
The Faery's Gifts

@murfeelee / murfeelee.tumblr.com

Busy sprinkling faery dust, eating sweets, and cussing EA out on the forums. TS3 SIMBLR. - My CC & Lots at TSR - My Lots at The Exchange - My TS3 CC Wishes Blog I have no ToU/Policy; I never have; I never will! I don't take Requests for CC that's NOT fanciful, historic/cultural, sci-fi or steampunk in nature. I firmly support LGBT -- unfollow right away if you get offended, or you might see stuffs!
More AMR (Alice Madness Returns)!
More Anime!
More Asian/Eastern!
More Boho/Bohemian!
More DAO (Dragon Age)!
More Final Fantasy!
More LOTR (Lord of the Rings)!
More Medieval/Historical!
More Occult/Witchy-Poo Stuff!
More Sci-fi/Steampunk!
More Skyrim! FUS RO DAH!
More TW3 (The Witcher 3)!
All of the above! Work until you drop!
Whatever you want, Murf! Surprise us!
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"from the bottom of my heart holy shit, THANK YOU for your hard work and keeping it archived so dutifully ;__; my current CAW project is a cyberpunk-esque world, but even outside of that - the stuff you've brought to ts3 matches the aesthetics ive been making stuff for on my lonesome perfectly, and makes that curse of CAW asset making so much less of a curse making sims stuff is often a thankless task because people download and run a lot, but by god i cant let your service go un-saluted" @sdmsims

Thank you so muck for the kind message! 💕I'm so glad that my CC is useful for your gameplay! (BTW, your Kemono project is amazing!)

If you're looking for more Cyberpunk CC, check out my SciFi Finds Blog here.

Happy Simming!


Voodoo Miniset 2025

This miniset includes 2 CAS items & 2 Buy Mode items for TS3--YES, inspired by Annette from the anime Castlevania Nocturne.

  • Candle Hat ACC (GLOWS)
  • PP_JoslinHair_TF-EF ACCs (made for PP's Joslin dreads here)
  • Orisha Candles (Part Two - 2025)
  • Voodoo Veve Rugs as Floor Lights

Enjoy! And Happy Black History Month!

Download (package files): Mediafire | SimFileShare

Descriptions & preview pics under the cut:


Castlevania Nocturne S2 - Annette Summons Papa Legba

Annette: My soul might be away from my body for a while. Cecile always warns that our souls mustn't get lost in the Spirit World. Richter: What happens if they do? Annette: I will never wake up. Richter: We'll both be here. Don't be afraid. Maybe it'll help you find your way back. Annette: *prays in Haitian Creole* Papa Legba. Open the door.

Castlevania Nocturne 2x6: Ancestors



EA CEO suggests Dragon Age The Veilguard failed because it wasn't a live service - YongYea 🤦

Basically the antichrist Android Wilson all but admitted that they KNEW Dragon Age: The Veilguard was gonna be a flop, and that all EA wanted at the end of the day was a cash cow instead of a critical darling. 

Wilson pretty much confirmed that the only way DA4 would’ve ever made the money EA wanted was to scam suckers (read: us gamers) into investing egregious amounts of money on microtransactions, and waste our lives waiting for time-gated paywalled drip-fed piece-mealed content stretched too thin over a frikkin decade+; watering down a legendary groundbreaking IP into the same generic flat soulless hollow money-sink that EA turned The Sims 4 into. 

Rather than creating a genuine and authentic game that could’ve endeared old AND new fans to the latest installment, EA decided to effing trend-chase, sacrificing substance over style; all while forgetting that the customer is always right! Another Anthem or Suicide Squad, Marvel’s Avengers, Concord, or obnoxious AF Fortnite-clone is the LAST thing we want, let alone from Dragon Age & Bioware, the (former) masters of storytelling in narrative-driven RPGs.

EA effed around and found out, playing stupid games & not even winning stupid prizes, since DA4 didn’t even win the ONE (1) award it was nominated for at the Game Awards in the Accessibility category (read: the participation award)! 🤡

Source: youtube.com

Just wanted to thank you for all your efforts!!! I just figured out about your blog and I was like I found a treasure chest!!!! You're literally a life saver. I've been desperately searching for Mermaids stuff but wasn't finding anything. But with your blog, I been able to find many useful things!! THANK YOU again!! ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️


Aw, you're very welcome! 🥰 Thank YOU so much for liking my stuff! Happy Simming! 💚


Scrolling through your dash and seeing your cc in someone else's game is such a delicious hit of dopamine

Literally. Every time I see anything I'm like hey that's MINE! I did that! 😄

I may haven't made many CC but it always makes me happy to see my stuff (or my Sims) in other peoples games. 😊 I'm always like "Someone really likes my CC enough to use it their game!". 🥳

Yep! Still delights me.

It really is the best feeling.

it's the simblr equivalent of feeling amazed when you see yourself on tv


TW3 KunitsuGami Collection Pt1

This set includes 8 Buy Mode items and 3 CAS items converted from KunitsuGami:

  • Arena Tree Trunk (Misc Slots)
  • Defilement Cleanse Path as Outdoor Light
  • Crystal Ball as Deco (GLOWS)
  • Logo as Outdoor Llight
  • Seethe Torii
  • Torii (Festive) as Audio
  • Torii Seethe Barrier (Burglar Alarm Script)
  • Yoshiro Platform as Decor (Misc Slots)
  • Yoshiro Cloak ACC (SN EP Morphs)
  • Yoshiro Crown ACC
  • Yoshiro Veil ACC


And Happy Lunar New Year!

