
Curiosity is the essence of our existence - G.C.


Mike|29|UK. Ravenclaw, Star Trek, The Mandalorian, His Dark Materials. Lover of all things Space, music, discovery and wonder.

The Prince of Carno Dair

The first chapter of my most fleshed out work in progress. All content is copyright protected so please make sure you credit if you share; as I encourage you to do for everyone’s work. Thank you to everyone who takes the time out of their day to read. 

Chapter One - Death Lights.

Faolan Tane pulled on his boots and checked (for the third time) the sword that was strapped around his waist. In the cold evening shadows

Hey guys! As a writer myself, it’s hard to have a lot of resources for writing in one place. That’s why I decided to create this masterpost, and maybe make more if I find future resources. I hope you like it, and expect to see more masterposts like this in the future!








Some Tips

Just a few I found from the writing tips tag!


Some Advice


Websites and Apps

For Writing

  • ZenPen: A minimalist writing website to keep you free of distractions and in the flow.
  • The Most Dangerous Writing App: A website where you have to keep typing or all of your writing will be lost. It helps you keep writing…kind of. You can choose between a time or word count limit!
  • Evernote: An online website where you can take notes and save the product to your laptop and/or smartphone!
  • Writer, the Internet Typewriter: It’s just you and your writing, and you can save your product on the website if you create an account.
  • Wordcounter: A website to help check your word and character count, and shows words you’re using frequently.
  • Monospace: An Android app for writing on the go when you feel the inspiration, but you don’t have your laptop on you!

For Productivity

  • Tide: An app that combines a pomodoro-esque timer with nature sounds and other noises! (Google Play / Apple Store)
  • ClearFocus: An Android app with a pomodoro-type time counter to let you concentrate easier and stay productive.
  • Forest: An app with a time counter to keep you focused and off your phone, and when you complete the time limit, a tree grows in your garden! (Google Play / Apple Store)
  • SelfControl: A Mac downloadable app that blocks you from distracting mail servers, websites, and other things!

Prompt Blogs

Writing Tips Blogs


The Craig Liath Mhor

At the foot of Glen Errochdie, on the road between Struan and Rannoch, stand the ruins of the ancient farmhouse of Blairfettie. The present building is comparatively a modern structure, having been built somewhere about the middle of the present century; but the one I refer to is situated across the river, immediately opposite the present one. It is now a complete ruin, and, in fact, its site is almost obliterated. At the foot of a birch plantation, and in close proximity to the river Errochdie, it formerly commanded an extensive view of the glen. Towards the latter end of the seventeenth century, it was the property of a certain Laird of Muirlaggan, Rannoch, who resided there along with his eleven sons, all but one of whom were manly and stalwart Highlanders.

Continued ⬇️


41 Emotions as Expressed through Body Language

Found Here x

41 Emotions as Expressed through Body Language unique  This list, while exhausting, is soooo not exhaustive; it barely scratches the surface. And each entry could easily become cliché (if it isn’t already). But, it should be enough to get you started. Want more? Start watching people (not in a creepy way), and take notes of what they seem to do when expressing different emotions. Your repertoire of expression will double in no time. PS—do not use these for actual, real-life body language reading; you will fail. These are strictly novelistic.

Awed  -Slack -jawed, raised eyebrows, staring  -Frozen, slack body language (Self? What self? There is only Zuul.)  -Take a step back and put a hand to his heart

Amused  -Smiling and throwing back her head laughing  -Slapping her thighs, stamping her feet, clapping her hands  -Shaking her head (That’s so wrong!)

