
im gay for anime and aesthetic

@datweirdonextdoor / datweirdonextdoor.tumblr.com

[ian] [‘00 liner] [ she/her ] [im here to read all your fics]
Anonymous asked:

That's the thing. Kusanagi is heavily implying that Yona and Soowon are pretty similar and would work well as rulers. Probably better than with Hak. Yona also constantly puts her relationship with Hak at last spot. You did say that Yona's journey is to be with Hak but as long as Hak's not dead everything else is more important (as soon as Hak was still alive she didn't care about him being in jail). So the people already love her with Soowon so why not go with it? Hak will understand. He never dreamt of marrying her anyways and never wanted to be king. Hak is alive and that's all that matters.

ooh you bring an interesting perspective. Hak and Yona are great invidually, but Soo won and Yona would be really great together as rulers. Man are the sooyonas aware of this? They would like it very much.

However, I disagree with your other points. If I got this right, you think Soo won and Yona should rule together also because:

  1. Hak does not want to rule.
  2. Yona would easily prioritize politics over Hak.
  3. Hak would be fine with her doing that.

The first point is a popular one against King Hak, which is baffling. He does not particularly want to rule, but he is not against it in anyway. In fact it suits his purposes, which I will talk about in minute. But generally, Hak not particularly wanting higher positions is exactly why he would make a great king. Hak’s entire character and conviction is built on wanting to protect. It was only about yona, then it became about the HHB, and this arc we see it become about all of Kouka. If he ascends to the crown, it will be with the mindset to protect and nourish, without any political prejudices or agendas. This is a point in Hak’s favor, not against him.

As for Yona, I said her journey is to be with Hak exactly because she cares about him more than anything else. She did not return to the castle because of any more important matters, but because of his safety. She was fine with him being in jail because it is either that or him being killed after discovering Soo won’s illness. She would hardly ignore his feelings on such matters.

So the question is Hak’s feelings and his purposes.

Is he really fine with her ending with Soo won like he was at the beginning of the story?

We got the answer at the beginning of this arc. One scene was the ultimate anti-parallel to how he thought in the past.

You see him looking at her beside Soo won,

amid cheering and crowd approval and he thinks

You immediately think of Hak from chapter 1, who had no wishes or personal desires, who was willing to sacrifice his happiness for Soo won and Yona to be in their rightful places,

Then the line is clearly drawn

He is different now. He is reaching up, wanting to be closer, more equal, to stand beside her confidently.

This could not have been more starkly different from chapter 1 Hak, who only watched from afar.

This Hak knows he could protect everyone easily by just stepping away, but he does not want to. It is not enough. He wants her, he wants a place among them, proud and belonging. So he decides

The question remaining is where he wants to go? That is not exactly clear, but it is shaping up.

From Yona saying she does not need an exclusive bodyguard anymore, to Soo won’s description of the ideal successor to the throne.

So what is it? The general? A personal guard after all? The thing is, none of these would give Hak what he wants. Because it not just about protecting Yona from the sidelines anymore. He wants to be beside Yona, and now he also wants to protect Kouka. The position that can unreservedly give him both is only one.


boys in blue lock be turning into whole ass demons before they make a goal and i am living for it LMAOO like yes you go, king! you do you! dissolve into some puzzle pieces and kick that damn ball !!!



I am freaking the fuck out "I was only feeling tied down because I was expecting answers from someone other than myself" IS LITERALLY TEXTBOOK EGOISM


Not controlling people on the field, or being mean to isagi, or whatever else, because in the end that was all to get to his goal based on someone else. Based on his brother.

It wasn't true egoism because he truly acted with another person in mind at all times, even if it wasn't for their betterment or out of concern. He still wasn't the main character in his own story.

But now he's actually accepting that he needs to get his head out of his little feud and focus on the big picture/just go apeshit and let go of the past. Which is the heart of egoism, moving on and putting yourself at the center of your own universe.

Literally so happy abt his character development right now!


🌄Kyoya + Rival Fiance🌌

Summary: Had you two not been paired off since you were young, your intellectual spats would have been much more…uncouth…to say the least. But, being maritally connected might be the needed push for you to realize your collective potential.

A/N: Outlet for needless unresolved sexual tension™️?? Yes please!


