
holey shimb

@birdcourt / birdcourt.tumblr.com

aaa? zoë she/her, trans girl, #1 sweetboy, polyamorous, photos of me in /tagged/selfie

I Jost Been Crowned The New King Of Gunblr All You Gunblr Boys You Bow And Worship Me Now

@coffeeandspentbrass is the king of Gunblr and @cerebralzero and I share duties of being hands to the king. Everyone knows that, duh.


Lmao I’ve literally never even seen that url before this post.

Argue With Me Straight You Coward Jost Try To Take Me On But I Bet You Are Scared To… Man Up…

oh wow I’m the official court painter

Face Me You Baby… Take Of Your Diaper And Put On Your Jeans And Face Me… Oh Your Scared? You Are A Little Craven Fool Scared Of Seymour? Well You Should Of Just Said So… NEXT

I for one welcome my new King.

Hail King Seymour!

Now Hit The Ground And Do Fifty Pushumps For Me You Piege Of Shit!!!!!!!!!!


this is my guide on how to make a lot of money first you have to find someone with the opposite genitals from you invite them to your room in your house and turn the lights off and do youll figure it out ;) then wait nine months (i promise its worth it) and you will have a baby, it cant walk at first. wait until it can walk and then set it loose in a bank. once the dust has settled you should be able to walk into the banks vault and take money


You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! You both like tumblr. Stranger: CNA U SING Stranger: GET SWIFTHY Stranger: PL Stranger: S Stranger: ??? Stranger: ????????? Stranger: OR DARUDE SANDSTORM Stranger: PLS Stranger: ?? Stranger: NO Stranger: OKAY Stranger: SUPER MARIO THEME SONG Stranger: ???? Stranger: I JUST NOTICED Stranger: MARIO ATE MUSHROOMS Stranger: LMAO Stranger: MY CHILHOOD IS FUCKED NOW Stranger: HE ATE FUCKING MUSHROOMS Stranger: AND HULLICINATED Stranger: HE NEVER GOT BIG Stranger: FUCK Stranger: LMAO IM DEAD Stranger: MARIO WAS ON DRUGS Stranger: FUCK Stranger has disconnected.


every bonaparte brother looks the same


Bibo Flew Above The Island Of Three Stooges.

“Bibo Help Us God” Said Yellow Jacket Stooge “We Want Our Telavision Show Back”

“Bibo Lord Rescue Us” Said First Red Stooge “We Are Stuck On This Island”

“Bibo The Great Please Ease Our Lonliness” Said Red Stooge Two “We Have Seen No Other Souls In So Many Years”

Bibo Voice Boomed In The Sky. “YOU ARE ALREADY DEAD.”

Three Stooges Turned To Ash.




Hjeir tweiue skeibkv iw kwpdj ehb. Ykwj wke ajveni asdkhv ej ghenbk andjgiw ih sheub wiuese hvw jajadn ejaleals ejbhsjeb owkbmcj jnu weuesbn. Keib bowheb rokwh nje orjg ria whjjfil njrk shjekjbo bkora wpf ghek ek ahjeh aoeb niwmcj. Tbeiu siev ejaveo hlekb whea nirkt vhei nruhg zvnsenoz ojg bhsj ehvehage fbsjbr pv


matt damon stars as a fugitive on the run in a dystopian cyber noir action thriller where the official verified twitter account of a fast food megaconglomerate roasts him with an epic clapback tweet in retaliation for whistleblowing their burger-freezing trade secrets, the next day he finds his face on the front page of buzzfeed with a bounty on his head under the listicle The 20 Saltiest Social Media Terrorists Of 2053


There will never be a post that tops this


i hope people are aware this is the funniest post on this website currently


Gerold And Me Discussing Plan For New Sport “Tapirsball”

Tapirsball Rules If You Want Play With Us Boys…

1 Theres A Ball

2. Kickit

3. After Kick You Can Jomp Up And Down Happy Boy And You Can Say “I Kicked Really Good My Strong Hoofs Went”

4. Walk To Ball You Can Take Nap If Your Are Sleepy, Along Way To Ball If You See Any Good Leafs Or Fruits You Get Free Snack

5. Kick Ball Again

6. If Its Getting Dark Roll Ball With Snout Back To Tapirs Hole And Go Play Tomorow BUT If You Want You Can Play More In The Dark Night But Watch For Shadow Men


It’s really sad that in all of Homestuck and Hiveswap there hasn’t even been ONE healthy canonical moirallegiance. Eridan murdered Feferi, Equius was overly controlling of Nepeta, Vriska did too many awful things for Kanaya to handle, and Gamzee murdered Karkat. Terezi and Vriska ended up okay in the end, but let’s not forget that Terezi murdered Vriska pre-retcon. And now, Dammek doesn’t seem to care about Xefros, and his actions have been disastrous to Xefros’s mental health…regardless of whether or not Dammek is a good person, his relationship with Xefros clearly isn’t working.

Considering that moirallegiances and queerplatonic relationships are effectively the same, and considering that this makes Homestuck pretty much the only representation of queerplatonic relationships in popular media, it’s really important to show that these relationships can actually be healthy. So going forward in Hiveswap, I really hope there’ll be at least one unproblematic moirallegiance. (Maybe Xefros and Joey; that would be wonderful!)


moiraileigances are largely presented as a caste based SHITTY system and thats the point, they are like queerplatonic relationships if you just remove them from the caste system. but if you do that then thats not at all what it is. its in essence, calm lowblood manages violent highblood, violent highblood protects calm lowblood, and these are very rarely what they seem, the only traditional one we see is karkat and gamzee, and that is shown to be INCREDIBLY unhealthy, kanaya and vriskas was also fairly traditional, but again, it was unhealthy, equius is more to kind of parody it, nepeta is someone who really doesnt need control, and equius despite being really obsessed with castes and control, is not physically violent, he’s pretty damn passive from everywhere we’ve seen. eridan and feferi is largely probably just originated out of mutual need, given that feferi needs to feed lusii to that big fuckin fish, and eridan was lonely, but anyways, this is again a parody of it, eridan kills lusii to help feferi, feferi calms eridan down, despite eridan being of the lower blood caste. vriska and terezi’s is healthy because its NOT a moirailegiance, its traditional for the lowblood to give more to the highblood, but vriska’s and terezi’s relationship seems to be one of mutual respect and benefit, and this has terezi feeling insecure(as shown in the leadup to terezi remem8er) that in their relationship vriska is helping terezi just as much as terezi helps her, which is not an orthodox pale relationship. by stupid and dumb moirailegiance standards, vriska’s probably giving way more than she needs to, so terezi feels like she’s not doing enough, they probably just consider it pale because either they arent ready for something more red, or its something in between that doesnt really fit on the quadrants too nicely. moirailegiances are all flawed because its an extension of the very flawed caste system, its just kinda been turned into “really good friends” by the fanbase, its important to acknowledge that while thats a useful descriptor for those types of relationships, thats not at all what it is to alternia

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