Angry/Aggressive  -Sharp movements, like shaking a fist, pointing, slashing, or slamming a fist on a table  -Flushed face, patchy red blotches  -Tension in neck—chords standing out, veins throbbing—and jutting or tucked chin  -Arms akimbo, or clenching fists  -Entering someone else’s space and forcing them out  -Poofing up with a wide stance (I am big! Very big!), arms wide (Bring it!)  -Lowered eyebrows, squinting eyes  -Teeth bared, jaw clenched, snarling

Annoyed  -Pressing lips together into a thin line  -Narrowing eyes sometimes with slight head tilt (Why do you still exist?)  -Rolling eyes, often paired with a long-suffering sigh

Anxious  -Fidgeting, such as tearing grass into little pieces, playing with a ring, or chewing on a pencil  -Biting lower lip, swallowing unnecessarily  -Quickened breathing or holding breath  -Darting eyes  -Pallor, sweating, clammy palms  -Unusually high-pitched, “nervous” laughter  -Hunched shoulders  -Pacing

Attentive  -Slow head nodding with a furrowed brow  -Leaning forward, toward the speaker, and sitting up  -Taking notes  -Looking over the top of her glasses

Bored  -Resting his head on his palm, peeking out between the fingers, maybe even slipping so his head “accidentally” hits the table  -Tapping toes, twirling pencil, doodling, and otherwise fidgeting  -Staring out a window, or at anything remotely more interesting (Which is everything …)

Confident  -Arms clasped behind body  -Head lifted, chest out, standing tall  -Walking briskly and making firm, precise movements

Confused  -Tilting head with narrowed eyes  -A furrowed brow  -Shrugging

Contempt/Superiority  -Lifted chin (The better to look down the nose.)  -Pursed lips, sneering, slight frown  -Circling a shoulder, stretching her neck, turning away—anything to indicate she doesn’t see the person as a threat or worthy of her attention  -Grabbing her lapels, or tucking her thumbs in her waistcoat (See this clothing? It is much nicer than yours.)  -Dismissive hand-waving

Cynical/Sarcastic/Bitter  -Twisted lips or a half-smile  -Sneering, sometimes with shaking the head and other defensive body language  -Pressed lips with a slight frown  -Eye rolling

Defensive  -Crossed arms, legs, crossed anything, really (Well, maybe not fingers … or eyes …)  -Arms out, palms forward (Stop!)  -Placing anything (sword, shield, book, backpack) in front of her body

Disgusted  -Crinkling his nose  -Curling his lip and/or showing the tip of his tongue briefly  -Flinching back and interposing a shoulder or turning away  -Covering his nose, gagging, and squinting his eyes shut—hard—for a moment. (It assaults all the senses.)

Displeased  -A plastered-on fake smile (You suck; but I can’t tell you that. So here: a fake smile! Enjoy.)  -Pouting or frowning (I’ll cry if you don’t give me what I want—don’t test me, I will!)  -Crossed arms and other defensive/frustrated body language (I will not let that terrible idea influence me!)

Distressed  -Wide eyes and shallow, rapid breathing  -Beating the walls, or huddling into a corner  -Clasping hands over his head protectively  -Rocking himself  -Handwringing  -Running his hands through his hair

Earnest/Passionate  -Leaning forward, nodding, wide eyes with strong eye contact and raised eyebrows  -Hand on heart, or presented palms-up, or otherwise visible  -A double-handed handshake (really want to make sure you understand me!)

Embarrassment  -Blushing  -Stammering  -Covering her face with her hands or bowing her head (I’m so embarrassed, I can’t look!)  -Difficulty maintaining eye contact, looking down and away

Excited/Anticipation  -Rubbing hands together (I can’t wait to get my hands on it!)  -Licking lips (It’s so close I can taste it!)  -A vigorous, pumping handshake (I can’t wait to get started!)  -Jumping up and down (Look at me being literal here! I am jumping for joy.)  -A wide and easy grin

Flirty  -Eye play, like winking, looking up through the lashes, over the shoulder glances, and eye catching   -Preening, like hair flipping or smooth, clothing straightening, spine straightening, etc.  -Striking a cowboy pose, with his thumbs gripping his belt tight

Frustrated  -Shaking his head (You are so wrong!)  -Massaging temples (My brain—it hurts.)  -Clasping his wrist in his opposite hand, behind his back (Bad arm! No biscuit.)  -Running his hands through his hair (All this frustration is making my hair mussy. I can feel it.)  -Grabbing onto something like armrests, or white-knuckled interdigitation (Restrain yourself!)