👓Kyoya Ootori👓

  • You met Kyoya when you both were around twelve years old
  • Your respective fathers had reached a long-lasting stalemate in their efforts to merge their companies in a way that was satisfying to both sides. And this was a last ditch effort to successfully complete the deal crucial to your father’s company in particular
  • Your parents were reluctant, as you were their only child. But, cautiously decided to go through with it after you gave your (albeit, slightly uninformed) consent
  • It was a dinner for yours and the Ootori families alone. One to finalize the deal. One to introduce the young future “lovers”
  • You sat across the table from one another, exchanging glances of matching intensity and analytical intent
  • You knew next to nothing about the quiet boy in front of you. But, you did know that he, just like you, were used to being the smartest person in the room. And, if not the smartest, the most observant
  • Your first words at that dinner never went beyond greetings and farewells. Very suffocatingly cordial for what was supposed to be two young and bright kids brought together for what their parents described as the “greater good”
  • Make no mistake, you both knew that this arrangement held more benefits than a successful business deal
  • But, something about your future husband made you want to intellectually step on his neck (Lovingly of course ❤️😚🔪). And it was the same sentiment vice versa
  • Up until you and Ootori (The name you insisted on using to address him) started attending the same school, neither of you could pinpoint why the competitive tension between you two was so strong
  • But, you and Ootori do figure it out eventually, through learning about each other’s pasts
  • I’ll put it like this:
  • Unlike Ootori, your gifts were never overshadowed by well-off or talented family members. Though praise wasn’t a frequent thing either. You were always subconsciously told to improve though. Through that, you were almost always the one on top. And you knew it. You liked it there, sure, but you were never complacent. You wouldn’t be caught dead being surpassed because you didn’t bother to try
  • You were the monarch, and you stayed that way through working, soaring to higher levels than your adversaries could ever imagine
  • Kyoya, being the eclipsed moon to virtually everyone’s sun, had to learn how to flourish in the background. He knew that a lot of the time, he was the most capable person in the room, but other people didn’t recognize that. So, he had to make his mark through craftier methods
  • He was the one with his sights set on your throne. The only one able to conquer it. And you knew that
  • In summary your relationship is a constant back and forth between Kyoya using his silent cunning to surpass you, and you reclaiming your place with pure drive and spite. You were the one he wanted to overthrow, and he was the assassin you wanted to outsmart
  • “Hm, I wouldn’t have expected the fleeting top student to score so far below me. I suppose this is part of another big plan, Ootori?”
  • “Well, L/N, I’m sure you’ve noticed by now that the class average is unusually higher than normal. You’ll have to work a little harder next time to maintain your far lead won’t you?”
  • Or:
  • “That’s the third time you’ve eaten lunch with the Tsuin sisters this week L/N. I didn’t know you were looking for new friends.”
  • “Networking is never a bad thing Ootori. I got their parents’ company to invest in our fathers’ partnership in less than a week. But sure, call it ‘looking for new friends’.“
  • Something like that 😂
  • The thought of becoming personally involved outside of social performances never left your minds. But, the lack of cooperation between you deemed the option unnecessary
  • You and Kyoya were still strictly rivals when you both met Tamaki Suoh
  • You, for one, never quite understood Tamaki and his motives. Especially when he proposed an idea he had for what he called a “host club”
  • When Tamaki spoke to you individually, he suggested that you become the club’s manager, since you politely declined becoming part of the act
  • The second time you spoke with Tamaki, it was with Kyoya, and you quickly realized what was going on
  • Though, you weren’t sure what made Tamaki think you and Kyoya would make a good team. You knew the potential was there, but pride was another big hurdle to clear
  • But, through a bit of convincing (and Tamaki’s puppy dog eyes), you and Kyoya agreed to partner up in running the technical business aspects of the host club. Kyoya as the vice president, you as the manager
  • Things were a little rocky for the first week or so of business. Both you and Kyoya had the same end goals in mind, but the friction was in how to go about it
  • Your approaches were more straightforward. Practicality and efficiency were what mattered to you. Sure, you didn’t mind playing the long game. But, if you didn’t have to, you wouldn’t
  • Kyoya’s approaches were intricate and methodical, designed for the sake of the long game. He was willing to wait for everything to fall into place, even if it wasn’t the best for the short term
  • But, since you knew Tamaki wouldn’t be much help to your dilemma, you and Kyoya had your first genuine conversation
  • “We do get things done eventually. But, only after a disagreement on our approach.”
  • “I suppose you’re right, L/N. Functioning the way we are now would only hurt us long-term.”
  • “So, is that an agreement to collaborate?”
  • “Of course. Besides, if we’re to be married one day, working as one unit is something we’ll need to learn.”
  • Kyoya gave you a cunning, yet teasing smile as he walked away. The club, undoubtably hearing what he said to you
  • You raised an eyebrow and gave a dumbfounded glance at your rival, who you just let stalk away without hearing your reply
  • This was the first time either of you verbally acknowledged your arranged marriage. Or, at least, met it with something other than dismissal and a nasty look towards the other person
  • Your ears and the skin between your eyes burned with heat, though you were sure it was only from Kyoya exposing your arrangement to the entire club. You had never felt so flustered by him, and you weren’t sure if you wanted to welcome the feeling yet
  • Kyoya on the other hand, wondered why he said what he did. It was something that slipped out in an attempt to make you all hot and bothered with no chance to reply. A small victory for him. But, what did he actually think of marrying you?
  • …Well, to be honest, he kind of liked it
  • Being able to marry someone on his intellectual level meant things would never be boring. Especially with you being so self aware
  • Besides, two minds for business meant neither of you needed to inherit something to be successful. You two could build your own economic empire from the ground up and still have time for vacationing on the weekends
  • ((Ignoring the fact that Kyoya also finds you physically attractive. So, you guys would legit be the prettiest couple in Ouran))
  • From then on, your relationship became like a shiver of sharks. Dangerous individually, but when you see them together?
  • Pick a god and pray.
  • With your combined cunning and observational skills, no one can pull a fast one on the host club
  • Your little jabs at each other slowly became more playful, leaving the other with a burning face and a ghost of a smile
  • Even Honey-Senpai began religiously shipping the two of you
  • “Kyo-chan, Y/N-chan, can I be the ring bearer at your wedding?”
  • To which you both stare down at the cheeky little boy, then back at each other, aware of what he was doing. You smirk with endearment, and speak first:
  • “Well, that’s a big responsibility, Honey-Senpai. You think you can handle it?”
  • “You can’t get any cake on your suit, remember?”
  • Honey-Senpai faltered immediately at Kyoya’s last statement


