


Call me Snoikie (S-nook-ie). She/They Chaotic multifandom system full of goofs who love to laugh

Also hey I forgot to draw this earlier, but yesterday I saw a goth who was literally smoking like this:

Like I can't properly even recreate it because I don't draw that kind of graphic novels, but the dude had a whole Frank Miller byronic hero STANCE going on. And I don't mean this in any mean way, I genuinely love it when people are theatrical just for the sake of being dramatic, it gives life some flair and colour. Unfortunately it was a very lovely sunny spring day in the early may, so the poor fellow had to his brooding smoke in an environment like this:


Come look,

Come see,

Come outside and view the sky!

The sun is changing! The moon is changing! The stars are changing!

What's so fascinating? I ask, following their eyes

I look where I'm told. I gaze where I'm asked

But I don't see the wonder

I don't find the joy

It's the sky changing as it always does

Changing like the rest of us


But then you. A friend who saw me crying

You pull us aside and point to the sky

And you show us the stars

The same stars we've seen all pur life

But you star to give them names

You start to paint their pictures

And you start to tell their stories

Ones we've learned long ago

And have not heard for even longer

You show us the sky in a way that makes us want to see more of it

You show us the sky through your eyes, rather than having us look at it from our own


You know how in Hancock (2008) they can only age and be hurt when they are with their “partner”? It got me thinking about a universe in which Merlin doesn’t become an old man after Arthur’s death. He stays the same. Exactly the same. Years and centuries pass and he hasn’t aged a day. Eventually he figures it out, that their souls are so intertwined that he can’t live in a world in which Arthur doesn’t. Literally. He is not alive, but he is also not dead. He’s suspended in time, unable to move on, unable to go back. His hair doesn’t grow and neither do his nails, he doesn’t get sick. It should be nice, going through live without the small inconveniences, but in reality Merlin finds he can’t really experience anything either. Flavors pale in his mouth, the sun feels tepid on his skin. He doesn’t know if it’s this state of not-being or if he’s just depressed, but it doesn’t really matter. Whether it’s magic or his own mind playing a trick on him, life is not life without Arthur. So he just goes through the motion, day after day. He makes some semblance of a routine, of something others might call a life.

Then one day he looks in the mirror and he needs to push his hair out of his eyes. He sneezes.

And he knows.


i love spn with my whole heart however it will never be not fucking hilarious to me that it got 15 seasons. i’m grateful for what we were given but lol oh my god

like yes of course dean winchester character of all time castiel character of all time sam winchester also there but so many characters of all time do not get 15 seasons. it really was an absolute series of events


I got to hang out with my friends last night and it was so amazing

College friends really are life long

It was as if nothing changed. We all gave life updates and platonically cuddled and just. Spent time together again after a long while away. We listened to music and talked about it we reminisced and shared stories and laughter and just enjoyed the wonder that is the company of true friends

I missed them a lot and it made me really happy and I wanted to talk about it


y'know those pronoun bracelets that genderfluid people usually use, and they change which bracelet they wear based on their gender?

what if we had those for alters, each having one alters name? I feel like it would be easier to tell who is fronting based on which bracelet you feel most connected to at the time


Oh hey that's brilliant

💫incredibly revealing tho

💫Also hard to keep track of since we switch like a merry go round


hey, if you take any bit of system related advice to heart today, please let it be this: do not tell people the positive or negative triggers of certain alters if you do not absolutely one hundred percent trust them not to misuse that information.


Most people only get 4 stress responses: Fight, Flight, Fawn, and Freeze.

people with DID unlock the secret fifth one: Forget


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