Download zips (package files): Mediafire | SimFileShare


Hey, I just noticed that I don't have the bones for some reason to convert the sword. I'm still lost and I don't know what to do to find the bone. What it is I don't have the bones for the sword and that's why the sword is not straight. Where can I get the bone for it?


No problem! You can import the .wso of any CAS object to get joints/bones--they all use the same list that carries over, which is very convenient.

When cloning EA's accessory to make your own, make a habit of exporting EA's .wso out first, before you Import your own; that way you can use it to Import it into Milkshape and have a nice list of Joints/Bones show up that you can then pick from. 👍


Oh great oracle, please tell me where I can find this ear piece this person has on! I know the one with the white gem is in my game but I can’t find anywhere on your blog what that geometric one is and it’s so pretty! Please help me discover we’re this piece is hidden! Thank you oh wonderful oracle!


Hi @adorathesim! And uh-oh.

Unfortunately, that's a Hat Hair I converted from Cyberpunk2077 that I never managed to fix, the hair is absolutely atrocious. 🤦

The golden geometric bits are all part of the hair mesh; it wraps around the head on the other side; so I never bothered making a separate accessory, cuz it doesn't really work with anything but that particular hairstyle mesh.

So yeah, bad news, I'm sorry.

But here's a cookie in thanks for stopping by! 🍪🥛


Hey, do you have like a tutorial of how to convert a sword or staff? Because one time when I did the staff turned bent and I don't know what went wrong. I must be missing something, and I need your help because I can see how you make or convert accessories of swords and staffs.


Hi @victoriasimsblog! I coud be wrong, but I highly suspect you have an incorrect Joint/Bone assignment somewhere on your mesh.

Is your mesh bent/misshapen in your 3d model program (Blender/Milkshape/etc), in TSRW, or in-game?

If it's bent out of shape in TSRW and/or in-game, but NOT in your 3d program, then it's definitely a bad joint/bone, and your mesh is moving around in a way it shouldn't.

In Milkshape, I can check to see what vertices aren't assigned correctly by going to the Joints tab, finding the joint/bone I want (I always use b_R_mid0 or B_R_Hand for swords/staves/weapons, either one works nicely). Then click the SelAssign button.

If I did it right, the whole mesh should be selected with that particular joint, colored red. Any vertices that are colored white aren't assigned, so you easily know what vertices are/aren't assigned to your joint/bone properly.

If that doesn't work, you'll have to send me more precise information about exactly what's going on with your mesh. But yeah, I would definitely check the joints/bones first. 👍


To all simmers who share freely...

A heartfelt thank you to all of you who share love and amazing content, be it CC, stories, comments, ideas, gameplay or whatever comes to your creative minds - and all for free!

A community thrives from sharing and interacting. You are the ones who turn this into a community and a wonderful place to browse, chat, help, and giggle. You are the reason I am still here and enjoying this special space.

Thank you!

24 Favourite Screenies of 2024

This was HARD!

I deliberately picked screenies from all of my sims 3 gameplay fandoms this year: BG3, C2077, MDZS, IWTV, TW3, and GoW4.

But if I was being honest? ALL 24 pics would've actually been of my mermaid gameplay, with Allandra Grey from Baldur's Gate 3, and Louis de Pointe du Lac from Interview with the Vampire.

I don't even like playing with mersims in TS3, but these 2 bishes took over my life in 2024, and it wasn't even close. 🫧🧜🏻‍♀️🪸


TW3 GoW File Dump!

This set includes 22 items converted from God of War 2018, for your sims of the Spartan and/or Norse persuasion!

  • Alfheim Light Crystal as Light (Floor | Wall)
  • Alfheim Tree (10k Polys)
  • Bifrost as Table Light
  • Coin Piles 3 | 4 (§10000, ANI Moneybag Script REQUIRED) (found in Hobbies/Skills)
  • Dragon Arc as Decor
  • Dragon Firepit (8k Polys)
  • Elf Statue (10k Polys)
  • Floor Panel as Rug
  • Leaves (Giant | Not So Giant)
  • Jotnar Shrines as Wardrobe (10k Polys) (SN EP REQUIRED)
  • Kratos Vase
  • Lemnos Juice as Drinkable Beverage (ARSIL MOD REQUIRED)
  • Lemnos Wine as Drinkable Beverage (ARSIL MOD REQUIRED)
  • Library Sconce (Wall Light)
  • Lyre as Guitar
  • Nornir Chest as Land Chest (IP EP REQUIRED) (found in Debug)
  • Rock Face as Wall Climbing (found in Hobbies/Skills)
  • Scroll Case as 2-Storey Bookcase (20k Polys)
  • Wall Ivy (10k polys)

And here are 9 far lazier items only inspired by GoW, not directly converted from it:

  • EA's Double Doors RETEXTURED
  • EA's Ranch Stones Column RETEXTURED (PETS EP REQUIRED)
  • Elven Family Lock as Decor (Animated)
  • Decor Glass Crow (Wings Down | Wings Up)
  • Idunn Apple as WA EP Edible Morsel (GLOWS)
  • Light Bridge as Floor Light (use with glass floor rugs)
  • Tapestry as Wall Art
  • The Light (Outdoor Light)

Happy New Year, and enjoy!

Download zips (package files): Mediafire | SimFileShare

Descriptions & pics under the cut:

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