Happy  -Smiling and laughing  -Eyes and nose crinkling  -Swinging her arms, spinning loosely, dancing, jumping

Impatience  -Quick head nodding (Get on with it!)  -Toe/finger tapping (Hear this? These are seconds. Wasted. Listening to you.)  -Sighing, checking the clock/sundial/freckles (Time. It is moving so slowly.)

Jealous  -Tight lips, or a sour expression  -Narrow eyes locked on the perpetrator, to the point of a stare down  -Crossed arms, and additional frustrated, angry, possessive, or bitter body language

Lying  -Scratching their nose, ear, neck, miscellaneous part of face  -Sudden change in behavior or demeanor, including shifty eye contact, lots of long blinking, shrugging -Ill-timed smiles or laughter (This is how I normally smile, right? Right???)  -Additional anxiety body language  -Shaking head no while saying “yes” (I can’t believe I just lied.)  -Licking lips, covering mouth, touching mouth, etc.

Overwhelmed  -Both palms to forehead, fingers splayed (This gives me a headache.)  -Covering eyes with one hand (If I can’t see the world, it can’t see me …)  -Eyes wide and staring into space, hands gripping the table in front of her (… Woah.)

Playful/Friendly  -Winking  -Waggling eyebrows  -Tiny shoves or nudge

Pleasure  -Head tilted back, lips parted slightly, eyes wide or closed  -Slow, languorous movements, stretching (such as arching her neck or back)  -Slight flush, quickened breath and pulse

Possessive  -Handshake with arm clasp  -Putting hands on or around someone’s shoulders, neck, waist, back, or even just the wall near them  -Standing in someone’s personal space, body positioned toward that person  -Any one-sided act of intimacy, like running a knuckle down someone’s cheek  -Staring down any who get too close

Proud/Dominant  -Chin up, chest out, shoulders back  -A painfully hard handshake that not only squishes the bones, but also forces his hand on top  -Leaning back with his hands behind his head, and his feet up  -Strong, unblinking, focused eye contact

Reluctance/Resistance  -Arms crossed, sometimes with fists (Not happening.)  -Dragging feet (But I don’t wanna!)  -Pinching nose (You want me to do what now?)  -Clamping hands over ears (La la la la!)

Sad/Upset  -Droopy body (and anything held, like a sword), bowed in shoulders, wrapping arms around self  -Slow movements with hesitation  -Bottom lip jutting out and/or quivering  -Crying, sobbing, body shaking, sniffling, wet eyes

Secretive  -A tight-lipped smile (My lips are zipped.)  -Hiding her hands in her pockets (What has it got in its nasty little pocket?)  -Looking away

Scared  -Hunched shoulders, shrinking back from others (Don’t hurt me!)  -Wide eyes and lifted eyebrows (The better to see them coming.)  -Shaking, trembling, or freezing  -Rocking from side to side, sometimes holding self (It’ll all be okay, self, it’ll all be okay.)

Shame  -Slumped shoulders (Don’t look at me.)  -Trouble meeting your gaze, looking down and away  -Burying her face in her hands or bowing her head (I can’t face the world right now.)

Shocked  -Hands covering her mouth, or mouth hanging open, sometimes with a gasp (If I had words, I would be saying them.) -Freezing and staring with wide eyes and eyebrows raised (Diverting all resources toward staring.)  -Smacking a palm into his forehead (Clearly, my head isn’t working right, or I wouldn’t have seen that)

Shy  -Avoids eye contact, or has only fleeting eye contact (Eye contact means you might speak to me.)  -Keeps a fair distance from everyone, and will back away if someone steps closer (Space invaders!)  -Folded arms, head down, and other defensive body language (If I make myself small, they can’t see me.)

Smug  -Slight, close-lipped smile (occasionally one-sided) and sometimes one raised eyebrow (I know something you don’t know.)  -Chin slightly tucked, Mona Lisa smile, raised eyebrows (I know better.)  -Finger steepling (I am so smaaaht.)

