
ran off the rails 2 hyperfixations ago


i never tag spoilers and i am so sorry | my names Rey and I definitely do not adore podcasts so I definitely did not make this blog. This blog is not real. (banner by @tomorrowisstillempty and icon by @grim-anatomist) my main is do-rey-me

I hope Baxter and the butter jellies have a cat/dog relationship. Baxter fucking HATES them but is too well trained to do anything about it. The butter jellies love him and keep crying to crawl all over him. Sandra Lynn is this 👌close to telling Baxter to eat them because they keep sliming all over her house


Honestly after all of this it feels like the Vulture would be Kristen's icon, the representation of her faith. Like if they paint murels of Kristen there would be a vulture overhead in the background. Because it is now just as symbolic of mystery as Kristen is

Vulture appears in locations of mystery and clues (minthril factory). People put faith in vulture when there is honesty no reason or explanation for it, innate trust to ask and risk. It "seems sinister inso far as all vultures seem sinister" is off-putting as much as having a religion of doubt is.

And the payoff of putting trust into the unknown has worked. Kristens faith is going for the vulture instead of anything rational to help her party summoned The Vulture Dimension. Their trust and acceptance of vultures let the heroes be freed of paralysis peacefully and granted them powerful magical items. These items when consumed led to major breakthroughs in mystery and uncertainty. Fabian reaching out to the rats to find the bodies of Yolanda and Lucy, find signs of giants and the hidden name sigil. Kristen with absolutely no prompting or plan or explanation why she didn't trust Buddy, ate the eyeball for truesight to see Kipperlilly and force her to bail whatever plans she has.

So the vulture absolutely now belongs into Cassandra's domain as a holy animal


as someone who also uses mephits as little bombs in bg3 i feel so vindicated when brennan first realises they blow up when they die


yeah yeah that last ep was insane and rocked everyones shit and confirmed that the rat grinders are SINISTER sinister however. shoutout to the person on tiktok calling fourdogs "kipperlilly clerickiller". theres no punchline here that just took me out.


thinking about oisin apologizing for his friends being rude last episode, and then helping craplilly commit cold blooded fucking murder this episode. like no offense king, but everyone's probably more offended by the goddamn capital offense than some bad manners ffs


ok but i'm very curious about the significance of the time quangle.

was it added just as a way to explain disjoint events - ex. zac deciding to break up gorgug and zelda, but the seven canonizing that they'd still be together at this point - and to create a prompt for this live show that's happening?

or does it have some canon relevance - for example, maybe kipperlilly hates riz/is motivated by some event that hasn't happened yet?


i love how the bad kids have just done a repeat of fig’s dead oyster. it’s just two rotting ochre jellies, stinking up the pockets of these bloodied kids as they reverently call them “butter gummies” and smooch them affectionately


i know we're all on the same page abt aguefort not favoring the bad kids, but calling them out by name on a pre-recorded message to be the only ones to actually fully pass the last stand??? i HIGHLY doubt that he made one of those for every single party at the school, i mean he could have but ,,,


thinking about kristen who has died twice having to watch someone who is so much like her the first time she died and not being able to do anything. frantically searching for enough to be able to bring him back and being unsuccessful. how much that must break her heart that there was nothing she could do to help


'its path in the pattern of fate is so familiar to you' sounds so beautiful and poetic in the face of the fact that it's about a desk that won't stop biting you


This part made me sad because the people filming this put the Hangman in the pile of defeated monsters while the Dawn Mare got to stand up on top. :'(

The fire doggy deserved to be up there with them! 😭😭😭


Kristen has got to get up on a table in the cafeteria, zone of truth that bitch and just say exactly what happened.

"I, Kristen Chilis Applebees, witnessed Kipperlilly Copperkettle slit Buddy Dawn's throat, killing him, and she looked me in the eyes and smiled as she did it."

What the fuck is dog bitch gonna do? Zone of truth + every one already likes Kristen. Even if like legally nothing comes of it, her fucking reputation is tanked!


What I really like about the most recent episode of Fantasy High Junior Year, is how well the Bad Kids work together and cover each other's weak spots. Maybe it's because of the fact they saved the world twice already, or the clutch usage of Bless, either way the Bad Kids got their shit on lockdown, and supported each other throughout the fight.

Like when Adaine changed the fate of of Fig's role, even though Fig was panicking and questioning her abilities, which lead to the most clutch Divine smite!

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