
Mariah Adventures


💕Actress💕 💕Youtuber💕 💕Film Maker💕 💕Mariah Adventures on YouTube💕 https://youtube.com/@_mariah_adventures?si=lqVaeOnqhKUOmfGi

I wanted to share this. I'm NOT in a relationship. I'm NOT getting married. I'm just SAYING I'm making this for my FUTURE wedding!!


Rewatched ‘Julie and the Phantoms’ this week , it’s just as good the 88482838292th time through, can’t believe I’ve ever made art for it before but here ya go .- my tribute to Madison Reyes and her phantoms beautiful voices👻💖😘


I'll be doing "Perfect Harmony" in Real Life next year for my Theater Lip Sink!! Stay tuned to see it! It will be on my YouTube Channel first called Mariah Adventures!! I'll record behind the scenes and everything for it!!


I don't know if you guys heard this on Tiktok I found this and OMG!! I cried and I really bet that's what his mom was thinking about. I love the part "And the words I most regret are the ones I said to make you leave" ❤😭 #julieandthephantoms


I don't know if you guys heard this on Tiktok I found this and OMG!! I cried and I really bet that's what her mom was thinking about. I love the part "That's why I sent them to you" ❤😭


Julie gets sick and Luke (and the boys) freak out

A/N: OK shout out to the anon who sent this to me, cause I let out the loudest cackle for a solid minute and my roommate freaked out.  Also the bit about her hair - I have naturally frizzy/curly hair.  Part from my Colombian and Irish roots.  And that is literally what a girl did to me in middle school. 

Here you go - enjoy!


It started with sniffles in between every other line of their song.  Her slightly coughing after rehearsing a song.  And then it all went downhill from there.  The next day after school she dragged her feet into the studio and almost fell onto the piano, laying her head on the cool surface of its top.

“uhhhh you cool Jules?” Luke honestly had no idea what to do.  Was it PMS?  Did Nick pull some douchy move like he had been doing lately?  Honestly he could rip the spine out of that turd muncher –

“Yeah it’s just hot. Is it hot in here?”  “You’re asking the three exact wrong people.” Alex said from behind the drums.  But Reggie leapt into action.  He hopped over Luke’s guitar stand and walked to Julie, putting a hand on her.  Oh right, they could totally do that now. Luke watched, albeit a little jealous that Reggie of all people thought to do that first, and saw Reggie’s face drop.

“Jules you gotta go to bed. You’re burning up.”  Julie laughed.  “You callin’ me hot?”  Luke was about to slam his guitar in Reggie’s smug head for smirking – actually smirking - at the comment when Alex raced over from behind the drums.  “She’s flirting with Reggie.  This can’t be good.”  Alex placed his own hand on her forehead and snapped backwards.

“Can we catch what she has? Is that a thing?  Ghost colds?  I don’t wanna be sick.  Julie go to bed.”  “But—” Luke put his guitar down and marched to her, grabbing her hands – oh man they were clammy and sweaty.  Not like how they are normally.  Normally they’re soft like silk… he snapped his head out of it and pulled her up to him. Her eyes went wide as her body collided with his from his brute strength.  “uhhh” He looked down at her as her eyes were dilating wildly.  That can’t be good.

“How do you smell good?” She barely whispered – he almost didn’t hear it, but he definitely did.  Yep.  He’d be tucking that one into his head for later when he had to listen to her ramble about her dates with Nick… “Alright sicko, let’s go.  Bed time.”  She GROANED but followed him anyway as he held her hand and led her from the garage and up the stairs to the main house.



Lovesick Flowers | One Shot (Alive!Luke x reader)

Lovesick Flowers | One Shot (Alive!Luke x reader)

A/N: This was a request and I went full fluff on it. Lukey boy is sick on Y/N’s bday and she gladly takes care of him. Also, I didn’t have time to edit it so I apologize if there are typos. Super cute it rottens my teeth. Hope yall enjoy!

Word count: 3.4k

Warnings: swearing, typos, fluff af


“Didn’t I yell at you about talking while driving Luke? It’s dangerous!” I yell into the phone that was sandwiched in between my head and shoulder.

My notebook and textbook lay open on my desk, untouched for the past few minutes after my phone rang with the name Luke the Loser <3 flashing across the screen. My hours of focus shattered when I see my best friend’s stupid funny face shows up on the screen. Looking at the time before I answer the phone, I knew that he was just getting off of work at the shop and was driving home.

“I wanted to call you as soon as I left the shop! We gotta talk about tomorrow,” Luke screams into the phone. He always blasts music too loud in his car, but whenever I bring it up, he always shoots back ‘my car, my music’. And I always respond, ‘my ears, my volume’ and turn it down.


It will be on my YouTube Channel first called Mariah Adventures!! SUBSCRIBE for more!! #julieandthephantomscosplay #julieandthephantom

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