Suspicious/Skeptical/Disbelief  -Narrowed eyes, sometimes with a sidelong glance or raised eyebrow (Perhaps if I look at it out of the corner of my eye, I will catch it unawares.)  -Rubbing his eyes (I can’t believe what I’m metaphorically or literally seeing!)  -Shaking his head (I—I don’t believe it.)  -Blowing out cheeks (Well , I don’t know …)

Tired  -Rubbing his eyes, eyes staring into space, raised eyebrows (Raising my eyebrows helps keep my eyes open.)  -Yawning and/or stretching (I am tired—see? Tired! Too tired to care!)  -Almost nodding off and jerking awake (Cannot. Stay. Awa—snnnnurzzzz.)  -Gritting teeth to stay awake (Cannot—yawn—dang it!)

Thoughtfulness/Thinking  -Steepling fingers (I will think better if I center myself and focus.)  -Pinching nose, sometimes with closed eyes (Focus, focus—I just need to focus.)  -Tugging on an ear (This will help me remember!)  -Stroking a real or imaginary beard (People with beards look smart.)  -Furrowed brow, narrowed eyes, sometimes tilted head and pressing lips together (I can’t see it—I will try harder!)  -Resting his chin on his hand (Thinking makes my head heavy.)

Triumphant  -Hands clenched and held above head while grimacing (She is invincible!)  -Head tilted back with a yell (She is fierce!)  -Arm pumping in the air, jumping (Woohoo!)

Thanks for this!!!!


I Promise You

Your writing isn’t boring.

Your words aren’t meaningless.

Every letter you take the time to write has value.

Even if you think you aren’t good enough.

Even if no one reblogs.

Even if no one likes it.

You used a positive outlet to vent your creativity.

You shared your thoughts with the world.

Were your thoughts ridiculous? Epic!

Were your thoughts angsty? Fabulous!

Did you ramble for twelve paragraphs? Gorgeous!

Only a sentence or two? That’s way more than anyone expects.

Don’t be ashamed of your content or lack thereof.

Write for yourself, and love what you do.

It will be worth it.

I Promise You.


EXCERPT | Vengeance of Ink & Steel | Writer Duology #1

 TAGLIST (ask to be added/removed)


- Empire of Lumine, The Crystal Mountains - 
16 years ago…

Stop what you are doing and sink your teeth into this masterpiece


New Post on Creative Writing Blog!

Hello lovelies!

Picking a setting may be one of the first steps in worldbuilding, but soon after comes the 'dressing up' of that setting. This can be climate, architecture, or landscape, but eventually you're going to choose the time of year your story takes place in.

So, this is the first of a four-part series, talking about how you can use the seasons to emphasize the theme of your story, and help you determine the time of year that suits your story best. Hopefully, it will help clear up the fog that sometimes takes over during the writing process.

We're starting with Winter!

Please visit and subscribe!



Blog Navigation

Hey! If you’re new here, I’m Kit, I’m a 22 year old writer from the Welsh coast! I typically use She/Them pronouns, but I’ll more or less answer to anything.


  • The Darkblade Fantasy/Supernatural Cooper was a good Templar. She was trained to be the Best. The best fighter, the best leader, and the best at dying for the country she was left in, but her story doesn’t stop because her life has.   When she finds herself stranded in a now foreign country, she has no option but to join a group of adventurers on their quest to hunt down an ancient relic, and unearth a foe that has not been seen in centuries.
  • Thieves and Necromancy Fantasy/Crime Dorothy Marlow has been murdered, Dorothy Douglas has been framed. It’s up to new member Blue and the gang to clear her name. And yes, that may mean talking to the victim herself.
  • Deadline Crime/Thriller With a killer on the loose, it’s up to local drug addict Cal Laughlin-Lee and her reluctant friends to try to solve her girlfriend’s murder. Things go from bad to worse as they make themselves the new targets.Undeterred, Cal continues her investigation, but finds out more than she bargained for.
  • The Shift Sci-Fi (An adaption of the short story by ZenoMorph) Everything changed after the Shift. The world is changing. Everything is changing. Go check out the original story here!
  • The Morpheus Project sci fi/horror The year is 2084, and Morpheus is the leading developer of VR in the UK. The world has broken. Riots and looters run the streets, as government officials hide in their ivory towers. Thousands glued to their screens at home, living through simulations rather than face the reality of the current climate. Morpheus seeks to uplift their people… right? Dozens go missing with each passing day, and with it more tests, tweaks and updates to their software. Criminals are used as lab rats in their horrific mind games. Follow the lives of Felix, Emily and Elijah as they break Morpheus from the inside out. 