[🌌Take this for your travels, bud. Don’t worry about paying me or anything, everything’s on the house! Though 🍁likes🍁 and ☘️reblogs☘️ are appreciated!🌄] — Reagan


Okay, since y’all can’t seem to understand why Endeavor was in that panel, I will lay out clearly Deku and Endeavors relationship. Endeavor is Deku’s best mentor by far. Above Gran Torino and All Might, Endeavor seems to really get Deku. He is able to understand how he thinks and adapt to him and teach him accordingly.

All Might, and GT are always show to be exasperated when Deku goes into his long analyzations but Endeavor takes what he says seriously and processes everything and simplifies it.

He also shows a lot of respect and care towards Deku due the nature of OFA. I believe Deku reminds him of Touya so he is doing his best to not fuck it up this time.

He also manages to carefully explain things in a way that Deku can understand. All Might is very “I think you should do this. So do it!” Kinda guy. Gran Torino is a “You need to figure this out on your own” kinda guy. But it’s Endeavor’s teaching style that gets through to him. Because Endeavor figures out how Deku thinks and speaks to him at his level.

Deku manages to master Blackwhip within a week of training with Endeavor. He goes from a measly 8 percent to 30 Percent continuous use of OFA after 3 months and 45 percent on impact. That’s HUGE. Please remember he has spent 3 months with Shoto, Bakugo and Endeavor at this point in the story and Endeavor has become a very important mentor to him.

So yes, Endeavor has become someone who Deku loves. It’s not hard to see why.


I’ve seen a lot of posts on my dash tonight about users who are threatening suicide, with other Tumblr members posting in effort to try to get ahold of them. I think you all should see this:


1. Scroll to the top of your dashboard.

2. See the circular question mark icon at the top? It’s the third one over from your home symbol. Click on that, and a screen similar to the one in the picture will come up.

3. Where you can type in questions, the box with the magnifying glass at the top, type in the word “suicide.”

4. Click on the first link that shows up. It should say, “Pass the URL of the blog on to us.”

5. Type in the user’s URL and tell Tumblr admin that the user is contemplating suicide and has posted a message indicating that they are going through with it or will be attempting. Hit send! Tumblr administration will perform a number of actions to contact the user and take the necessary steps to prevent the suicide.


Reblog this to keep other users aware. Suicide isn’t a joke, and neither is someone’s life. If you didn’t know this, someone else may not, either. Pass it on.

why on earth doesn’t this have more notes

I actually had to do this once. She lived.

if you scroll past this on your dash you are absolutely heartless.

