
We're back where we started


You can call me Princey. They/ them pronouns. This is mostly just dumb posts about whatever show I'm in.

i was gonna make a post like "this pride month, pour one out for the polyam folks for having the worst flag"

(and like, i know theres been a bunch of flags, but this is the one i've seen the most)

however! when i went to google the polyam flag, i found this website, where they apparently held a vote for a new flag that accurately represented the community (and, presumably, didn't look like absolute dogshit), and they apparently settled on this one!

i hadn't seen it before, but I think it looks really nice and if you check their website, it seems like they have good reasoning/backing/community support, so I really hope I see it around more!!!



I am a dolphin. I have lungs.

The fish judge me for coming to the surface, they say I shouldn't need to

"Maybe you're a land animal" they suggest but my body is useless on land

They "help" me by pushing my body onto the shore and I'm immediately hit with an overwhelming heat

I feel dizzy and hot. I feel like I might pass out.

It's overwhelming but I can't move myself back into the water

The mammals find me there roasting in the sun

"You're just dehydrated. Everything needs water" they say as they try to shove it down my throat

But that's not the problem and that's not helping

They roll their eyes as I burn "You're just being dramatic"

I can't move to respond I'm so close to passing out and I know I won't wake up

Begrudgingly they push me back into the water and relief washes over me as the water cools me down

"Dumb fish" they mutter and they walk away

They don't believe me.


When the fish find me they're annoyed.

"I thought you had lungs?" They poke and prod me with questions I don't have the answer to

"We were helping you. Did you even try?"

Their words burn more than any sun and I wonder if the mammals were right.

Is that what it's like to live on land?

Should I try again?

But then I remembered the unbearable heat and the feeling of death quickly approaching

I'd don't think I could handle going through that again

And so I continue to live in the ocean

It's never bothered me as I am an excellent swimmer

I love ocean life and as I swim and zip around I start to chirp with joy

But eventually my lungs burn, I need air

I try to ignore it but I know deep down that I can't

No matter how much I will it away, I still find myself breaching the surface and gasping for air


The fish sent me to someone

They're supposed to teach me how to breathe underwater

They don't know that I don't have gills and no matter what I do I will never breathe in the water the way they do

They don't listen, they don't believe me, they call me lazy.

They push and they push even going as far as to try to cut "gills" into my sides

It doesn't work and I'm tired

So I learn to hold my breath. I learn to hide myself when I go up for air. I learn to lie.

They seem happy enough and finally leave me alone.

They rant and they bost about how the figured out a "cure" for lungs

They're all idiots because they don't see

That at the end of the day

I'm still a dolphin, and I have lungs


This is Colors, a short comic written by @monsieurtoast and illustrated by myself, about the influence we have on others around us. I had sooooo much fun working on this and I owe it all to Toast for coming up with such a creative concept! Take care of your colors my guys ♥

wow… thank you

Anonymous asked:

Which pan flag is the right one please I don't want to mess it up

THIS is the real pansexual flag we've been using for years:

bright pink, yellow, and blue stripes. this is the actual one.

THIS however, is made by mspec lesbian exclusionists and purity culture obsessed twt users:

dont use this or any other "new" pan flag they try to fucking make. its not our flag. its never been our fucking flag. as a pansexual i fucking hate everyone who uses this or tries to get content creators to support this. fuck exclusionists.


Signal boosting for my fellow pannies out there❤️❤️

oh man, the fake flag is so fucking ugly, muted colors just like the boring personality of whoever created it


I lived and worked in a lighthouse at a previous job.  There was a thick line painted in a circle around the shack where the fog signal was kept.  The line represented how close you could get to the fog signal without experiencing physical harm in the form of eardrums shattering or worse.

Even in the house it was LOUD.  Probably the loudest thing I have ever experienced but at a normal, predictable interval.  You would begin to time your sentences with little pauses with the rest of the lighthouse crew so you would talk like this while making your………..HORN…………. tea and then carry on talking because you knew when it would go off.  It rattled the walls and the dishes in our cabinet.

At least one girl had died there. They kept photos of her everywhere “in honor of her sacrifice” because she had decided to take the winter watch alone and died in a storm where bounders the size of mini vans had been lifted out of the ocean and left scattered across the island, to say nothing of the ice chunks.  People weren’t allowed to be alone on the watch after that.

One day a dead moose washed up on shore and it took my entire crew all day but we managed to rig up a line to hang it up to dry because we thought having a moose skeleton in the house would really spice the living room up a bit.  It did.  Weird shit happens when six of you are left alone, like ALONE ALONE, no cell reception, no wifi, just a radio to contact the real world and not a lot of reason to do that.  People don’t go on lighthouse jobs if they want to stay connected, I’ve found.

That said Id do it all again, I really do treasure those days

@bionic-penis @27sketchbooks @twigszzz @twistedtriscuitz @prince-of-gays-and-cats @core-queen I’m not saying we should all work in a lighthouse together but… no that’s exactly what I’m saying


I heard too many sounds at once and now I am a bitch


We're all one sensory overload away from becoming the strongest versions of ourselves

supervillain origin story: two conversations happened near me at the same time

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