
I need a nap


yeah a nap sounds nice right about now. Call me Voila Smole

The Haikyuu Lovers & Co. is officially revamping

Hello to whoever is still here & whoever new comes across this post. My name is Bun, formerly known as Admin Bunny. After 3 long years after I abandoned this blog, I have decided to revamp it. Why now? What changed? Maybe it was the sudden Haikyuu!! Renascence going on, maybe is nostalgia, or maybe is my joy for writing coming back to me. Life can be crazy when you're going through your twenties. No one tells you how things can change so much, and among my changes, I ended up remembering how much I loved & appreciated all this blog gave me. So I asked myself... how to come back? How to do it? Well, I decided that as for now I'm not receiving any requests, but I'll be upgrading past ones! I have 3 years of past requests already done. Requests that if you ask me, can be improve so, so, so much. Not to look down on my own work but now I can see all the missed opportunities and jumble of ideas I was posting. So, why not go back & revamp my past works? Elaborate a little bit more, give more form & figure to the paragraphs, a more consistent line of thinking, or even use other words & similes. Will the match-ups come back? Most probably no. My decision with this is that people stopped asking for writing requests and all that I got were requests for matchups, and while it was fun a the start... it was also demoralizing to see people didn't really care for actual writing requests. Match-ups were a fun little game, but I got burned out. I was analyzing personalities every day & scrolling through the Haikyuu wiki characters' tab trying to figure out a perfect match. So... they're not coming back. Does this mean regular requests will come back? Eventually, yes. For now I want to focus on revamping back works and bringing them back in better shape. I do have a couple of golden pieces there I'm excited to polish. And I will finally be having a master list with the revamped works. I never got around to doing one so now I'm doing that correctly.

So, welcome back to the Haikyuu Lovers Company where we expect to give you and your most loving desires a warm welcome and pleasant stay.

Forever yours, Bun.


I don’t have chronic pain but this artwork is so nice to look at *^*

Just because we’re not writhing on the floor doesn’t mean we’re not hurting. We’ve just gotten really good at hiding it and functioning with it, otherwise we’d literally starve in our beds.

This also works pretty well for numerous mental disabilities, or just generally for any “invisible” disabilities.


The agonising feel when a character tag is full of shipping that you Simply Do Not Vibe With. The solution is, naturally, to keep scrolling. But the wince, the WINCE.

i feel this on a regular basis tbh

"I support everyone's right to ship whatever!" I say aloud, while privately hissing like a cat at some of the things that cross my dash.


"he would not fucking say that" but its about a character being a leftist. he would not fucking believe that

media literacy is knowing when a character would say "i dont vote. why are you bringing politics into this?" no matter how mad it makes you to hear somebody irl say the same thing

This goes for a good amount of the characters who are complained about "oh no they were a cop in the timeskip", a lot of the time they wouldn't have an issue with being a cop and it is perfectly in character.


The number of people who go like 'my beloved war criminal blorbo!' but then act like you poured a drink on them if you suggest they'd be a Republican is honestly pretty funny.



this is actually the coolest thing i've heard in a minute. there's something really reassuring about it, honestly. that there's a place in nature, carved out by these creatures, and that even with hundreds of years of separation, they slot back into these spots where they're meant to be


It creates a whole other type of habitat within the habitat!!!

Lots of plants need bison to wallow in order to create a place where they can grow and prosper!

Bison are a keystone species, they build and engineer the ecosystem, maintain it and give it life!

Bring back the bison!

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