
She Walks in Starlight in Another World

@dwarveslikeshinythings / dwarveslikeshinythings.tumblr.com

Monica. 30-something. Slytherin. House Baratheon. Kastle owns my life. These days, LOTR shitposting with a side of everything else.

The Rings of Power Summer Celebration 2024

Welcome to our summer celebration for the one and only “The Rings of Power”. Since season 2 is slowly approaching we decided that this was the perfect time to pump some life into the fandom and bring some joy into our lives. We have come up with a couple of prompts to help you get inspired to create whatever your heart desires, like gifs, stills, and artwork in various media; digital, traditional, collages, video, fanfics (drabbles or longer), anything and everything you can think of is accepted on these shores.

Tracked tags:

#ROPCelebration24 #ROPSummer24


June 3 - 9: Characters: Gush shamelessly over the characters we love and adore, whether it is a character that is your favourite, or one that you think has been pushed to the side.

June 10 - 16: Locations: Pay homage to Middle-Earth’s breathtaking locations recreated for the show, from Lindon through Khazad-dûm to the Southlands.

June 17 - 23: Costumes: Honour the gorgeous costume designs.

June 24 - 30: Music: Share the favourite part of the musical score, create playlists for characters or relationships, or write a show-inspired song text, the possibilities are endless.

July 1- 7: Relationships: Celebrate relationships in all shapes and sizes, from family to lovers, friends and enemies.

July 8 -14: Minor characters/OCs/Rarepairs: Put the spotlight on characters that might be less important to the overall story but are very much important to you, and highlight the characters you have created yourselves, and the pairings that might not have as big of a following that you wish they had.


  1. All types of creations are welcome, from gifs to written works.
  2. You will have a week for each prompt, but no need to worry you can always post it at a later date.
  3. All ships are safe in this harbour, Fëanor ain’t here to burn them.
  4. 18+ is allowed, but not required.
  5. Please use the tags, #ROPCelebration24 #ROPSummer24
  6. And most importantly, have fun <3

Succession does an amazing job at dropping these tidbits of information about the characters whenever they were younger, never allowing us a moment to sit and process it. It’s woven into the conversation as if they’re talking about the weather, like it’s something that’s deep in their past they’ve since then healed over. A bitter memory. But really, with the way that they carry themselves, it’s clear that the lack of flashbacks in Succession indicate that we are still living through their trauma.

We are perpetually observing each of the Roy kids be unable to grow out of their childhood. The man’s health is declining, he’s eighty and still his bellows send them to feel seven again. Logan Roy is kicking them and reopening wounds that they haven’t had a chance to lick clean, still wandering around bloody with the red that connects them with him.

They could see one another with a gaping hole and still they’d ask the other “How’s dad? Is Dad okay?” as if he is an extension of themselves. If Dad is okay, so are they. The hurt that he has caused them never being enough to outweigh the love that they have for him. I know a lot of people refer to the relationship that they have with their father being one of hatred but the issue with these kids comes not from how much they hate their father but how much they love him. They’re still so desperate to find some resemblance of love in Logan Roy’s hollow body that’s been stuffed with nothing but ego & hurt of his own. They’re at his heels, watching the door close and barking right at it in an attempt that he might hear them just this once.


already inflicted this on the discord server and decided to make everyone suffer here too

assigning silmarillion elves bad driving habits

feanor: speeds, unless you tailgate, in which case he will slow down until you back off. if he has to stop in the middle of the high way, that's your fault for entering a battle of wills with feanor

fingolfin: tailgates

finarfin: does 5 below the speed limit in the outside lane

maedhros: chronic backseat driver

fingon: incapable of using turn signal unless he has explicitly been reminded by maedhros in the past 15 minutes

maglor: plays music so loudly he cannot hear sirens if an emergency vehicle needs to pass

celegorm: explicitly ignores those special speed limits around schools (either they learn or they die)

curufin: has modified the shit out of his car so the engines are super loud because he thinks it makes him look cool

caranthir: knows the location of every speed and red light camera in tirion. abuses this knowledge.

celebrimbor: on his phone

nerdanel: thinks stop signs are a suggestion (see also: red flags)

finrod: incapable of recognizing when he is too drunk to drive. very insistent he gives his drunk friends a drive home because they're to drunk to drive and he wants them to be SAFE

turgon: tells everyone to get an electric car while not actually having one himself


anybody in the mood to wail about Adar??


Every. Damn. Day. My family’s tired of hearing about it. 😭🙏

# why though?!

Okay, AdarWailing(TM) Discussion Questions!

Sound with [either/all of]:

-Your most wail-worthy Adar moment of TROP Season 1

-The detail/headcanon about Adar that keeps you up wailing at night

-At what point did you realize that you had become a hopeless Baddydaddy Devotee and lost control of your entire life?


Most wail-worthy moment of S1:

For me, it's a tie between him speaking QUENYA to Arondir in the trenches, and the AGED look in his eyes when he's recounting his life story to Galadriel. Joseph Mawle was able to make him simultaneously so strong and yet so fragile and haunted and I have literally not stopped screaming/wailing about it.

The detail/headcanon that keeps you up wailling at night:

I firmly headcanon that Adar was one of the elves that awakened at Cuivienen. Like, he has seen ALL OF IT. He remembers ALL OF IT. He has endured innumberable centuries of war and displacement and loss and despite it all he still CARES. *WAILLLLLLLLLLLLL*

At what point did you realize you had become a hopeless Baddydaddy Devotee and lost control of your entire life?

Literally the moment his fine ass stepped into the frame, bathed in WHITE LIGHT, like some dark angelic being. Ya girl didn't stand a fookin chance.

[Tagging @permanentlyexhaustedpigeon88 @sophiegreenleaf @niennawept @hellofeanor @eowyn7023 + anyone else who wants to play! Add your own questions, let's bring keep the baddydaddy love going!]


Do you ever think about how Adar must have been conditioned to hate elves and yet he might still have this innate feeling of being drawn to them no matter how much Morgoth tried to crush that sense of family out of him, leading him to overcompensate in his devotion to the uruk children that were forced into his life?


Tonight, we remember one who lent his enormous talent to telling the story we have all come to love. Hail, the victorious dead!

May the Simbelmynë cover his tomb as it did the tomb of the one he so accurately portrayed.

Bernard Hill Dec 17, 1944 - May 5, 2024


Bernard Hill said once that he came up with the line, “No parent should have to bury their child.” And, no, it’s not canonical, but it’s absolutely what the story needed. It’s what the character needed. Hell, it’s what we needed. It’s a better and more compelling and more relatable and more moving and more empathetic film for having that emotion expressed. It was such a simple idea, but such an important one. And we needed him to get it. May the simbelmynë always bloom on your place of rest, Mr. Hill.


i really like looking at google image searches for “firemen rescuing cats” or something because you get super cute pictures like


“THAT’S RIGHT TWAS I that set the house ablaze!!!”




Every fucking time I know what’s at the bottom and every time I still lose my shit.

I’m so happy this post is back again asdlkfjsa



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