
Atiya Joe

@atiyajoe / atiyajoe.tumblr.com

Sixteen / Navajo / Hip-Hop Dancer / Instagram: @atiyajoe

Emotions & Lessons I’ve Learned & Felt while being in relationships and situationships✨💭 If I had to give one piece of advice for people who are dating or are wanting to pursue greater growth in their relationships is to recognize your worth. Remember who you are but also remember WE ARE NOT PERFECT, we make mistakes and overthink which leads to misunderstandings. Misunderstandings kill a lot of relationships so COMMUNICATE‼️


I wrote this for me and I challenge you to sit down, listen to some music, and write down things you admire about yourself and things you struggle with.

Stimulate your growth my Kings and Queens👑


Tonight I wanted to post about love & taking rests for your heart & soul. For me, I've recently done 2 instagram lives and just doing those took alot out of me spiritually & mentally.

Realizing this, I wanted to share the message that somedays we need to focus on our souls & hearts. Social media can really fill out days and outweigh our priorities. Such as spending time with our family & most importantly ourselves.

Taking time to relax & refocus on our own separate passions & purposes is what we need. Understanding when our souls need to be fed & when our hearts need to be refilled is a level of self awareness that should be encouraged.

So take time to breathe & indulge in yourself. Rejuvenate & love continuously. Pray & do things that'll make you happy and most importantly will make your soul feel rich & your heart filled with generosity and love.



Above: Volunteers helping bring food to our elders on the Navajo Nation


Today's Update:

Today I went into Walmart with my grandma and met the kindest woman ever. She was checking us out and we were just talking about how positive our lives have been and what's been going on. But we never brought up the coronavirus or what was going on in the world.

It felt like home, like nothing had had ever changed.

It was a simple moment, I placed the grocery bags in the cart while she scanned and we laughed in our face masks.

At that moment, everything felt normal and peaceful and I'm so happy I got to share it with that wonderful girl 💕

I have come to the realization that I truly miss my community, I miss laughing and hanging out with wonderful individuals, I miss my dance crew, the dance studio & my church. I miss a lot of things but, I'm so grateful I realized how much these moments mean to me & the impact it's had on my identity as a 16 year old Navajo girl hip-hop dancer from the southwest.

Stay safe and if your spiritual, continue to pray & love & encourage others.

Remember, if you woke up today, you already won👑✨

I feel like I have so many layers to me and I will express every single one of them

Jhené Aiko


A post made based on love.

Every day is another day to build upon yourself.

Don’t break yourself down from shit that’s already in the past, that person is dead to you now, don’t bring them back.

Love is so strong and is a feeling that combines other emotions ranging from happiness to anger to sadness. I myself have never felt romantic love but that sure as hell has never been how I sought to find love. I found love in other ways but the biggest one I forget to find love in was myself.

Over the years, I’ve really grounded myself in my truth, in my faith, and in my art. It sure as hell took a lot of time and patience but God was always on my side and was always there for me. And in about 2-3 years I finally begin to love myself purely and unapologetically. (I’ll go more into learning to begin the loving yourself journey but for now, let’s focus on love).

These past few months have been so unreal and so full of passion and change for the better. I learned so much about myself and in the process regained and empowered my worth.

I am love. I am truth. I am power. I am Atiya Joe.

Loving yourself is something that can’t be reached, it’s not like a goal you can just checkmark and be done. It’s something that is always evolving and is always changing because you are getting better, you are taking charge of your life, and you are getting better FOR YOU!

I know I’m only sixteen now but I am so proud of the woman I am becoming. I realize now why the Lord put me in such dark positions and situations because he was preparing me to be the best Atiya I can be. Not for anyone, but FOR MYSELF.

So stay true to you for you and by you.

You are love and you have so much to offer to this world. But you have to put forth the work, the effort, the commitment to yourself to get yourself there. Love is a commitment and the greatest one you can make is to love yourself.

I hope you find your truth soon and I know once you do, you’ll become the best fucking person you’ll ever know. So go out there and fuck shit up!

You are worth it, so go fucking get it!

Love, Atiya✨


Photography & Art: @atiyajoe This photo reflects beauty and strength. It was my very first line drawing and it came out better than I expected. I would just like you, King and Queens, to understand you are beautiful and have so much to offer to the world. For me learning to be beautiful and strong was to embrace my voice. To say whatever to the haters and not care what anyone thought of me. Because at the end of the day, you are the only one you can depend on 100%. So go confidently in your truth and be unapologetic of your identity.

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