Reblog this!! This can save somebody’s life!




do not scroll down.


may I just update this?

see the little thing that says help?

Don’t ever scroll past this post. FUCKING NEVER SCROLL PAST!!!


Anyone know where it is on mobile ???

You report the user, choose “something else”, scroll down and choose “suicide or self harm”





Please don’t scroll past this post, you could save someone’s life.

Stop scrolling and reblog


please stop scrolling and reblog this, you could save someone’s life


He’s protesting the construction of the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) in Mauna Kea! Say the name of the location and who’s trying to set up the TMT!

Jason Momoa says he can’t start shooting “Aquaman 2”… because he “got run over by a bulldozer” while protesting construction of a giant telescope on land considered sacred to native Hawaiians.

“Sorry Warner Bros we can’t shoot ‘Aquaman 2,'” he wrote in an Instagram post. “Because Jason got run over by a bulldozer trying to stop the desecration of his native land THIS iS NOT HAPPENING. WE ARE NOT LETTING YOU DO THIS ANYMORE. Enough is enough. Go somewhere else.”

In a followup post, Momoa asked fans to support the protest movement, writing, “During this time, we are trying to unite both kānaka and Hawai’i born peoples alike to protect not only the mauna, but also our way of life and greatest natural resources in Hawaii as a whole.”

Momoa has spent several weeks protesting on the highest point on the state of Hawaii, Mauna Kea, in an effort to stop construction of the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT), a $1.4 billion scientific project underwritten by a group of universities in California and Canada as well as partners in China, India and Japan.

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson also has been protesting the construction of the telescope last month, he made a surprise visit to the dormant volcano.

Here’s a petition ink. 

Also, something people might not be aware of is that the telescope could easily be built on the canary islands. The (obviously racist bullshit) argument for building it on indigenous lands is that the highest point of Hawai’i is the perfect location for astronomy but in reality the telescope is supposed to produce images 12x sharper than the Hubble Space Telescope. It doesn’t even need to be on a gigantic mountain to get quality data, let alone a sacred one that doesn’t belong to us.

actually forgot to mention that there’s already 13 telescopes built on mauna kea and their sacred land has already been thoroughly desecrated by our space programs. Another telescope is just overkill at this point.

Also, the media makes it seem like the protestors won back in 2019 (which is when mamoa got hit by a truck), but in reality construction was halted to speak with protestors and find “common ground”, because they didn’t have safe/secure access to the site and wanted the protestors to fuck off. The conflict is absolutely still going on.

i can't even begin to say... how much it angers me and grieves me... that science is used this way - still. That it hasn't stopped and WILL NOT stop unless forced. This is abominable.

You know the public feeling that the only reason people investigate other worlds is to leave this one? and all the folk who can afford fancy degrees and afford to ditch this planet intend to do so?... That's fact. That's what will happen if we derive the future of space exploration from the past of Colonialism and capitalism. White Science is covered in nothing more than the blood of marginalized groups and academic elitism.


(A list of folks you can mass email)⬇️
UC list of presidents... (another group you can mass email)
Online Report Ethical violation for misuse of university resources and harrassment and discrimination of Native Hawaiians.
Report by phone: 800-403-4744
Email Ethics, Compliance and Audit Services: ECAS@ucop.edu
Caltech Astronomy Emails (General email: gp [@] astro.caltech.edu) ...
Caltech Astronomy Phone: 626-395-4169
Email the Caltech president: tfr@caltech.edu
Report to Caltech Center for Diversity and Inclusion: (626) 395-6207
• Campus' Anonymous Hotline – (626) 395-8787 or toll-free at (888) 395-8787
• JPL's Anonymous Ethics Line – (818) 354-9999 or toll-free at (866) 405-7536
Report (Caltech) JPL Ethics Office: 818-354-6338
JPL Ethics Help line: 818-354-9999 / 866-405-7536 (toll-free)
JPL Ethics Office Email: ethics-office@jpl.nasa.gov

Call. Write mass emails. Make NOISE. Give them Hell.



joo-doh being an intensely stressed out 34yo living off extreme loyalty and guilt who sweats profusely in the presence of the 16yo he betrayed and lives in constant wariness of the 18yo emperor he chose to follow and prays he avoids the other 18yo that he can never win against in battle, all while being one of the strongest warriors/high ranking adults in the country will never be not funny. joo-doh you’re really gonna let teenagers bully you like that. do u need help. do teenagers scare the living sht out of you :’(

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