‘homosexuals’ were not recognized concepts in the Middle Ages.” Apparently, the same is not true of “heterosexuality” and “heterosexuals.” Frantzen does not hesitate, throughout his volume, to oppose “same-sex relations” to “heterosexual relations.” The result is a Middle Ages that would make Pat Buchanan jump for joy, one from which all the homosexuals have been banished and only heterosexuals remain. This should give one pause. If homosexuality was not a “recognized concept” in the Middle Ages, then heterosexuality wasn’t either. This in itself is not a reason to argue against its use: much of the best work in medieval studies relies on concepts that were not recognized in the Middle Ages. And, in any case, to insist that medieval scholarship limit itself to medieval concepts in their medieval meanings is to insist on an impossibility”

James A. Schultz 


i keep thinking about that farmer that accidentally moved the belgium-france border and if there's a way i too could 'accidentally' move the vatican city walls


watching teenage girls get famous, get sexualized as minors, get SUPER sexualized the second they turn 18 because now all the freaks who were sexualizing them as minors but knew to be quiet about it can be loud about it without getting in as much trouble, and then have super sexualized eras “reclaiming” their bodies is so fucking depressing

especially when they’re still like 18/19 doing the “I am going to do super sexual, clearly for the male gaze stuff for MYSELF now, it’s for ME not YOU which is why it’s on the cover of a magazine” stuff like it hurts my soul and makes me so sad for them

i’m not saying this in a puritanical ‘young women shouldn’t be sexy’ way but just watching it become a very clear public display which these girls are just replicating things forced onto them… it hurts it just hurts i don’t have deeper, more profound language to describe it. it just hurts

and i hope they’re okay and everything they’re doing truly feels like it’s for themselves and stays feeling like that.


i think voting out a monarchy is still the funniest way to get rid of it. i’m not talking about efficiency i’m talking about comedic potential. poll result is ‘we don’t want these’ and they just leave. fucking funny

can’t wait either!


Yekaterina Lisina 👀💦


The face of a changed man:


she’s 6'9" and wearing platforms in every photo and what a power move

very important add on: she has a lady dimitrescu cosplay instagram


Every Palestinian I know is exhausted, we are all exhausted. Everyday I’ve had to wake up sick and traumatized and hopeless at the sight my people being beaten and brutalized and killed. 

We are up against a US backed nuclear-armed state that has been killing and oppressing us for decades with billions of dollars in support. White Americans and white brits? It is your job to advocate against this seeing how your governments are both what created and funds our ethnic cleansing.  You cannot be neutral on Palestine, you cannot be silent with Palestine while your elected government officials support our murder, you cannot refuse to acknowledge us while we are shot at and ethnically cleansed from our homes. 

Stop electing politicians who support Israel, stop letting Palestine slip from your mind. This is NOT a conflict, it is a genocide


i cant believe there are people out there who will only watch an anime if its on a streaming service like have you forgotten your roots? the anime episodes split up into 3 parts on youtube in low quality? the fansubs that just did whatever the fuck they wanted half the time? the websites that are almost certainly mining your data for bitcoin while showing you terrible ads? they were there for you long before you even knew what crunchyroll was

netflix subs just wont give you gifts like this

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