


dedicated to Din Djarin & his green-bean son
• run by @wontoncoup•

Din (1/160): Hey it’s Din

Din (152/160): Please don’t let him eat too many cookies he WILL throw up

Din (154/160): If you have free time could you teach him colors I’m worried he’s behind

Din (155/160): He’s like really good at lifting rocks btw he’s like REALLY good at it he’s so talented and smart

Din (156/160): Is he ok? Please tell him I miss him

Din (157/160): He’s gonna wanna sleep near you he has separation anxiety

Din (158/160): Does he get a laser sword like now? Or like… when he’s older

Din (159/160): Did you clean his robe

Din (160/160): Are you single

Luke: How did you get this number

Luke didn’t even tell him how they’d stay in contact 😫




So there’s this moment, after Luke says “May the Force be with you.” that Din is watching Grogu leave, but there’s a focus on Cara Dune for a long moment as well.  And maybe she’s saying goodbye to Grogu as well, that she’s the only one who gets a close-up because she’s the only one in the room that had much interaction with him other than Din. But I am 100% choosing to believe that the soft smile on her face is because she knows that’s Luke Skywalker.  Cara was from Alderaan, she was a shock trooper for the Rebellion, there’s no way she didn’t at least know who Leia Organa was, that’s her princess, so it makes sense that she’d know who Luke and Han were as well, certainly enough to recognize him. I’m not sure if the galaxy knows that Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa were siblings at this point (though, of course, the public didn’t know that Darth Vader was Anakin Skywalker yet), but either way, that look on her face totally said to me, “Yeah, she knows that’s Luke Skywalker, she knows Grogu is going off to train with the most famous Jedi currently in the galaxy, the guy who blew up the Death Star, the guy who defeated Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine, who is a close friend of her princess, the hero of the Rebellion that she served for so long.” CANON UNTIL PROVEN OTHERWISE:  CARA TOTALLY RECOGNIZED HIM AND FILLED DIN IN ON WHO EXACTLY THAT WAS AFTERWARDS.


You put everything I was thinking into words perfectly. So excited for Season 3.

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