Check out the AO3 link, really engaging style of writing, can't wait to work out how I get it on my kindle in order to binge through this


It’s okay when a project takes longer than you thought it would. Some projects will fly. Others will take longer to blossom. Even if you’ve written a hundred stories and it’s all old hat to you, there may be some WIPs that simply need more time to brew in your mind. So don’t get discouraged if your current WIP is going slower than you want it to! ♥


Editing Junk Words

There are words that (most of the time) are best to be left out of or changed in your draft. So CTRL+F your draft and get into the nitty gritty!*

*what you keep or change is up to you and your writing style. :)


Would you rather someone say you’re very good or that you’re AMAZING. Changing “very ____” to one word usually hypes it up and gets the point across better. Check out my list of alternatives!


Good to keep some in 1st Person especially, but it can saturate your writing very quickly. So be careful! 


Can be replaced by alternatives of “very ___” in a lot of cases. More likely to appear and seem natural in 1st Person, but you do you.


Not always the bad guy, but if you need something new, check out my alternatives for “said”!

In order

“In order to achieve this plot…” can be “To achieve this plot…” and perform the same effect, if not more effectively. 


A typically casual and informal filler word. If you don’t need it or don’t feel it fits, cut it!


Works best in dialogue, not really anywhere else.


This is pretty boring and lacks intricacy IMO. Check out my alternatives for “seemed”!


Not always a junk word, but it can be. Use your discretion and focus on maintaining specificity in your work.


“Utilize” is a more pretentious version of “use”. But if it’s put in a pretentious character’s dialogue/narration and the shoe fits… utilize it.


“She got bananas” is way less interesting than “she bought bananas” or “she stole bananas” or “she harvested bananas”. The word “got” cuts out an opportunity for details/characterization. Replacing it lessens repetition as well.


Shares similarities with “seemed” and “got”. It kills a chance for more detail. Check out my alternatives for “went”!


This is a very vague word that can lower the specificity of your writing.

Reblogging because I need this. 

Don't overdo it, but there are some great tips here, the most important I am away to now use is the CTRL F. Sometimes we forget the simple things, find guff words you person ally dislike and see if you can make it flow better


The Farngorn

She could hear the horses moving restlessly. They too have felt that something was not right. She watched, straining her ears, but the wall of the forest was still and silent again. And yet her skin prickled, as if somebody were watching them. ‘Lithien?’ Legolas stirred and sat up, as alert as if he wasn’t sleeping at all. ‘What is it?’ ‘I am not sure…’ There was that sound again. A rustle of somebody moving somewhere behind the line of the trees. Legolas swiftly got to his feet. Lithien took a few more steps forward, resting her hand on the hilt of her sword.

One of the horses neighed loudly and before either of them could react, the animals pulled out the pickets that held them and bolted. Legolas ran after them, trying to coax them back. For a moment Lithien thought about joining him, but then her eyes caught movement at the edge of the forest.

Somebody was watching them. A tall, cloaked figure emerged from the darkness beneath the trees, their features obscured by the deep shadow beneath the wide hood pulled over his head.

A/N: And we have arrived! Chapter 30 is here - and I wouldn’t have happened without the support of my wonderful readers who have to live with my less than stellar posting schedule ^^’ What can I say? Life happens to the best of us. This year is what it is, however for this fic it was quite generous: I managed to find the inspiration for a few new chapters, is his 300 and then 350 kudos despite not being updated very often and 10 000 hits. And if I am tooting my own horn already - JoO is keeping it place on the first page of the tag sorted my kudos :) Nothing to not be happy about ^^

Anyway, thank you so much for all of this. You all did this, I’m just writing.

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